
Goodbye Indonesia

After arrived at the palace, both Henry and Elise guided to the guest room to clean their self.

Henry immediately took off all of his clothes, including his underwear when they arrived at the room.

"Kyaaaaa… What are you doing ?" Elise immediately turns her back with her face wholly red.

"Why do you still shy, baby? You already saw my whole body, what's there to shy anymore ?" Henry teased Elise.

"But.. but….." Elise didn't know what to say anymore as it was indeed true! Both of them already saw their whole naked body and even doing sex already. But she was still shy as she didn't adapt yet.

"Cmon, release your clothes. Hypothermia can attack you if you wore wet clothes for an extended time." Henry smiled craftily while said that.

Elise finally surrendered after Henry repeated persuasion. So she slowly took off her clothes one by one.

A particular part of Henry can't hold it anymore. So he aggressively tore Elise clothes and dragged her into the bathroom.

"Ahhh bastard!!! Let go of me!!" Elise squealed.

After turn on the shower to the appropriate temperature, Henry squeezed Elise soft part roughly.

"Emmmm." Elise held back her moan as she was pressed to the wall by Henry.

"Didn't it turn you on when we do this in the president guest room ?" Henry said while kneaded her bum roughly.

Elise faces already totally red from her arousal. She didn't know why she was turned on by how she treated roughly by Henry. But she can't let him knew it, otherwise…

"You pervert sick bastard!!! Let go of me, what if others heard it from the outside ?"

"Huhh, do you think the room is not soundproofed? So don't worry, relax and enjoy it…"


After 1 hour exercises, both Henry and Elise finally exhausted. After cleaned their self again, they came out the room wore the formal dinner dress code.

It was 3.30 pm now, only 30 minutes away from the start of the banquet. Soetopo already informed that the dinner banquet would be held at the main hall and there will be many guests too.

Henry decided to came earlier as he and Elise were already hungry!

When Henry arrived at the main hall, he found it was already lively. All of the people he saw is at least middle-aged man with their wife. Henry estimated there are at least 20 pair of a couple here.

Henry arrival quickly noticed by the people as he is the only 'white' man in the crowd. He immediately swarmed by people that introduced themselves.

"Mr. Henry, let me introduce myself. My name is Eka Tjipta Widjaja. If you wanted to inve…" Before he finished his sentence, he immediately swarmed by other people.

"Mr. Henry, my name…."

"….." Henry can't even say anything as there are too many people!!!

"Gentleman, please give way to Mr. Henry." A deep voice appears from the crowd.

The crowd immediately dispersed when they hear the voice. Not a surprise, it was Soeharto.

Then Henry guided into the main table where Soeharto seat was. There is a middle-aged woman who already sat there.

"This is my wife, Siti Hartinah but you can her Tien." Soeharto introduced his wife.

"Nice to meet you, Ms. Tien." Henry shook her hand out of the courtesy followed by Elise after that.

After briefly chit chat, it was the time for the banquet to start. Soeharto lifts a glass filled with champagne to mid-air and hit it by a spoon a few times.

Everyone immediately stopped their chat and looked toward Soeharto.

"Gentleman, as all of you know why this banquet is held. Let me formally introduced our protagonist today." Soeharto stopped for a moment before he continued it.

"This is my guest from the United States, Mr. Henry. Just 3 hour ago, Mr. Henry and I already reached a business deal worth $51.6 Million.

Mr. Henry already decided to continued invested over $1 Billion in 3 years from now. Unfortunately, Mr. Henry will go back to the US tonight. So I think everyone in this room already understood what I mean." Soeharto meaningfully looked at the audience.

"Anyway, let us toast for Mr. Henry." Soeharto lifted his glass toward the audience and looked at Henry.

Henry followed suit and say, "Cheers."

Then everyone sat in their respective seat. The maid started to serve everyone by bringing the food.


After dinner finished, Soeharto and his wife left the hall to give room for everyone to interact.

"Hello, Mr. Henry. My name is Michael Hartono, and this is my brother Robert Hartono." 2 Middle-aged men approached Henry and introduced themselves.

"Hello, Mr. Hartono. So what brought you here ?" Henry asked while he shook their hand. He didn't expect to meet the famous Hartono brother in here. This pair of a brother is the future richest man in Indonesia with their wealth combined.

"I think maybe we can cooperate in some field. Here is my business card." Michael said while handed Henry their business card.

"Sorry for my rudeness as I forgot to bring my business card. And yeah, maybe we could cooperate in the future."

Not just the Hartono brother, Henry met with many famous Indonesian Businessmen like Sudono Salim, Surya Wodnowijoyo, Aburizal Bakrie.

Henry wanted to invest in many of their business as it still not yet grown. Unfortunately, Henry had no spare cash as even he still has debt over $40 Million to Soeharto.

So Henry only promised to invest in the future. The banquet lasted for 3 hours before everyone dispersed. Henry pocket already full with business card from various people.

In this 3 hour, he managed to get Indonesia overall economy and the business situation from various people. This information will serve as critical information for his future investment in Indonesia.

Now it was the time for him to go home!

"We would always welcome you back, Mr. Henry. Every legal paper and the information about our deal is inside this suitcase." Soeharto handed a suitcase to Henry.

"I would come back later when I had time." Henry shook Soeharto hand.

"Soetopo would deliver you to the airport. Your plane and pilot was already ready, and I already informed my people there so you can immediately take off."

Then both Henry and Elise entered the car. Without further delay, the car quickly set off to the airport. As the airport is in the center of the city, they arrived with just 10 minutes.

As both Henry and Elise luggage is already on the plane, they directly entered the plane.

"Good Evening Sir!" Dylan and David, the airforce pilot salute to Henry.

Henry gave the salute back and said, "We immediately go back to the US."

"Yes, Sir!" Then both of them went back to the cockpit.

As this Boeing 747-100 is not yet modified, it still the original design from the factory. Henry and Elise settled at the 2nd floor where the first-class be.

"This is your plane? I mean a private plane ?" Elise curiously looked around as this is her first time to get in the plane.

"Of course this plane is privately owned by me, it cost me $40 Million if you want to know," Henry said while pinched Elise nose.

"...." Elise can't say anything more as she was shocked by the $40 MIllion figure. She curious how many money that Henry has, but she believed she would found about it soon.

The plane quickly flew away from the ground. Elise immediately marveled by how tiny human and the building if you looked it from the sky.

Goodbye Indonesia, Goal: United States

7 more chp!!!

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