
Rebirth Begins with Rejecting My Childhood Friend

Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all! ============ Translation Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to this novel. I am solely responsible for the translation efforts. If you like the novel, please help me by giving a review and power stones. This series is currently being hosted on Hiraethtranslation. For advanced chapters: https://hiraethtranslation.com/novel/rebirth-begins-with-rejecting-qingmei-childhood-friend/

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305 Chs

Chapter 4: Extraordinary Cases

After coming out of the room, Xu Xiuwen took a shower, then sat on the sofa in the living room and watched TV.

There was no program on TV that he wanted to watch, so he subconsciously changed the channel.

Until I switched to the provincial news column of Shaanxi Province.

Looking at the news column of Shaanxi Province, something that had been forgotten for a long time suddenly jumped into Xu Xiuwen's mind.

"Shocked by the murders in the country!"

In the previous life, as soon as this incident was reported, it immediately appeared in major newspapers.

The criminal is a human trafficker who is hiding in XZ because he is wanted by the police.

On the day the incident occurred, the criminal happened to be near Xi'an and hid in the women's toilet by mistake, causing a heavy casualty incident that resulted in nine deaths and one injury.

From the details later disclosed by the police, it was learned that that afternoon, the criminal thought that a female student recognized him and was worried that the female student would call the police and kill him impulsively.

Xu Xiuwen was deeply impressed by this incident, because the day the incident was reported was the time when he went to Maochang Middle School to resume his studies. I was watching the midday news at noon and happened to see this report.

Xu Xiuwen remembered that the report mentioned that the incident occurred on July 3.

And today is July 2nd.

That is, tomorrow, it will happen!

And now there is less than one day left before the incident occurs!

Xu Xiuwen's first reaction was to call the police, but he immediately gave up the idea.

Because he was in Langya City and under the age of 18, he called the police and said that a wanted criminal would kill people in the women's restroom in Xi'an. There was no evidence. Which policeman would believe him?

And if the criminal cannot be caught at once, if the criminal is allowed to escape, it will only alert the enemy.

Xu Xiuwen still remembers one thing.

That is, the wanted order issued by the police clearly stated that as long as reliable clues can be provided, the police will provide a reward of 50,000 yuan.

Even if it wasn't to save people, but just to get a reward of 50,000 yuan, Xu Xiuwen couldn't just sit idly by.

Xu Xiuwen quickly made a decision, he was going to Xi'an City.

After so many years, he only remembered that it was the afternoon when the death happened, but he couldn't remember exactly what time it was.

Xu Xiuwen guessed that it may be less than 24 hours before the death occurs.

The incident occurred in Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, a thousand kilometers away from Langya, where Xu Xiuwen was located.

This is no longer an ordinary urgency.

Xu Xiuwen didn't dare to delay at all. He immediately ran to his mother's room, took 1,000 yuan from the cabinet where the money was hidden, and then hurriedly left the house.

Xu Xiuwen packed a thousand yuan and went straight to the train station ticket office.

He was lucky, there happened to be a bus departing from Jinling, passing through Langya, bound for Xi'an.

The train from Jinling to Xi'an departed from Jinling South Station at 19:00 on July 2 and arrived at Langya North Station at exactly 20:00.

The seat tickets were sold out, so Xu Xiuwen bought a standing ticket and got on the train before eight o'clock.

After getting on the train, Xu Xiuwen breathed a sigh of relief.

The trains in 2005 were basically all slow trains. Crowded, noisy, and unpleasant smells accompanied the entire journey.

At 11 a.m. on July 3, the train arrived at Xi'an Station.

Xu Xiuwen was exhausted at this time.

It had been many years since he had taken an old-fashioned train, and he had never bought a station ticket. It was not a pleasant experience to stand on the train that night.

Fortunately, he is young and strong now. If it were him more than ten years later, he would definitely not be able to get up now.

After getting off the train, Xu Xiuwen stood at the exit of Xi'an Railway Station and had a different feeling.

Xi'an Railway Station has a very strong historical atmosphere. The two large red characters "Xi'an" on the top of the station building give people a sense of peace of mind.

Not far from the big red characters is a conspicuous white clock with two hands, one long and one short, guiding the comings and goings of countless people, helping them find their way home and where they want to go.

Coming out of the train station square, it is very lively outside. The stalls and vendors are selling a variety of snacks and delicacies, as well as selling some small items. The variety is dazzling.

Xu Xiuwen was not here for tourism, so he naturally did not have the time or mood to carefully experience the cultural scenery of Xi'an.

After leaving the train station, it was already 11:10.

Xu Xiuwen went straight to the newsstand outside the station and soon found the newspaper that published the wanted order.

The newspaper published a photo of the trafficker. She was a middle-aged woman about forty years old, with a very ordinary appearance, the kind of appearance that could never be found again once she blended in with the crowd.

The only distinctive feature is a black mole the size of a red bean on the woman's neck.

Xu Xiuwen kept the woman's appearance firmly in his mind, and immediately took a taxi to Xi'an No. 1 Middle School without daring to delay.

On the way, the taxi driver could tell from his accent that Xu Xiuwen was not a local, and he spoke enthusiastically, but Xu Xiuwen didn't understand at all.

When Xu Xiuwen arrived at the gate of Xi'an No. 1 Middle School, there were parents picking up their children outside the school gate.

It was already 11:30.

Xu Xiuwen knew that the wanted criminal was most likely among these parents at the moment. He didn't dare to move around for fear of alerting the enemy, and the other party had a gun on him. If he provoked the other party, he would shoot and kill directly, with disastrous consequences.

Xu Xiuwen calmly walked to a place with a better view and used his peripheral vision to look for the wanted criminal.

But there were too many parents, and it was too difficult to accurately find wanted criminals among so many middle-aged women, so he quickly gave up on this stupid method.

Suddenly an idea flashed in his mind.

Since the incident happened in the women's restroom, he could go to the restroom in advance and stay with her.

There is naturally more than one toilet in Xi'an No. 1 Middle School, but since the victims are students, there is a high probability that it is the toilet in the teaching building.

Xi'an No. 1 Middle School implements a semi-closed management. Except for school at noon and evening, outsiders are not allowed to enter during the rest of the time.

But Xu Xiuwen thought that he could pretend to be a student, so he ran to the guard and told him that he was a student in Class 2 and had overslept today.

Xu Xiuwen looked at the guard nervously, worried that he would not let him go. As a result, although the guard uncle was surprised that he had just come now, he had no doubts.

After all, in the mind of the guard uncle, only students want to run out of the school, and no students want to get into the school.

Xu Xiuwen secretly thought he was lucky. After entering the school, he immediately ran towards the teaching building.

There are three teaching buildings in Xi'an No. 1 Middle School. Xu Xiuwen went straight to the first teaching building closest to the school gate.

The toilet is also easy to find, located in the southeast corner of the first floor of the teaching building.

When Xu Xiuwen came to the women's restroom, there happened to be no one there.

Xu Xiuwen didn't know if there were students in the toilet, so he chose to wait for an extra five minutes.

Seeing that no students came out for 5 minutes, Xu Xiuwen sneaked into the women's restroom.

Xu Xiuwen stepped into the door of the women's restroom with his front foot, and the get out of class bell rang with his back foot.

Xu Xiuwen was startled by the ringing, his whole body trembled, and his feet subconsciously sped up a bit.

After entering the women's restroom, before Xu Xiuwen could see the structure of the women's restroom clearly, by coincidence, the door of the last restroom cubicle opened, and a female student without a school uniform walked out of the cubicle!

By the time Xu Xiuwen saw the girl's appearance clearly, he was already unable to hide.

However, he had forgotten to hide, and he just stood there like a wooden chicken!

Xu Xiuwen's pupils enlarged violently, and he was extremely shocked!

It wasn't because he bumped into a female student in the women's restroom, but because he happened to know the person he bumped into!

"Cheng Lu!" Xu Xiuwen blurted out the girl's name in surprise.

He never imagined that he would see Cheng Lu in the women's toilet of Xi'an No. 1 Middle School!