
rebirth as a Justin Bieber

"Just a normal dude who tried to save a kid from an accident, and he got three wishes. He was then drawn into the body of Justin Bieber in 1990. As a kid, he created his own legends." "On a 5-month vacation, bored in the house, creating novels for the first time, having wars, and yawning. Vinny, if you have any suggestions, just comment. I will read them and try to correct as much as possible. And if there is a problem or mistake, please point it out. Don't give me one star, please. "The story is full of romance, humor, and songs. Recommend as many songs as possible."

Ilesh_Saru_2157 · Celebrities
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Scooter arrived at Rose Music Shop just as Justin was performing. He hadn't eaten anything since morning and was feeling hungry. He noticed a small local restaurant nearby and decided to grab a quick bite.

The restaurant was bustling with activity. As Scooter walked in, an auntie behind the counter greeted him warmly. "Welcome! What can I get for you?"

"I'll have a burger and fries, please," Scooter ordered, his stomach growling in anticipation. While waiting for his food, he realized that everyone in the restaurant was watching Justin perform outside, enjoying the music.

After finishing his meal, Scooter noticed a small crowd had gathered outside, applauding the young musician. Scooter made his way through the audience and approached Justin, who was packing up his guitar.

Before Scooter could say anything, the crowd began giving Justin money and snacks. The local restaurant owner approached Justin and his friends, handing them a bag of food and some money. "Thank you for playing today. Business has been great because of you," she said with a grateful smile.

The community clearly adored Justin. People gave him snacks and treats, appreciating his talent and the joy he brought to their lives. Justin was loved by everyone, treated like one of their own.

Scooter watched as Justin and his friends moved inside the shop. He followed them, and inside, he found Jaden's mother waiting. Scooter introduced himself and explained his intentions.

"Hello, ma'am. I'm Scooter Braun, a talent scout for Maratone Studios. I saw Justin's performance and believe he has immense potential. We'd like to help him develop his talent further," Scooter said earnestly.

Jaden's mom replied, "Hello, I'm Jaden's mother. If you want to discuss this, you should talk to Justin's mom. By the way, can I have your business card?"

"Of course," Scooter said, handing over his business card. "Where can I find Justin's mother?"

"You can follow Justin and his friends; they're heading to his house. Are you new to this industry? You ask simple questions," she said, her tone skeptical and cautious.

Scooter felt nervous but determined. Jaden's mom called out, "Jaden, take this man to Justin's house with Mark."

After being introduced to Justin and his friends, Justin realized he might have heard the name Justin before. It struck him that in a previous world, Scooter had discovered Justin and other talents like Ariana Grande on YouTube.

They arrived at Justin's apartment. Mark and Jaden said their goodbyes and left. Justin knocked on the door. His mother, Pattie, opened it, her expression cautious as she let Justin in.

Seeing Pattie's wariness, Scooter introduced himself. "Hello, ma'am. I'm Scooter Braun, a talent scout for Maratone Studios. Here is my business card."

Pattie took the business card and said, "We aren't interested in any studios." Though her words were firm, her tone suggested she was torn. She didn't want Justin to get caught up in Hollywood.

Later, Pattie spoke with Justin's grandmother. "I don't know, Mom. I don't want Justin getting lost in that world."

Justin's grandmother responded, "Pattie, you can't stifle his dreams. This is a chance for him to do what he loves. Let's allow Justin to follow his dreams."

Pattie looked out the window and saw Scooter waiting patiently downstairs for hours. Her motherly instincts told her he wasn't a scammer but a determined man who believed in Justin's talent.

Finally, Pattie invited Scooter upstairs. Inside, she said, "Thank you for waiting. Please, tell us more about what this would involve."

"Of course. We'd like to bring Justin to our studio to record some songs and see where it goes from there. We'll provide him with the best resources and guidance to help him grow as an artist. We believe he has the potential to become something very special," Scooter explained.

Pattie looked at Justin, who nodded eagerly. "Alright, Mr. Braun, let's discuss this further. We want to make sure this is the right step for Justin," she said.

With the arrangements in place, Pattie and Justin's grandmother decided to visit Maratone Studios to understand what they were getting into. Scooter arranged for a tour, and they were welcomed by Max Martin himself.

"Welcome to Maratone Studios," Max said, extending his hand. "I'm Max Martin. It's a pleasure to meet you both."

Pattie and Justin's grandmother shook his hand. "Thank you for having us, Mr. Martin," Pattie said.

"Please, call me Max. Let me show you around," Max said, leading them through the studio.

As they walked through the state-of-the-art facility, Max explained the different areas. "This is our main recording studio, where the magic happens," he said, gesturing to a room filled with high-end equipment. "We have the best producers and engineers here to help artists create their music."

Pattie and Justin's grandmother were impressed. "This place is amazing," Justin's grandmother said. "It's like a dream come true for Justin."

Max smiled. "That's what we aim for. We want to help young talents like Justin reach their full potential."

After the tour, Max led them to a comfortable meeting room. "I understand that signing a contract is a big decision, so I want to go over everything with you," he said, handing Pattie a copy of the contract. "I suggest you have a lawyer look over this before you sign it."

Pattie nodded. "Thank you, Max. We will definitely do that."

Max explained the terms of the contract. "We only want a percentage of the earnings. The copyright of the songs Justin writes will belong to him, and he will receive royalties. We believe in fair agreements and want to ensure Justin retains control over his work."

Pattie took the contract to a local lawyer who was well-respected in the community, though she didn't have much experience with the music industry. The lawyer, Mrs. Thompson, carefully reviewed the document.

"Pattie, this looks like a fair contract," Mrs. Thompson said. "The studio only wants a percentage of the earnings, and Justin retains the rights to his songs and royalties. This is a good deal, especially for someone starting out."

"Thank you, Mrs. Thompson," Pattie said, feeling a sense of relief. "I'll let Justin know."

Pattie returned home and sat down with Justin. "Mrs. Thompson gave us the green light. She said it's a fair contract and that you should go for it."

Justin's eyes lit up with excitement. "Really, Mom? I can sign with Maratone Studios?"

"Yes, Justin. You're going to Maratone Studios," Pattie said, smiling at her son's joy.

The next day, they returned to the studio to sign the contract. Justin was beaming with happiness. "Thank you, Mr. Martin," he said as he signed the papers. "This is a dream come true."

Max smiled warmly. "Welcome to Maratone Studios, Justin. We're excited to work with you."

In pest lives Max was a passionate musician who had written over 40 songs on the all goingBillboard 1 . He was the perfect mentor for Justin. "I love music, Justin," Max said. "And I see that same passion in you. Together, we're going to create something amazing."

Since the studio was a 20-minute drive away, Justin visited on weekends. Max spent those weekends teaching Justin the intricacies of music production. "This is how you create a song, Justin," Max said, showing him the mixing board. "It's not just about playing an instrument; it's about understanding the whole process."

Justin was eager to learn. "Thank you, Max. I'm so excited to start."

With Max's guidance, Justin began to hone his skills. He balanced school, performances, and studio sessions, supported by his family and friends. The community rallied around him, proud of their local star.

Justin's journey into the professional music world had begun. With the support of his family, friends, and newfound mentors, he was ready to take on the world and show everyone what he was capable of. The young boy with a guitar and a dream was now on his way to shaping his future, fueled by his passion for music and the unwavering belief in his potential.

Author note

I don't this realistic as possible. If there's any mistake then comment the problem. Support the story by giving power stone. Next will about home alone movie sell in the rare penny coin that guy asking for.
