
Rebirth as a Time Dragon: A DND Chronicle

The endless, cold, hard ice fields of the far north. Winter wolves stalk, frost tigers hiss and giants roar. ......... Many creatures brave the snowy skies to fight for survival. At the same time, a white dragon hatchling with the power of time breaks out of its shell and... ----------------------- It's 1 chapter per day at 1 p.m. (Arizona) in every novel I upload. 3 daily chapters in each novel on patreon! p@treon.com/INNIT ----------------------- DISCLAIMER The story belongs entirely to the original author.

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Chapter 189: Unscrupulous Combat (Vote for us!)

The Lord of Flamesteel personally enters the fray, using its legendary strength to crush the earth elementals, causing significant casualties in a very short time. Almost every blink of an eye sees an Earth Giant perishing under the blazing inferno of the Lord of Flamesteel.

In addition, countless ordinary earth elementals die in the aftermath of the fire tornado's engulfment.

Such unscrupulous behavior, from a legendary giant like the master of the Stone City, naturally could not be ignored.

At this time, a ten-meter-tall Earth Giant catches the attention of the Lord of Flamesteel. This Earth Giant, towering like a majestic war colossus on the battlefield, is nearly half taller than ordinary Earth Giants and far surpasses regular giants in strength, representing the elite among Earth Giants.

Such high-level giants are rare on the battlefield.

The towering Earth Giant is draped in thick layers of rock and mud, with various metal ores mixed in. Its marble-like head is set with gemstone-like eyes.

No, not like gemstones.

Its eyes are made of real earth-attribute gemstones, emitting bursts of pure elemental light, powering the activities of the Earth Giant.

This Earth Giant raises its leg and stomps heavily.

Thud! A muffled sound is heard.

Strangely, the ground under the Earth Giant's foot doesn't change visibly, but the ground a hundred meters away suddenly cracks open like an earthquake, with rows of sharp spikes protruding.

Hiss, hiss, hiss. Nearby fire elementals, including a noble-class Fire Giant, are impaled and burst into flames, instantly turning the area into a sea of fire.

Clusters of flames burn in the air, then start to converge under an invisible force, about to reconstitute the Fire Giant's elemental form.

Such a physical attack is obviously not enough to kill fire elemental lives.

But the elite Earth Giant has other means.

The spikes that pierced and tore the fire elementals tremble violently, then explode, breaking into a sky full of extremely fine grey dust.

This dust falls in showers, permeating the entire area of flames.

The clusters of flames in the air, about to close up, are violently shaken by the dust, like being blown by a fierce wind, and quickly become transparent and ethereal. Eventually, their elemental energy is extinguished, and life is completely destroyed.

Such precise attacks are rare among Earth Giants.

But when used, they are highly effective against fire elementals.

One attack kills many fire elementals, including a Fire Giant. When the Lord of Flamesteel sees this, its fiery tornado immediately changes direction, furiously swirling, leaving terrible ravines and flames on the ground as it charges towards the elite Earth Giant.

The Earth Giant, initially facing away from the Lord of Flamesteel, shudders upon feeling an intimidating heat.

Then, without turning its head, it starts sinking into the ground.

Its rock-composed legs, like entering water, gradually submerge, and in a blink, most of its body drills underground.

Its response is swift.

But before legendary creatures, it still appears inadequate.

The upper half of the Earth Giant hasn't managed to hide underground.

By then, the fire tornado has already howled its way there, with sky-reaching flames reflecting on the Earth Giant. Layers of mud and rocks begin to soften in the horrific heat. Without even being touched, it's already like this. Once touched by the fire tornado, it's undoubtedly doomed.

Given the fire tornado's speed, the Earth Giant can't hide in time and is engulfed.

Meanwhile, Garon, observing from above, sharpens his gaze.

He sees dazzling elemental light, like a deep yellow torrent, gathering from underground, ready to intercept between the Lord of Flamesteel and the Earth Giant, poised to strike.

Finally, the legendary Earth Giant, who has been holding back in the depths, makes a move.

Without acting now, once the Lord of Flamesteel kills the ordinary Earth Giants, it, even as a legend, would only become a lamb to the slaughter in the wave of flames.

The charging fire tornado momentarily pauses, then suddenly rises and turns.

Boom, boom, boom. The earth churns, and the surface cracks open.

A mud fountain mixed with various ores erupts from the ground like a volcanic eruption, shooting directly into the sky a hundred meters high.

Had the Lord of Flamesteel's fire tornado not turned in time, it would have been struck by this mud torrent.

The mud and ores miss, then wriggle like living things, eventually forming a twenty-five-meter-tall colossal Earth Giant with thick arms and legs, like a fortress of earth and stone, emanating a heavy sensation and the continuous aura of a legendary creature.

The colossal Earth Giant is adorned with magical gemstones.

The gemstones set in its marble body shimmer brightly, emitting bright elemental light.

"Ha ha, Panse, you couldn't stay put."

"Fire will turn all of you earth rats to ashes!"

The Lord of Flamesteel's laughter emanates from within the fire tornado.

Then, the sky-high flames condense, transforming into a twenty-meter-tall giant Fire Giant.

After laughing, the Lord of Flamesteel doesn't immediately act but instead looks up at the silver dragon in the sky, its burning eyes locking with the platinum dragon pupils.

"My friend, it's time to act."

At this moment, if Garon doesn't act, although the Lord of Flamesteel just made a bold statement, it would turn and leave.

Its strength is comparable to that of the Stone City's master, but in this environment, which favors earth elementals, it's slightly inferior. Forcing an attack would only lead to a tragic outcome.

Garon also wants to conserve energy to defeat the legendary elements one by one, so he folds his dragon wings and dives.

Elemental lives are incredibly hard to kill.

Legendary elements are no exception.

But as things stand, dealing with the Stone City's master before turning to Balton to crush the Lord of Flamesteel won't be too difficult.

Garon's massive body, like a silver meteor, falls from the sky, already opening its dragon mouth mid-air.

Among the crisscrossing dragon teeth, it holds a cluster of icy blue light, targeting the Stone City's master below.

Seeing this, the Lord of Flamesteel no longer waits and observes.

Flames boil over, and a massive fire elemental energy forms a fiery greatsword, which the Lord of Flamesteel tightly grasps, swinging at the Stone City's master through the air.

Hiss! Towering flames pour down from the sky, striking the Stone City's master.

"Allying with flesh and blood beings from the material world, Nidam, you truly lack the dignity and honor of an elemental city master."

The Stone City's master looks grave.

Facing the joint attack of two legendary creatures, it feels tremendous pressure.

Around it, within a kilometer radius, the ground trembles violently. Countless stones and rocks fly up, converging towards the Stone City's master, layer upon layer, covering it.

Soon, the flames are extinguished.

And the Stone City's master's body continues to grow, with countless mud and ores forming a thick armor. In just a few seconds, a fifty-meter-tall rock giant stands amidst the flames, like a standing hill.

The innate abilities of earth elementals are fully displayed in the Stone City's master.

Then, a hand made of solid iron ore reaches for Garon.

Targeting Garon's neck.

This legendary Earth Giant's form suggests immense strength. If caught by the neck, even a true dragon might face uncertain fate.

But Garon's face shows no tension.

Because the Stone City's master's movements seem quite sluggish to him.

Now, it's not its true body but controlling a massive amount of earth and stones to form a super-sized shell, certainly not as agile as before.

And Garon excels in speed.

Maintaining double speed, he easily dodges the Stone City's master's giant hand, then descends, skimming the ground.

The silver dragon circles the hill-like rock giant, targeting its thick legs with frost dragon breath. Numerous ice clusters proliferate, further impeding the sluggish Stone City's master's movements.

The Stone City's master lifts its leg, breaking the ice's hold and kicking at Garon.

The heavy, thick leg, like a wall, accompanied by a forceful gust, strikes at Garon.

At the same time, the ground rolls like waves, with countless rocks, spikes, and stone pillars and hands emerging from all directions to attack Garon, forming a gradually tightening net.

"Without using time abilities, I'm indeed much less compared to legendary creatures."

Garon inwardly remarks.

Without time abilities, Garon's strength surpasses high-ranking beings but falls short of true legends, somewhere in between.

Without enhancing the speed effect, his current performance leaves only two choices: either be hit by the heavy leg or be struck by the numerous attacks from the ground, sustaining some injuries.

In an instant, his speed state sharply increases to six times.

Surrounded by the ferocious offensive, the silver dragon's speed explodes, escaping the attack prepared by the Stone City's master before it can react.

"This speed"

The Lord of Flamesteel narrows its eyes, somewhat shocked by the agility Garon just displayed.

As beings made of energy, fire elementals move quickly, but Garon's sudden increase in speed is unmatched.

The Lord of Flamesteel steadies its spirit, holding the fiery greatsword, its blade pointing at the Stone City's master.

Boom! A pillar of highly condensed firelight, like a beam, directly strikes the Stone City's master's chest. Although it doesn't penetrate the thick and hard body, it still makes the Stone City's master stagger, retreating several steps.

After regaining its footing, the Stone City's master raises its right arm, spreading its palm against the beam of fire.

Like a rolling boulder, a thunderous roar comes from the Stone City's master's mouth. Its arm struggles, melting and repairing simultaneously, holding against the Lord of Flamesteel's fiery onslaught.

In a one-on-one scenario, they would only stalemate.

Neither could overcome the other.

But now there's Garon.

Frankly, with the current situation, if Garon turned to attack the Lord of Flamesteel first, it would no longer be able to escape as easily as before the legendary battle began. The Stone City's master would also set aside differences to cooperate in taking down the Lord of Flamesteel.

So, the Lord of Flamesteel's gaze is very grave, somewhat worried about Garon suddenly turning.

Having been let down once, it feels uneasy.

However, the Lord of Flamesteel soon breathes a sigh of relief.

The silver dragon moves swiftly, arriving behind the Stone City's master, then breathing out icy blue frost dragon breath.

For Garon, the Lord of Flamesteel is easier to deal with.

Both he and Balton possess cold-attribute attack abilities, countering fire elemental life.

But the Stone City's master, a formidable behemoth with astonishing defense, would not be easy for Garon to deal with alone, even though he has the advantage. Its large size and formidable defense make it a tough nut to crack.

So, focusing on the Stone City's master first is a better choice for Garon.

Seeing Garon with no other intentions, the Lord of Flamesteel also lowers its guard, focusing more on cooperating with Garon against the Stone City's master.

The outcome of this battle is now clear.

Under the unscrupulous joint attack of two legendary creatures, the Stone City's master employs all its methods but still can't avoid an increasingly perilous situation.

If not for Garon and the Lord of Flamesteel being wary of each other and not wanting to be severely injured by the Stone City's master's desperate counterattack, the battle would have already ended.

Even so.

Hours later, on the scarred land, rampant with fire and ice, the Stone City's master is heavily wounded, its body of countless mud and rocks battered and torn.

Continued in the next chapter... Vote for us...


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