
Rebirth: Back to 1991 to Become the Richest Man

Returning to 1991, confronted with an era where golden opportunities lay everywhere, Chen Jianghai swore that in this lifetime, he would live for just three words: Lin Wanqiu! This is the tale of a reborn individual who forged an electrical empire and ascended to the pinnacle of life. For announcements or to report mistakes, please join my Discord: https://discord.gg/2sZy2YcYSB

Grand_Etudes · Urban
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76 Chs

Chapter 30: Inseparable?

TL: Etude

"Alright, Wanqiu, stop lying to Mom. With Chen Jianghai's behavior, can he even make money?"

Xue Chunli naturally didn't believe it and said with displeasure.

Lin Wanqiu hurriedly said, "Mom, what I'm saying is true. Jianghai has actually been learning how to repair home appliances all this time, and now he can fix radios and televisions, he can really earn money!"

She didn't know that Chen Jianghai could even repair expensive refrigerators and air conditioners because she had never seen him do it.

Even so, it was enough for her.

Because the money that Chen Jianghai earned was there, and money doesn't lie.

"Enough, enough, stop making excuses for him. What's the point?"

Hearing her daughter defending Chen Jianghai incessantly, Xue Chunli's tone clearly carried a tinge of displeasure.

Lin Wanqiu sighed softly in her heart, knowing that if the conversation continued, it would certainly end unpleasantly, so she bit her lip and said no more.

Xue Chunli looked at Lin Wanqiu, who was silently busy, hesitated for a moment, then suddenly said, "Wanqiu, your father and I have thought about it for a long time, and we think you should divorce him and find someone else!"


Lin Wanqiu stood up abruptly, asking incredulously, "Mom, what do you mean by this?"

Xue Chunli obviously didn't expect such a strong reaction from her daughter and gave Lin Wanqiu a puzzled look before continuing:

"Your father and I found a matchmaker and have matched you with another man. His family has a small western-style house, and the family conditions are very good. If you divorce and marry him, you will definitely be happy, and your father and I are also looking forward to holding a grandchild sooner!"

"Mom, what are you talking about!"

Lin Wanqiu was so anxious that she stamped her foot.

"What am I talking about? Of course, good things!"

Xue Chunli said a bit angrily, "Your parents are thinking of your best interest! If you continue to be with this Chen Jianghai, you'll ruin your life! While you don't have children, you should divorce quickly, it's better sooner rather than later!"

Lin Wanqiu hurriedly argued, "Mom! Jianghai has really changed, he's really working hard and earning money now!"

"With his behavior, don't I know him?"

Xue Chunli sneered, obviously disbelieving. "There's a proverb that goes: 'A dog can't stop himself from eating shit,' and it's about people like him!"

Lin Wanqiu felt somewhat helpless.

She also knew very well that it wasn't easy to change a person's ingrained image.

Hadn't she herself taken some time to gradually believe in Chen Jianghai's change?

It seemed that convincing her parents to change their minds would also take time.

Let time and facts prove what she said!

"Alright, Mom, let's not talk about this today, to avoid upsetting sister when she comes back."

Lin Wanqiu knew that there was no point in continuing the conversation and simply chose to end the topic.

Hearing Lin Wanqiu's words, Xue Chunli sighed. "Your parents know they have wronged you. You've been with Chen Jianghai for several years, and even if it was to repay a favor, it's done. You should think about yourself. This concerns the rest of your life, make sure you think it through, otherwise you'll definitely regret it."

Xue Chunli wiped away her tears.

Lin Wanqiu kept her head down and did not speak.

She just wanted to live an honest life with Chen Jianghai, so divorce was out of the question.

Seeing her daughter like this, Xue Chunli felt both angry and hateful.

What kind of love potion had Chen Jianghai given her daughter?

This silly girl was so blindly devoted to him?



After cleaning the yard, Chen Jianghai came over to Lin Jianguo and took out a pack of Hongtashan cigarettes.

"Dad, want one?" Chen Jianghai pulled one out and offered it to Lin Jianguo.

If it had been anything else, Lin Jianguo would definitely not have taken it, but as a lifelong smoker, he simply couldn't refuse.

He hesitated for a moment but still took the cigarette.

It was just a cigarette, nothing more.

Chen Jianghai watched as Lin Jianguo took the cigarette, a smug satisfaction hidden within his heart.

This father-in-law was a heavy smoker; catering to his likes was sure to break the current tense atmosphere.

Chen Jianghai had come to Lin Wanqiu's home with the intention to mend relationships.

As for Lin Wanqiu's parents, Chen Jianghai had decided to tackle them one by one.

Although it was impossible to mend the relationship immediately, changing the old couple's impression of him was entirely feasible.

He was willing to invest considerable thought and time into this matter because it would please Lin Wanqiu.

Chen Jianghai quickly took out a match, struck it, and extended it towards Lin Jianguo.

Lin Jianguo hesitated for a moment, gave Chen Jianghai a look, but ultimately leaned in to light his cigarette.

The young man had made himself so amiable, it wouldn't be proper for Lin Jianguo to refuse outright.

Afterward, the two men began to puff clouds of smoke, yet not a word was spoken between them.

Just then, a woman walked by outside.

Her tall figure, her proud chest, her swaying walk was so mesmerizing that it was hard to take one's eyes off her.

It seemed that Chen Jianghai and Lin Jianguo were both fixated on the woman until she disappeared from their view.

After the woman left, Chen Jianghai and Lin Jianguo's gazes met, and both revealed an understanding smile.

Lin Jianguo quickly realized, why did it seem like he was getting along so well with Chen Jianghai?

With this thought, Lin Jianguo immediately dropped his smile and gave Chen Jianghai a stern glare.

Chen Jianghai didn't mind; he continued to slowly smoke, the hint of a smile still playing on his lips.

The first step in winning over his father-in-law was a success.

Country women are always diligent; it wasn't even noon, and Xue Chunli and her daughter had already prepared a table of quite generous dishes.

Xue Chunli placed the food in the pot to keep it warm, then said to Lin Wanqiu, "Go on out and wait!"

Lin Wanqiu didn't say anything, simply stood up, and walked outside.

She had been away for a while and was somewhat worried about Chen Jianghai.

Upon entering the room, Lin Wanqiu was surprised to find her father and Chen Jianghai sitting together, smoking; the scene was harmoniously indescribable.

At this moment, Lin Wanqiu was utterly confused.

What on earth had happened while she was in the kitchen?

Xue Chunli, who was in the kitchen, also came out and was equally curious upon seeing this scene.

"Old Lin, what are you doing? Have you cleaned the yard?" Xue Chunli asked sternly.

Lin Jianguo hurriedly stood up and pointed at Chen Jianghai, "I had already asked him to clean it."

"What's the use of asking him?"

Xue Chunli's temper flared up, "With his lazy bones, is it useful to ask him to do anything?"

Lin Jianguo was about to explain when Xue Chunli cut him off.

"Lin Jianguo, can you be a bit smarter? Can't you be more diligent? Isn't it enough that I've suffered with you all these years!" Xue Chunli's voice raised a notch.

It seemed as though Xue Chunli was scolding Lin Jianguo, but anyone could hear that these words were intended for Chen Jianghai.

Hearing her mother speak this way, Lin Wanqiu became anxious, fearing that Chen Jianghai would be displeased.

But Chen Jianghai just smiled slightly after listening, saying nothing.

Before coming, Chen Jianghai had said that he was just here for a meal and would not conflict with the elders.

Seeing Chen Jianghai maintaining his silence and not responding as he would have in the past, Lin Wanqiu secretly breathed a sigh of relief and felt a pang of heartache at the same time.

That Chen Jianghai could go to such lengths for her proved that his change was truly profound.


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