

Hao Shen was currently looking at the Natural Fire Weapon in front of him, weapons like these were known as the best weapon on the whole Dou Qi Continent, it was said that none was seen in the last five hundred years, Hao Shen was indeed extremely lucky to be able to find one.

Hao Shen started to walk toward the Natural Fire Weapon, he could feel the Fire Dou Qi around him becoming purer as he was approaching the Natural Fire Weapon, once he was ten meters away from the weapon he looked at it, the Natural Fire Weapon seemed to be less than six months old, it means that there was no Weapon's Spirit for the moment, this was the best time to bind the weapon to himself.

Hao Shen was just in front of the Natural Fire Weapon, the method used to bind such weapons was a little different, one had to condense a high quantity of Fire Dou Qi and fuse it with a drop of Blood Essence, that would create a drop of Fire Blood Essence, after that one had to infuse it inside of the weapon and cultivate beside it for two straight days, after this ritual was completed, the Natural Fire Weapon would be bonded to the user.

Hao Shen sat in meditation and began to condense his Fire Dou Qi, it was actually pretty easy thanks to his current location, in less than twenty minutes he had condensed a sufficient quantity of Fire Dou Qi and he started to fuse it with a drop of his Blood Essence.

This part was the most dangerous, one had to find an equilibrium between the Blood Essence and the Fire Dou Qi. If the fusion became unstable, there was a high risk of heavy injuries, if Hao Shen received such an injury it would take him at least four months to recover since it was an injury directly at the deepest part of his bloodline.

Hao Shen was very careful during the fusion, after an hour, the fusion was completed and the drop of Fire Blood Essence was created.

Hao Shen started to meditate to restore his used Dou Qi, thanks to the Natural Fire Weapon's Dou Qi attraction he was able to restore it in less than an hour.

Hao Shen stood up and used his hand to touch the Natural Fire Weapon, it was very hot due to the fact that it was absorbing Fire Dou Qi, Hao Shen used his Fire Blood Essence and sent it in the Natural Fire Weapon, the Fire Blood Essence was quickly absorbed by the Natural Fire Weapon and Hao Shen felt a weak link establishing between him and the Natural Fire Weapon.

Once this step was done, he took the Natural Fire Weapon from where it was and sat done in cultivation, information flashed in his mind while he started to cultivate, it was a method to cultivate and strengthen the link between him and the Natural Fire Weapon, using this method he would be able to become the master of the weapon after two full days of cultivation.

The first ten hours passed quickly, the Fire Dou Qi that Hao Shen absorbed was not much in quantity because most of it was going to the Natural Fire Weapon, but the quality of the Fire Dou Qi he absorbed was at least comparable to the one he would absorb if he used a Di Class High-Level Dou Qi Method to cultivate, this made his cultivation rise very quickly, the second effect was that his Dou Qi was purified thus solidifying his foundation.

After a day had passed Hao Shen's Dou Qi began to move around his meridians according to the Star-Fire Revolution Mantra, Hao Shen was beginning to have his breakthrough to the Dou Shi realm, it would take him at least nine months if he didn't encounter the Natural Fire Weapon, but thanks to it he was able to absorb an extremely pure Fire Dou Qi, which reduced the time needed.

Ten more hours passed and Hao Shen was still in the midst of his breakthrough. If he could complete his breakthrough before the two days limit he would be able to shorten the time he needed to link himself to the weapon.

After four more hours passed, Hao Shen's body began to leak a huge quantity of Fire Dou Qi, Hao Shen began to divert his attention to his breakthrough, he started to revolve his Dou Qi around his body completing cycle after cycle of cultivation, the purer Fire Dou Qi went back toward his dantian while the impure Fire Dou Qi was expulsed from his body.

Two more hours passed when suddenly a huge wave of heat came out of Hao Shen's body, a huge explosion like sound resonated inside of Hao Shen's body, while a Dou Qi Cloak began to form around him.

Hao Shen just had his breakthrough and he officially became a 1-star Dou Shi realm practitioner, he now had the ability to battle with practitioners up to the peak of the 9- star Dou Shi realm.

Thanks to his breakthrough the remaining time needed to solidify his bound with the Natural Fire Weapon was also reduced, he thus finished the refining of the Natural FIre Weapon at the exact same time as his breakthrough.

Hao Shen solidified his cultivation for an hour, after he finished he stood up.

'Sigh, I finally finished refining this weapon, now that I did it, the Weapon's Spirit that will be created in less than five months will also become my ally.' Hao Shen was very excited about the birth of the Weapon's Spirit because it was said that as they grew up they were able to remember the memories of other Natural Fire Weapons' Spirit who were born before them.

'Alright, I should go outside now that I have the Natural Fire Weapon, this place will fall into ruins soon since it was created by the Natural Fire Weapon.' Hao Shen began to go back toward the outside world.

Second and last chapter today.

Help me find some names for the Weapon if you have some ideas.

As Always, Thanks for reading this chapter

YeChenZhicreators' thoughts