
Rebirth as a Time Dragon: A DND Chronicle

The endless, cold, hard ice fields of the far north. Winter wolves stalk, frost tigers hiss and giants roar. ......... Many creatures brave the snowy skies to fight for survival. At the same time, a white dragon hatchling with the power of time breaks out of its shell and... ----------------------- It's 1 chapter per day at 1 p.m. (Arizona) in every novel I upload. 3 daily chapters in each novel on patreon! p@treon.com/INNIT ----------------------- DISCLAIMER The story belongs entirely to the original author.

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Chapter 220: The Ancient Dragon Abducted by Garon

The moment the Avatar of the Wild God died, the darkness that permeated the surrounding space began to dissipate.

Even the dark clouds covering the sky gradually vanished, not normal weather phenomena but anomalies caused by the Avatar of the Wild God's power affecting the primary material world.

When gaps appeared in the dark clouds covering the sky,

Slivers of sunlight pierced through the gaps, shining diagonally down and illuminating the faces of every creature that had survived the ordeal.

Garon and Yuna, basking in the gentle touch of the warm sunlight, looked towards Garon and the Ancient Power Dragon.

The miniature black hole that crushed and devoured the dark serpent dragon did not dissipate after completing its task. Instead, it was constrained by the Ancient Power Dragon's power and firmly bound within its dragon claws again.

Crackling sounds of countless fine spatial rifts being born and healed circulated endlessly around the miniature black hole.

Then, the Ancient Power Dragon opened its mouth and, under Garon and Yuna's astonished gazes, slowly swallowed the miniature black hole. With the source of destruction gone, the fine spatial rifts healed in an instant under their self-repairing capabilities.


The Ancient Power Dragon patted its belly, squinting its eyes, and said in a lazy voice, "The primal force this Avatar of the Wild God had is really hard to stomach, a taste of cold death."

Garon and Yuna looked at each other in disbelief.

True to its name, the Ancient Power Dragon was fierce enough to eat anything.

The attacks launched by the dark serpent dragon, its terrible corrosiveness, were well known to Garon and Yuna.

But considering the Ancient Power Dragon was the original body that came to fight the Avatar of the Wild God, and the power it displayed was perhaps less than a tenth of its full strength, its actions seemed not so improper anymore. The gap in levels between it and the Avatar of the Wild God was vast.

At this moment, several ancient dragons from the surroundings approached.

"We, on behalf of the dragon race of Noah Continent, would like to thank the two legendary dragons."

"Hail to you, respected Time Dragon and Power Dragon."

The Ancient Gold Dragon, Lockweed, gazed at Garon and then at the Ancient Power Dragon, slightly bowing its head and speaking.

Garon and the Ancient Power Dragon nodded slightly, not saying much in their aloofness.


The Ancient Silver Dragon, Nehemiah, looked down at the gradually calming waves but now stained with streaks of glaring red in the ocean, sighing softly, "A total of one hundred and fifty-three true dragons of our race died at the hands of the primal Sun God."

The dead true dragons wouldn't float up but would sink to the ocean floor.

In this sea area, where the dragon's presence was rich, many dragon vein sea beasts would likely be born after some time, due to the proximity of the metallic dragon island, which contributed the most dragons to the battle.

The most casualties were also among the metallic dragons.

However, the five-colored dragons that came to support also suffered some losses.

"They did not die in vain, our dragon god will not let the primal Sun God off."

"He'd better have become a turtle hiding in some desolate plane's corner, otherwise, He will pay a painful price for today's deeds."

The Ancient Blue Dragon huffed heavily.

In the face of an external enemy, the metallic dragons and the five-colored dragons temporarily set aside their grievances, showing genuine hatred towards the primal Sun God.

At this moment, Garon's gaze shifted, sweeping over the red-stained vast sea.

He spoke calmly, "In defense of the dragon race's dignity, they did not hesitate to lay down their lives, fighting desperately against the Avatar of the Wild God."

"They upheld the glory and pride of the dragon race, regardless of the dragon species, they are warriors of our race."

On Garon's majestic face, his platinum dragon pupils shone brightly.

"Dragon warriors should not be buried in the deep sea when darkness dissipates."

Hearing Garon's words, the other true dragons were slightly startled, then looked at Garon with inquiring and excited eyes.

"What do you mean?"

The Ancient Gold Dragon's eyes lit up, asking.

Garon did not answer the Ancient Gold Dragon's question.

He slightly raised his head, rings of time force rippling out, forming golden rings that spread towards the depths of the ocean from Garon as the center. When the golden rings touched the seawater, they made no sound, and the true dragons brushed by felt nothing.

"Garon's time force can be directly observed with the naked eye."

Garon thought to himself.

Garon vaguely realized that his different timelines' selves had different methods of using the time force. The future him with the Wheel of Time and Garon's Golden Rings were somewhat similar but not exactly the same.

As for what Garon was planning to do, Garon had already figured it out.

On the ancient Baki Plains, a high mage requested the future Garon to reverse time and resurrect the human soldiers who died in the war and due to the necromancer's conspiracy.

But the future Garon did not agree.

If it were Garon himself, he wouldn't have agreed either. No matter how strong the future him was, resurrecting millions of people would definitely not be an easy task. The future him and the present him shared similar thought processes and would not be willing to waste so much power on people who were irrelevant to themselves.

Today's situation was different.

The number of dead true dragons was not large, and they died defending the dragon race's dignity. If Garon had enough power, he would also think of resurrecting them, as they deserved it.

When the golden rings entered the ocean, a tumult arose in the sea after a moment.


Waves tens of meters high were lifted, countless crystal-clear water droplets scattering in all directions like a celestial maiden scattering flowers.

An adult blue dragon broke through the sea surface, carrying water streams and lightning, flying towards the sky.

This adult blue dragon was vibrant, showing no signs of injury on its body.

It was just the beginning.

Silver dragons, bronze dragons, brass dragons, red dragons, and green dragons, one by one, the true dragons that had died and sunk into the ocean, flapped their wings anew, stirring up gales and soaring above the sea surface.

"Thank you for your grace."

These true dragons knew who had resurrected them, looking at Garon with awe and gratitude.

Garon nodded slightly, maintaining a dignified demeanor.

Being an incarnation of the force of time, Garon's body became more translucent and ethereal over time, turning into a golden phantom.

"Natalie noticed Garon's condition, showing a hint of regret, "Meeting a Time Dragon brought me a joy I hadn't felt in a long time. Unfortunately, you're an incarnation about to dissipate."

Legendary dragons don't hold many beings in high regard.

At least, they must be of an immortal existence level.

As an Ancient Power Dragon, Natalie couldn't remember the last time she spoke and communicated with other beings. She and Garon had a significant age difference, but Garon's knowledge and strength were not inferior to Natalie's, making their conversation enjoyable.

Garon thought for a moment, then invited Natalie, "If you have no urgent matters, why not visit my world for a while? As a host, I will treat you well."

Natalie thought about it and happily agreed, "Life in the star realm is dull and boring. I've been wanting to visit other planar worlds, so I'll trouble you."

"Haha, how could it be trouble?"

Garon used the last of his time force to form a slowly opening golden door, adorned with numerous symbols and scripts made of time force, creating a stable spacetime portal.

Natalie turned to Garon and Yuna.

"You two little ones are more troublesome than I was at your age."

"An eighteen-year-old and a six-year-old, already attracting the attention of the Wild God."

Yuna quietly lowered her head.

Dragons dislike trouble, and Natalie came to their aid against the Wild God, making Yuna feel guilty for bothering this elder without offering a rebuttal.

Natalie looked at Garon, sizing him up.

"Especially you, barely reaching the juvenile dragon stage, daring to provoke the Wild God and endangering our Power Dragon descendant."

Natalie, being a Power Dragon, naturally understood the personality of Power Dragons.

She felt that Yuna must have followed the young Time Dragon, otherwise she would still be nesting, sleeping soundly under the nourishment of energy fields.

Garon scratched his head, wanting to defend himself.

If the primal Sun God hadn't sealed the entire primary material world, cutting off all escape routes, he wouldn't have had to get involved. It wasn't him looking for trouble.

However, before Garon could speak, Natalie laughed heartily, her dragon roar stirring up waves.

"But, I admire your boldness."

"As legendary dragons, we should fear nothing. If we are timid, we don't deserve the status of legendary dragons."

"Be it the Wild God or gods, we need not fear them."

Natalie showed a gentle smile, "I must leave now. Hopefully, we'll meet again someday."

"Goodbye, Elder Natalie."

Garon and Yuna nodded politely.

Then, the Ancient Power Dragon entered the golden door, disappearing from this world amidst fluctuations of time force.


Yuna sighed in relief, turning to Garon, "I thought Elder Natalie would blame us. That was scary."

Natalie had always been friendly and approachable to Garon and Yuna, but Yuna still felt immense pressure in front of this powerful elder, like a well-behaved child caught doing something wrong.

Garon was more indifferent.

"Garon, we owe you for this time."

Nehemiah looked at Garon.

Learning of Garon and Yuna's legendary dragon juvenile status, this Ancient Silver Dragon was incredulous. A small Noah Continent could produce two legendary dragons at the same time.

"It has nothing to do with us. Thank the two legendary dragon elders."

Garon responded.

He didn't bother explaining to Nehemiah that the Garon he saw was from a different timeline and world, sharing the same soul as him, a kind of counterpart. Explaining to beings unfamiliar with the River of Time would be too complicated, and Garon disliked trouble.

Moreover, being mistaken for another Time Dragon elder had no negative impact on him.

"No wonder they are legendary dragons. The Avatar of the Wild God stood no chance against them."

Nehemiah exclaimed.

After a pause, he invited Garon and Yuna, "I'd like to invite you to stay on the Metallic Dragon Island for a while. What do you think?"

Garon looked at Yuna.

Yuna frowned slightly, becoming more transparent and did not respond to Nehemiah's words.

"No, we plan to return to the Far North Ice Field soon."

"Another time, when we're free, we'll visit the Metallic Dragon Island."

Nehemiah nodded, not insisting.

His expression brightened, "After being touched by that Time Dragon's golden ripples, I feel my condition has improved, as if I can break through to the ancient level."


Garon looked at Nehemiah.

Upon closer inspection, this Ancient Silver Dragon indeed seemed different.

During their last meeting, Nehemiah exuded the powerful aura of an ancient dragon, but due to nearing the end of his lifespan without the strength to break through, he also radiated a sense of impending doom and often showed a helpless expression.

Now, in Garon's eyes, Nehemiah brimmed with vibrant life, as if rejuvenated, every scale teeming with tremendous vitality.

True dragons are very aware of their own condition.

Nehemiah felt he could break through to the ancient dragon level.

Without surprises, his success rate of becoming an ancient dragon is as high as ninety percent.

Once he becomes an ancient dragon, with the constitution of a silver dragon, he could live at least another four to five thousand years.

"Noah Continent might soon have another ancient silver dragon."

Garon thought to himself.

"Congratulations, and may you successfully break through to the ancient dragon level after your slumber."

He smiled at Nehemiah.

"Haha, it's all thanks to your Time Dragon elder."

Nehemiah was in high spirits, laughing continuously.

He had a clear understanding of death, not fearing it. Nehemiah was ready to face death when he entered the Dragon Tomb, but surviving and possibly advancing due to misfortune was more than welcome.

Seconds later, the laughter ceased, and Nehemiah seemed to remember something, asking, "What about Luna?"

"She returned to the Far North Ice Field with you before, didn't she come with you after receiving the Dragon Pact?"

Nehemiah knew Luna well. Upon receiving the Dragon Pact, she would undoubtedly rush to the Dragon Tomb to contribute her strength alongside the metallic dragon race against the Wild God invasion.

But Luna was nowhere to be seen in this battle.

Garon thought for a moment, "She left before us, not together."

"The Far North Ice Field is not close to here, and given Luna's flying speed, she probably hasn't arrived yet."

At this moment, a super-large silver dragon, over twenty meters long, was flying at full speed in its true form, having just flown over a range of undulating green mountains.

Luna was still on her way.

Before she could reach the battlefield, the darkness that had pervaded the surrounding space, blocking the sky, retreated inch by inch. The entire world cleared up, and sunlight poured down, intersecting with Luna's silver scales.


Luna paused, looking up at the sky.

The sun, like a golden fireball, hung high in the sky again, as if a deity's eye watching over the earth, spreading endless light and warmth, nourishing all things, dispelling darkness, and revitalizing the land.

"How did the darkness disappear?"

For a moment, Luna was puzzled.

She naturally knew the reason for the darkness disappearing: the primal Sun God's avatar had been eliminated.

However, Luna found it hard to believe.

The primal Sun God came menacingly, but in such a short time, his avatar disappeared without a trace, the situation changing too quickly.

"Maybe he was just a paper tiger."

Luna frowned.

Given the strength of Noah Continent's dragon race, even if they could miraculously win against the Avatar of the Wild God, it would likely be a pyrrhic victory, requiring a heavy toll. It's improbable to resolve it in such a short time.

On her way, Luna had even prepared for death.

"No matter what happened, this crisis seems to be over."

Luna shook her head lightly, clearing her mind of shadows, and continued flying towards the Metallic Dragon Island to understand the details of the event.

"Indeed, Luna is still a ways from becoming legendary and couldn't arrive so quickly."

Nehemiah nodded.

Besides the metallic dragon race, the dragons that appeared here were relatively close by. The five-colored dragons that participated in the battle were mostly blue dragons.

Known as Storm Dragons, the blue dragons, led by an ancient blue dragon, formed a large clan living in coastal areas.

Different from other five-colored dragons, blue dragons are the most orderly among evil dragons, preferring to form clan groups based on blood relations and even adopting exiled young dragons from other five-colored species into their clans.

Led by the ancient blue dragon, the blue dragon clan lived in coastal areas, constantly clashing with the metallic dragons of the Metallic Dragon Island. They often fought over trivial matters, but due to the dragons' customary rules, no dragon lives were lost.

When the metallic dragon race activated the Dragon Pact,

The blue dragon clan, which had been in conflict with the metallic dragon race for many years, was the first to arrive under the leadership of the ancient blue dragon. They temporarily set aside their differences to jointly resist the Avatar of the Wild God.

Responding to the Dragon Pact comes with a reward from the metallic dragon race.

But the target was the Avatar of the Wild God, making it highly likely that there would be no survivors to claim the reward. The five-colored dragons' willingness to support indicates it wasn't just for the sake of wealth but more to uphold the dragon race's honor and dignity.

Nehemiah finished speaking, then suddenly his expression changed.

A divine and vast power descended.

The ancient silver dragon's mouth radiated light, as if holding a small sun.


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