
Rebirth as a Vampire

Bullied for his whole life, Rin, a Japanese high schooler dies saving the girl he likes. Due to his selflessness, God pitties him and gives him another chance at life... As a reincarnated vampire in a fantasy world Rin decides to become strong so he doesn't die again. Follow Rin on his journeys and struggles through his new life. *Author note* Having fun while writting this one so give it a chance and maybe you might like it too. *Cover art is not mine. Full credit to the creator*

dipforthechips · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

The escape

Waking up I dismissed the explosive mines I had set up around me. My mana had fully recovered and I was now ready to continue fighting.

After waking up I felt even more hungry. If I didn't eat soon it might actually start being painful. "This body must be starved. That's why I'm so scrawny" I said realising the reason for my look. Perhaps after eating my body would regain its natural form instead of this skinny body.

Moving through the icey cave, many more undead were killed. This level was truly unending. Eventually, everything began to look similar. Almost like I had already seen it 10 times over. But that was impossible since the floor had only one way forward.

It continued like this for hours, then days. I still hadn't come across a boss room. Since entering this floor I had gained an extra 6 levels.

I had felt hungry for a while, ever since I woke up in this cave. However soon enough my hunger began to become too much. I felt like some type of primal instinct was starting to take over. almost like I was losing myself to the hunger. While water hadn't been a problem, food was. Or perhaps blood was the problem.

I tried drinking the blood from my own blood magic attacks, however, this didn't work. The blood burnt my mouth. Not in a painful way, but instead in a discomforting one. The blood couldn't fix my hunger.

Knowing the only way I could eat was to escape this unending cave, I continue moving onwards. Countless undead fell to my blade and magic. With my current level of 23, I was easily taking out whole groups of skeletons.


Three days later and I had reached the end. The boss room was right in front of me. I was now level 26. There was no way that this boss could beat me.

I had no thoughts, no words to say. I simply opened the doors and entered. I was so hungry.

The boss was a frost lich. He seemed strong but not as strong as me.

"Twin fireball, twin fireball, twin fireball, twin fireball, twin dark arrow," I screamed in pain from the hunger. A barrage of spells flew towards the boss. Every spell hit, tearing up the arena and sending the frost lich flying backwards.

The lich stood up and began its own spells. Countless spells flew towards me, but I dodged every one of them.

I returned with countless fireballs, leaving a trail of destruction wherever I aimed.

The lich was definitely strong but soon enough I overpowered it. Since this floor wasn't designed for a reincarnator who levels fast, the countless enemies only served to make the boss easier. The lich couldn't keep up with my endless volleys of explosive magic. The lich had fallen.

[level up x 2: dungeon boss defeated (+20 stat points]

[You have cleared floor 15/15: Spellbook of the fallen ice mage received. +2 levels (+20 stat points)]

I couldn't think so I walked to his body, still as hungry as before. I didn't care too much about his loot so I just put his whole body and loot into my inventory.

I then proceeded to the exit door of the boss room. As I touched the door a magic circle appeared on it and immediately the room flashed with white light, blinding me temporarily.


I was outside. I was free. Except I wasn't. Instead, I was a prisoner to my own hunger.

I had been teleported to an open grass field with rolling hills and few trees. Off in the distance, I could see a village.

"This could be my meal," I thought to myself. But could I really kill a person. Either way, I no longer had control over my actions.

I had already begun running towards it. With each step, my hunger growing. There is nothing I can do now.

No matter what I tried my hunger only overpowered it. This is what it means to be a vampire. Uncontrollable blood lust.

I continued running in the direction of the village. It seemed to be not too much further.

It looked like I couldn't stop this. Like there was no hope left. But right at that moment, I heard a voice coming from behind a small hill.

"Blood," I said without thought. I instantly changed directions from the village to the sounds I had heard. As I got closer the voices became louder.

"Boys today is the day. Today we will become rich by robbing those villagers blind. We won't leave a thing behind. Start getting ready now," said one voice.

This voice was followed by cheers from a few other men. From what I could tell there were 10 bandits. Perhaps this was God giving me luck.

As I realised that these people weren't good at all, I stopped any further attempts to hold back. Everything went black. The only thing I could hear was the screams of men, swords clashing and the sound of flesh being torn.

Although I couldn't see anything, I had a good idea of what was happening. I was a passenger in my own body.

Soon the screams stopped and I felt myself drinking something warm. It tasted like iron. I didn't hate the taste, however. It was definitely blood.

[Bloodline unlocking: 1%, 1.1%]

The blood went down my throat, only stopping when changing bodies to drink from.

While drinking the blood I felt my body gaining some strength. Perhaps I was using vampiric drain while drinking the blood.

[Vampiric drain: +7 stat points]

The system answered my question right away. But it wasn't just that. It felt like I was more energetic like I was regaining control.

My vision began to become more blurry than black. This is good. I could stop now if I wanted, but I didn't. I just kept drinking. These men didn't deserve to live in the first place.

[Vampiric Drain: +3 stat points]

I now had full control back, my vision was normal once again and I no longer felt that extreme hunger.

Looking around I saw a horrifying scene. Blood was everywhere. The men here had been slaughtered and drained of blood. Their supplies had been scattered in the battle which had occurred in my hungered state.

I stood up from my crouched down position and began looking around further. There were no survivors, but there were some supplies.

As I opened each crate of supplies, nothing piqued my interest. That was until I found a box full of jewellery. If I could sell this I might receive a lot of money. Although I didn't know anything of currency in this world, I could assume this wasn't cheap. I placed the box into my inventory and moved on.

After all of the boxes had been searched, I looked to the village in the distance. I cleaned off my face and body using water from the bandits' supplies, then continued towards the village.

My armour was currently feeling a little tight. Previously it was extremely loose because of my skinny body. Looking down at my arm I took off a piece of armour. To my surprise, I was no longer skinny but instead muscular. "Wow, so this is the result of feeding on blood. My normal body state has returned" I thought to myself.

In addition when I took my mask off and felt my face I could feel that it was now filled out. I didn't know what I looked like but at least it wasn't skinny like before. Also, I could feel fangs in my mouth. They had grown and we're now visible.

Along my way, I encountered multiple animals. This world seemed to be somewhat similar to earth. The landscape was the same and the animals I had seen also looked the same.

"I wonder what civilisation will look like," I thought internally, dreaming about a massive medieval city. Perhaps my dreams may come true. I hoped they would.

I kept on moving through the plains until I reached the village. It was a medieval-styled village. The village was small with around 13 houses and a few other buildings. The buildings were simple wood houses with thatch roofs. The village was surrounded by farmlands full of crops and animals. As I entered the village I saw people working the fields and walking around the streets.

Hoping they could speak a language I knew, I walked up to the closest person. A tall man with a slightly fat yet muscular physic, a kind face and crimson red hair, all dressed up in some shabby clothes.

I only knew how to speak Japanese and English and so I hoped they could also speak one of the two. If not, then that would be a big problem.

The first one I tried was Japanese. "hello my name is Rin," I said with a wave of my hand. However, the man gave me a funny look. It seemed that he couldn't understand a single word I said.

"I'm sorry but do you speak the common language?" he asked with a still confused face.

"So it's English. I am lucky once again," I thought to myself thankfully. I then replied to the man, "Sorry, yes I can. My name is Rin, I am just travelling through here."

My idea was to gain some knowledge of the world and to buy a map from someone. Although I could use my systems map, the map only showed me a small area around me. Thus it wasn't of any use to me at the moment.

"Please to meet you, Mr Rin, I am James. I have heard names like yours come from the east. Is there anything you need from us?" he asked with a smile. The man was kind and polite.

Perhaps it was because he was scared of how I looked. But I wore a mask. Or maybe the mask was the problem. Either way, I couldn't take the mask off because of my fangs.

"Actually I was wondering if anyone could sell me a map... Also, I have come from another nation, so if anyone can help inform me about this nation, I would pay well" I said, bringing a single gold ring with a red gem from my inventory. I did so from under my robes.

When the man saw the ring his face lit up with surprise. As I had thought, this jewellery was in fact expensive.

"I know the right people so please follow me Mr Rin." the man said before turning around and gesturing me to follow.
