
Rebirth: Back to 1991 to Become the Richest Man

Returning to 1991, confronted with an era where golden opportunities lay everywhere, Chen Jianghai swore that in this lifetime, he would live for just three words: Lin Wanqiu! This is the tale of a reborn individual who forged an electrical empire and ascended to the pinnacle of life. For announcements or to report mistakes, please join my Discord: https://discord.gg/2sZy2YcYSB

Grand_Etudes · Urban
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76 Chs

Chapter 31: Have You Two Split Up Yet?

TL: Etude

If this had happened before, Chen Jianghai would surely have bristled at these words.

Even cursing outright wouldn't have been out of the ordinary for him.

Xue Chunli also found it odd; Chen Jianghai had visited several times, and each time she could hardly scold him before he would start to argue and turn against her.

What was going on today? She had been speaking for a while, and Chen Jianghai was just like a mute, not uttering a single word.

No, that wasn't right. This kid was clearly putting on a pitiful act, trying to make my daughter feel guilty and tie her down securely!

It had to be said, Xue Chunli's imagined scenario was quite melodramatic.

Seeing Chen Jianghai remain silent, Xue Chunli shifted her firepower to Lin Jianguo.

"Why have you turned mute? Can't speak anymore?"

Faced with his wife's interrogation, Lin Jianguo dared not even breathe heavily, only managing to look at Xue Chunli with a helpless expression.

His demeanor was quite comical.

But whether it was Chen Jianghai or Lin Wanqiu, under such circumstances, neither could actually laugh, and they could only hold it in desperately, their faces turning somewhat red.

The couple exchanged a knowing look and simply chose to keep silent.

Lin Jianguo whispered, "He really did clean up, if you don't believe me, take a look for yourself!"

"Lin Jianguo!"

Xue Chunli shouted angrily, "What are you trying to do? Was it just a cigarette that bought you off? I want to see for myself, this cleaning you speak of, just how well it was done!"

In Xue Chunli's eyes, Chen Jianghai was not the type to do any work.

Under these circumstances, Lin Jianguo didn't dare to say another word, only bowing his head as if he heard nothing.

Xue Chunli, fuming, walked into the courtyard and saw that it was tidy and clean, at a loss for what to say.

At this very moment, Lin Jianguo actually came up on his own.

"See, I told you it's been cleaned, you just wouldn't believe it."

Looking at Lin Jianguo's manner, Xue Chunli grew even angrier.

She planted her hands on her hips and bellowed, "Then why are you still here? Isn't the matchmaker coming today? Haven't you gone to see where she is yet?"

Upon hearing this from Xue Chunli, Lin Jianguo began to walk away while saying, "Okay, okay, I'm going now, right now."

He was fearful of Xue Chunli continuing to scold him.

In this way, he would lose all face in front of Chen Jianghai.

Hearing Xue Chunli say this, the usually calm Chen Jianghai's face showed a slight change.

In his previous life, he had no memory of anything related to the matchmaker.

But now, seeing his wife's anxious look, he quickly caught on.

That time, he hadn't returned with Lin Wanqiu to her mother's home.

He later had no idea how Lin Wanqiu managed to suppress the matter so that he was unaware of what exactly had happened during that visit to her mother's home...

Lin Wanqiu bit her lip, saying somewhat indignantly, "Mom, what are you talking about?"

"Well, Chen Jianghai, I'll be straight with you. My husband and I have discussed this, and it's not working out between you two, better to get a divorce quickly and give Wanqiu a chance at a new life!"

Xue Chunli, her temper flaring, no longer held back and said directly, looking towards Chen Jianghai.

"Mom, I disagree!"

Lin Wanqiu objected on the spot.

"Shut up, you don't get a say here!"

Xue Chunli glared fiercely at her daughter, adopting the tone of the head of the household, and with a serious expression, she turned to Chen Jianghai, "Chen Jianghai, if you're a man, state your position!"

"My wife doesn't agree, so naturally, I don't agree either."

Chen Jianghai spoke slowly.

At that moment, seeing his wife's resolute attitude, he was sure that Lin Wanqiu must have forcibly suppressed the issue.

He felt a wave of emotion in his heart.

Xue Chunli's face was filled with a scornful smile, her gaze disdainful as she looked at him, "Chen Jianghai, the dowry that your family gave, we'll return it all to you when Wanqiu remarries."

"Mom, please don't say anymore, I beg you, stop talking."

With her eyes brimming red, Lin Wanqiu pleaded, tears already streaming uncontrollably down her beautiful cheeks.

Seeing her daughter cry, Xue Chunli felt a bit reluctant to continue, but still she bit the bullet and said firmly, "Girl, do you still have any hope for your life if you follow him? Your mom and I have been a burden for the first half of your life; we can't let you suffer in the second half!"

Hearing this, Chen Jianghai, who was originally indignant, let out a silent sigh.

His in-laws were only thinking of their daughter; they had no other selfish motives. The slight anger in his heart dissipated like smoke in the wind.

"Mom, you're considering what's best for Wanqiu; I don't blame you. But rest assured, from now on, I will always treat Wanqiu well and won't let her suffer anymore," Chen Jianghai declared earnestly.

Upon hearing this, Xue Chunli's face was filled with scorn as she retorted, "Give me a break, with the way you are, do you really think you're capable of doing that?"

"Mom, Jianghai has really changed, he won't be like before anymore," Lin Wanqiu quickly added.

Xue Chunli turned to look at Lin Wanqiu, grabbed her hand, and advised her with deep sincerity, "Daughter, be sensible, don't be fooled by him again!"

At that moment, Lin Wanqiu felt truly desperate.

Because no matter what she said, her mother simply wouldn't listen.

Thinking this, Lin Wanqiu's tears started flowing once again.

The misunderstanding of her family left her feeling helpless.

Just then, Chen Jianghai came to Lin Wanqiu's side, took her into his arms, and wiped away her tears, comforting her, "Wanqiu, don't cry, it's going to be okay."

However, the person in front of him was Lin Wanqiu's mother, and although Chen Jianghai felt annoyed, he was momentarily at a loss.

Xue Chunli glanced at Chen Jianghai with disdain and continued, "Do you know the Lin family next door? Their daughter married into a good family, and their life is flourishing. Now, look at your husband, in what way can he compare?"

"Wanqiu, listen to your mother, don't be so stubborn."

At this time, Lin Jianguo came in with someone.

"Wife, the matchmaker is here, the matchmaker is here!" Lin Jianguo exclaimed excitedly, as if seeking praise.

At this moment, Chen Jianghai, who was holding Lin Wanqiu, had his back to Lin Jianguo and naturally could not see who had arrived.

"Where's your daughter? I've already spoken with the man's family; it's just your side left to agree. Is it settled?" the matchmaker asked upon entering.

Hearing this voice, Chen Jianghai felt it was familiar but couldn't immediately recall who it was.

"Stop crying! Aren't you embarrassed?" Xue Chunli scolded softly.

Chen Jianghai also gently stroked Lin Wanqiu's back, whispering, "Wanqiu, I can't bear to let you go. I'm still waiting for you to give me a healthy baby boy."

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, Lin Wanqiu couldn't help but punch him playfully and then burst into a mixture of tears and laughter.

But then, feeling that something was amiss, she turned her head away, refusing to look at Chen Jianghai again.

The matchmaker's brow furrowed at this scene.

"Aren't you the one who said your daughter's marriage was unhappy and she wanted a divorce? Does this look like a couple about to split up?"

Xue Chunli, her face awash with embarrassment, quickly replied, "My daughter is just foolish, deceived by him! Her man is good-for-nothing, relying on my daughter to support him. What use is such a spineless man?"

Hearing Xue Chunli's words, the matchmaker took a deep look at Chen Jianghai, who had his back to her, and nodded in agreement, "If that's the case, they definitely should divorce, to save the girl from misery."

Hearing the matchmaker agree so readily, Chen Jianghai, who had been holding back his anger, suddenly found a target for his frustration.