
Chapter 340

Chapter 340 Family Bucket

  Song Yang said it to the designers in front of him, then took a piece of paper, and started to draw according to the appearance in memory.

  Song Yang is not a professional mobile phone designer, and his paintings are far less professional than a professional industrial designer, but the designers can still see it.

   But after Song Yang finished drawing, when he saw the mobile phone design on the blueprint, all the design engineers had more or less subtle expressions on their faces.

  Ertian also looked at the design drawings. What appeared on the drawings was the shape of a candy bar phone. It can be seen that it is an extended design of today's antenna phone, but it is more delicate.

  The overall design of the mobile phone is quite simple. The upper body is the screen, and the lower body is four columns and three rows of mobile phone keyboards. Compared with the current mainstream mobile phone design, the mobile phone design on the blueprint is obviously much more delicate.

   All the staff in the design department looked at Song Yang. Although the design of the mobile phone on the drawing is quite different from the current mainstream mobile phone, it can still be seen.

   A layman can't see it, but an insider can feel that the mobile phone on this drawing has a somewhat "Norino-like" feeling.

   If it is not confirmed, the current Nokia has indeed not released this model of mobile phone, and the engineers in the design department will have to doubt whether the design of this mobile phone was "taken out" from Nokia's safe!

  Song Yang threw down his pen and put the drawing aside. This drawing is very crude and needs to be improved by a designer later. This is what Song Yang drew based on the Nokia 3310, a generation of magic phone in his memory.

As a miracle machine, the sales volume of the Nokia 3310 needless to say, it sold 120 million units in five years, and more than ten years later, it has been fired for many times, making some remakes, concept versions, etc. , cut several stubbles of leeks.

  The key is that the rumors of blocking bullets, preventing water and fire, smashing walnuts, and using it as a hammer all started from it, allowing Nokia to establish a mobile phone dynasty in one fell swoop.

   "The weight of this phone must be within 110 grams, and the body must be strong enough!"

  Song Yang looked at the engineers in the design department, "There is more than one design, I hope that Alcatel mobile phones can become the leader of mobile phone technology.

Mobile phones not only have a candy bar design, but in the future Alcatel mobile phones will also be able to launch mobile phones with sliders, clamshells, full keyboards, rotating screens, and sideslips. With mature technologies in the future, mobile phones with dual-card, three-proof, gaming phones and even transparent screens will also be available. design!

   There is more than one type of mobile phone. I hope that when Alcatel mobile phones are mentioned in the future, they will say that this is not just a mobile phone, this is Alcatel! "

  Song Yang drew the general appearance of several mobile phones, and said to the designers in the design department, as well as Ertian and other executives.

  The current mobile phone technology must be much worse than that of ten years later, but when it comes to design, the current mobile phone designers have opened their minds, but they can beat the stereotyped mobile phone design of future generations!

Today's mobile phone designers are more about the difference between experience and vision. In the transition from feature phones to smart phones, it has been nearly ten years. When the functions of mobile phones are not much different, the major mobile phone brands basically focus on appearance design. , Who else has a big brain hole.

  In the era of smartphones, it has become a combination of processors, screen pixels, and cameras. With these three components, changing the LOGO, in fact, the major mobile phone brands are not much different.

  All the designers in the design department listened to what Song Yang said just now, and stared straight at the few scribbled design drawings, but it seemed like a new door had been completely opened!

Ertian and the new executives of Alcatel Mobile also stared blankly at Song Yang. They had naturally heard of Song Yang's reputation as a "genius" in the Internet industry, but they never thought that Song Yang was In terms of mobile phone industrial design, there are also these wild ideas.

Flip cover, slide cover, full keyboard, these appearance designs make Ertian, a veteran in the mobile phone industry for more than ten years, feel excited. He can't wait for someone to design it now. As for the camera phone, Three defenses, dual card dual standby, game phones, transparent screen phones, etc., even made Ertian feel that his mind was wide open.

Ertian and the Alcatel mobile phone executives behind him couldn't help but look at Song Yang. Not to mention other things, in terms of appearance design alone, if these mobile phones are designed, at least within ten years, Alcatel mobile phones will become the trendsetters in the design of the mobile phone industry. They can only be imitated but not surpassed!

  Even by selling appearance, Alcatel mobile phones, it is estimated that they can harvest a bunch of "mobile phone appearance party", and can cut a lot of leeks.

   "Let them all sign the confidentiality agreement with the highest level of compensation!"

  After leaving the gate of the design department, Song Yang whispered something to Ertian.

Ertian nodded heavily, and said to Song Yang, "Song, don't worry, I know what to do, I promise, what I said here today will never be spread, it will only appear in my memoirs after my career is over! "

  Song Yang couldn't help but glanced at Ertian. The flattery was so soft and silent. In Ertian's memoirs, Song Yang must be blown hard.

  This office building naturally has an office specially prepared for Song Yang. On the highest floor of the office building, it is composed of two offices combined and decorated. There is a large floor-to-ceiling window in the office, which can overlook the entire Alcatel mobile phone industrial park.

  "The new mobile phone project must be developed as soon as possible, and the technical reserve must be completed. Alcatel is not only going to develop this mobile phone, but also develop more models of mobile phones."

Song Yang said to Ertian, Ertian is not the kind of big cow among professional managers, but it is enough to complete the things Song Yang explained, and he has a good eye. For Song Yang and Alcatel mobile phone , Maybe Ertian is not the top candidate, but he may be the most suitable.

Before the Alcatel mobile phone, Ertian was a little worried, but now, he has a little more confidence. Even if Alcatel's new mobile phone has a bad start this time, there will still be a next time, and Ertian will not recover after a setback. An felt that Song Yang was much more "knowledgeable" than he imagined, and he was willing to invest more.

  Now Alcatel mobile phones are burning money every day. There are so many R&D personnel and the purchase of R&D equipment.

   Changing to another mobile phone brand, I am afraid that it will not be so big at all, but Song Yang abandoned the previous mobile phone market and restarted abruptly, which is enough to prove everything!

   "In the Matrix movie, the Alcatel mobile phone brand will be promoted, and you should start promoting it in advance. You should invite a professional music team to make exclusive ringtones for Alcatel mobile phones, as well as other advertisements."

   "In the software laboratory, the Symbian system must also complete the mobile phone revision on schedule. The cooperation with America Telecom will enable the Internet function and Monternet project for Alcatel mobile phones!"

  Song Yang explained to Ertian that he didn't expect him to make much noise, as long as he could complete what Song Yang explained.

  The previous Symbian system was developed for PDA handhelds, and now it needs to be redesigned to adapt to the operating system of mobile phones. There is a lot of work for the entire Alcatel mobile phone, waiting for Ertian to do it.

In the era of feature phones before the advent of smart phones, Alcatel mobile phones did not say kicking Nokia or punching Motorola, as long as they could become a disruptor, gain a firm foothold in the mobile phone industry, and release several amazing phones that sold well. A cash cow is enough to provide Song Yang with a steady stream of cash.

In the era of smart phones, Alcatel mobile phones will compete with other mobile phone brands to see who wins. The premise is that they must last until then. Like Nokia and Motorola, if they suddenly pull their hips late in the festival, then everything is out of the question. !

   Song Yang, who was about to get up, stopped again and looked at Ertian, "You should have heard the news that ICQ and NBC have cooperated with ICNC TV station!"

"Of course", I don't know why Song Yang mentioned this, but Ertian still said, "The European media are talking about this matter, and Europe is also looking forward to the arrival of ICNC!" Ertian slapped another flattery .

Song Yang laughed. He was sure that the European media definitely didn't say anything good about him. The acquisition of Alcatel mobile phone, the bloodbath of Alcatel mobile phone management, and the suspected monopoly rumors of the double-click company made Song Yang's reputation in the The European side is basically pulpy.

However, Song Yang did not expect to have a good reputation in Europe. The old "nobles" and financial groups in Europe did not enjoy the dividends of the Internet and electronic technology. Sun, even Bill Gates is still unpopular in Europe, and the scolding is no less than that of America, Song Yang is nothing but a big deal.

"ICNC TV station will enter Comcast's TV channel, American Telecom will also promote it, and Panda TV will promote LCD digital TV. I hope that Alcatel mobile phone can cooperate with Fortinet to jointly launch TV. Set-top box, better service for users of ICNC, Panda TV, America Telecom!"

  Listening to Song Yang's words, Ertian was a little dumbfounded. Song Yang really didn't let the fat and water flow out to outsiders, and didn't let a little water flow out. He directly served the "family bucket" set meal.

After installing America Telecom's broadband, I recommend buying Panda TV. I bought Panda TV. I recommend watching ICNC TV programs. Watching ICNC TV programs. The store sells bowls in sets, anyway, the family barrel set is clearly arranged!

   "Developing a TV set-top box?"

  Eltian asked with a big head, the TV set-top box is not a new technology, it has been around for a long time, but the technology is constantly being updated, and the requirements are getting higher and higher.

  (end of this chapter)