
Rebirth as a Vampire

Bullied for his whole life, Rin, a Japanese high schooler dies saving the girl he likes. Due to his selflessness, God pitties him and gives him another chance at life... As a reincarnated vampire in a fantasy world Rin decides to become strong so he doesn't die again. Follow Rin on his journeys and struggles through his new life. *Author note* Having fun while writting this one so give it a chance and maybe you might like it too. *Cover art is not mine. Full credit to the creator*

dipforthechips · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Clearing the Dungeon pt2

I began laying down the explosive traps in the vicinity around me. These would be my defensive wall.

"Now to start... Twin fireball, twin fireball, twin fireball, twin fireball" I yelled and eight balls of fire sped towards the undead knight.


When the fireballs hit the skeleton a loud explosion could be heard. The explosion sent dust into the air and caused extreme heat within the boss room. The fireballs left a lingering fire that blazed with extreme heat.

Soon enough the skeleton knight exited the fire. He was clearly damaged, just over a third of his health bar was empty.

The skeleton crackled and all of a sudden a bone spear flew out towards me hitting me in the stomach.

I hadn't expected him to use magic since he was a knight. It was painful but not unbearable. My health hadn't been damaged by much.

The skeleton knight continued with his spells as he began his charge towards me. In total hitting me twice more with bone spears. Luckily I had increased my vitality as my health bar still sat above his.

As he approached I cast the bone spikes spell causing bone spikes to rise from the ground. Since the skeleton had no flesh, however, they did minimal damage. I cast the spell two more times finally lowering the skeleton to half of its total health.

It was now in front of me and the explosive traps began to work sending it backwards every time it stood on one.

"Twin blood slash" I yelled and six sharpened lines of blood flew out towards the knight. All of them hit causing immense amounts of damage.

Nevertheless, the skeleton kept charging finally making it to me. As he did, he swung his sword at my head.

I ducked and as I stood back up with a spring, I brought my sword upwards with me, cutting off one of his arms. "Surely he can't swing his great sword with only one hand" I hoped internally. I had planned on damaging one of his arms to make it harder for him to attack.

To my surprise, however, the skeleton knight lifted the greatsword above his head, continuing the aggressive attack on me. He brought the sword down on my shoulder so fast that I couldn't dodge.

Blood sprayed into the air as my arm fell off at the shoulder. "Shit ahhh," I screamed in pain. He had completely butchered my arm and successfully lowered my health to half.

I couldn't let him get the better of me so I activated my skills again.

[skill activated: strong bones (+10 strength)]

[skill activated: light feet (40% agility increase)]

Immediately I shot off to the knight's side and put all my strength into the next blow. in addition, I imbued the mages sword with dark energy. The sword met the knight's side armour crushing the iron plating and sending it flying across the room.

Its health was now extremely low, all I needed to do was deal one more hard hit.

This time I imbued the sword with blood magic and shot towards the skeleton with all my force. I was in front of it in an instant.

Bringing the mages sword on a downwards angle I cut through the skeleton's shoulder and cut it in half. It fell to the ground in defeat.

[Boss killed: Level up (+10 stat points)]

[Level up: you freed the cursed soul of a past reincarnator. Since you are also a reincarnator, you have completed the special requirements. (+10 +5 stat points)]

"Huh? So this guy was also reincarnated. I wonder how he died... Is being reincarnated normal in this world?" I began wondering as crouched down next to its corpse.

I placed the armour into my inventory and then the sword. An analysis showed nothing other than a 10% resistance to all magic on the armour. However, that in itself was pretty good.

Cracking open the skull I picked up the core and began draining it.

[skill activated: vampiric drain]

"Nothing... But it doesn't surprise me" I stated in a saddened tone. Though I wouldn't let it ruin my mood, it was still annoying.

I opened my stats screen and began allocating stat points. Since I had amassed 25 points I decided to put 5 into strength, 10 into agility and 10 into magic.

If they couldn't touch me then they couldn't harm me, was my way of thinking. Also, speed was a greater strength than pure strength itself. This is why I focused my stat points on agility.

I walked over to the exit and opened the great doors. I received a notification.

[Floor 15/15]

This was the 15th floor. The floor was cold. I felt it immediately after entering it. Perhaps this level was different to the others and had ice monsters.


As I continued through the cave I was met with the first monster. "A skeleton warrior? I thought..." I pondered out loud. This floor seems strange. I had no clue why it was so cold. The water which seeped into this level was completely frozen.

"Twin fireball," I said quietly, unleashing a small explosion upon the skeleton. The skeleton died quickly leaving only a pile of lifeless bones.

After draining the core I continued moving through the cave, killing anything which I came across.

This floor seemed to have a large number of ice mages, one of which I received a magic scroll from which contained the spell, freezing Lance. This spell, like the rest of my spells, was a tier 2/11 spell. It shot a spiked lance of ice from my hand causing mass bleed damage and a slowing effect.

I had also received the glove of ice and fire. It was a black glove. This glove would increase my resistance to fire while improving my damage with ice magic. Overall this was a very good find. I ended up equipping it straight away. While ice magic wasn't the best against skeletons, it would definitely be powerful against living creatures.

I kept moving through the cave. It seemed unending and soon enough I became tired. I needed to rest and regain my mana.

Sitting down I huddled up into a corner and covered myself with my robe. It was truly cold in here. I opened my status page and looked at my level I was currently level 16 and had 22 points to spend.

I placed 5 into strength and the rest into magic. This is when I decided to rest.

With some explosive traps set around my area, I felt safe enough to sleep. "I guess even vampires need sleep. Actually, im getting rather hungry. I hope that doesn't mean I have to drink blood," I thought to myself as I drifted off to sleep.


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