

The Party

"No bloody way"

"No freaking way"

"No fucking way" Hayley looked on in awe as the room transformed into a massive space decked out with a stage and a bar and comfy seats placed around the room for the guests to rest. The centre was going to be a dance floor by the look of things, a place where all the guests would flock to as the band began to play.

"I know" Harry spoke. "You can set up in here" he walked the band over to a small room. "It gives direct access to the stage" the girls nodded as they listened to him. "Ok, I think I've explained everything, I'll going to get ready"

"That's fine Harry. We'll be setting up" Sophia and the rest walked off, admiring the room before they went into their private room.

His gaze followed the girls as they headed for their changing room, eyes roaming over there sexy bodies as they strutted away. He knew that they probably knew he was looking and was proven correct as Sophia looked back and winked at him before disappearing into the room.

This party is going to be interesting

He went into his own changing room and began to get ready for the party as the minutes ticked by, nearing the time of the party. Fred, George, Alicia, Angelina and Katie would be the first to arrive; Fred brought Angelina while George brought Alicia, which left him with Katie which definitely wasn't a bad thing. He chucked on some black trousers, a clean white shirt and a black jacket, black shoes completed the ensemble. The party was billed as smart casual whom the twins had to explain to a number of students the term for the dress code.

In all hearts of hearts he didn't think it would end smart casual, heck, it'd be lucky if they were still wearing clothes by the end, or according to the twins which he had a sneaky suspicion would be more than helpful if the chance came to take of the Alicia's and Angelina's clothes, not that he'd be willing to do the same for Katie if she asked.

When he finished getting dressed he made his way out into the main room, admiring his creation as he looked around the beautiful room that was decorated with a mixture of all the house colours apart from Slytherin as he didn't expect any of them to attend. The walls were covered with a light blue with Banners showing the houses that were present.

A bar was set up along the east side wall, where the elves would pop into existence when needed while on the west side were a number of rooms all set up for 'private use'. He didn't really like that feature but Fred and George had warned him, if they didn't have anywhere private to do the act then the dance floor would end up being a large orgy, not something he practically wanted to happen, especially when a number of the girls attending weren't as attractive as what he'd been use to.

The party would kick off at 8 pm while Fred and George and the dates would arrive there at 7:45, leaving them the opportunity to observe the scene of the party. As the time passed Harry found himself to be getting more and more nervous, worrying about mundane things like

'Would the people like me?'

'What if we got caught?'

'Could this room take the weight of over 100 students bouncing up and down on it?'

His worrying was interrupted as the people that he was expecting walked through the door, looking around amazed as they took in the scenery. "You've outdone yourself Harry" Fred said in awe.

"Wow" Katie walked into the room, leaving Harry to feel insignificant as he looked at her beautiful form. She wore a beautiful dress, black in colour with a necklace wrapped around her beautiful neck. Her legs were on show which looked magnificent and the cherry on the top was the way the dress wrapped around her body, letting nothing to the imagination.

"I could say the same thing" Harry said as he wrapped his arms around her, she responded by resting her head upon his shoulder.

"Ahhh, look at the happy couple" George cooed as Angelina and Alicia joined the twins by their sides. He had to admit that the twins had taste, Angelina wore torn jeans which showed off her butt which Fred seemed to have a hand upon while Alicia looked very cute, she looked pure which made her look all the better.

"I see that the twins have some taste when it comes to their choice of women" he complimented Alicia and Angelina which seemed to get the twins to tighten their grips on their dates. Angelina blushed at his comment while Alicia had to close her mouth tightly to stop from giggling. "You better keep an eye of them, Fred, George" he spoke to the twins "or I may sweep them of their feet"

"Hey, what about me?" Katie pouted adorably.

"I've already swept you of your feet dear" he smiled as her pout seemed to increase in intensity; to fix this Harry planted a kiss upon her lips, letting her know how he feels about her in the process. As he separated from her he could see the looks on Alicia and Angelina, they almost looked jealous.

Oh No

He looked to Fred and George to see they were not overly impressed with that stunt, glaring at him as Katie seemed to sway slightly from side to side. "Why don't you take the girls on a tour of this place" he suggested to Fred and George.

"Fine" Fred grunted.

"Would you girls like to follow us" this seemed to knock the girls out of their current state as the twins led them around the room.

"Ye...Yeah of course, lead the way" Angelina stuttered as her eyes strayed away from Harry's finally crafted buttocks.

Harry stood there as he watched the group walk away, sighing a sigh of relief as Fred and George turned their gaze upon the girls. He knew that he'd have to get rid of the group at one point so he could make the multiple entrances to the room, allowing the party goers to come in and start the party.

'I need a door next to HufflePuff's common room' one appeared in the stone wall

'I need a door next to Ravenclaw's common room'

'I need a door next to Gryffindor's common room' the final door appeared right in front of him, painted in red as it indicated who would be entering through the door.

Finally at around 7:55 students began to flood into the room as the door's creaked open. All of the people that entered were smartly dressed for the most part, wearing proper shoes and in some cases ties which weren't really needed unless they had other things planned for later, looking at their dates he could presume that that wasn't going to happen.

The crowds got bigger and bigger, the chatter was increasing as Harry stood in the centre of the room, and a number of students had already crowded around him with various different reactions.

"All right, quieten down people." He yelled as the number of people entering began to thin. "The bar is over to your right and will serve almost every beverage that the elves have in stock. Do not talk down to the elves or you'll be ejected from the party, or the elves will hurt you"

A number of older students began to laugh as they saw who was speaking. "Why should we listen to you and your rules Potter. In fact, why are you even here, I thought this was a party for older students" a number of students seemed to nod in agreement.

Before he could retort Fred and George stood in front of Harry, protecting him from the masses. "Harry is here because it was his idea to set up the party, he's the one that found this space to hold it"

"He's the one that provided Alcohol that is sitting at the bar, we" Fred indicated to George and himself "only brought in the masses. So if you can't follow Harry's rules"

"or you can piss off" George took over from his brother.

A number of the attendees seemed to mutter annoyed slurs until they realised that they had very little to do tonight if it weren't for this party. When the contingent of students became silent, accepting the fact that the young man was in charge, Fred and George gave him the sign to continue.

"Thank You, George, Fred" he thanked them for their help "Now, the bathrooms are over to your right" everyone looked in that direction "Please do your business in there" he almost begged "There are some private rooms to your left and the band will be on at 9. So enjoy yourself" he ended happily as music began to thump, loosening the limbs as Harry, Fred and George dragged their dates to the dance floor.

Harry placed one of his hands on Katie's hip while the other gripped her hand as he led her around the room to the beat. He'd chosen a soft song to start the night as a number of other students joined them while the rest crowded in front of the bar, already in the need to get drunk. The songs that followed were a lot more upbeat, letting Harry switch partners with Fred and George which ended up with Angelina placing both hands upon his arse while Alicia went for his crotch, making him both aroused and uncomfortable as he tried to angle himself away from Fred and George's gaze.

"Would you like a drink, Katie" he asked her as he danced with her for the third time so far.

Katie smiled as she looked into Harry's emerald eyes. "Yes please" she whispered.

"What would you like?"

"Surprise me" she replied huskily as he walked away, noticing her eyes appraising him. As he approached the bar he noticed someone that he knew, a boy that he'd met at the beginning of the year.

"Cedric" he spoke loudly as he tried to get the young man's attention. "Cedric" he tried again, successfully gaining his attention as he walked over to his spot by the bar.

"Hey Harry" Cedric replied cheerily, the alcohol was all ready having an effect as he looked to his side to see a cute girl clutched to his side. "Awesome party"

"Thanks but there's much more to come" he hinted as he looked at Cedric's date. "Hi, I'm Harry Potter" he stuck his hand out.

"Cho Chang" she shook it as Cedric sipped on the drink that was placed in his hand. "Nice to meet you"

"No, it's a pleasure to meet you" he appraised her as he took her hand and placed a chaste kiss upon it, Cedric not noticing as he admired a couple of girls that'd already removed there skirts.

"Wow" Cedric sighed silently as Harry switched his attention back to the Hufflepuff. Cedric seemed to zone back to Harry as he looked at his date "This is our first date" Cedric spoke as he intertwined his fingers with Cho. "It's awesome so far"

"Are you enjoying yourself?" he asked Cho politely.

"It's pretty fun but like you said, it's only really begun"

"Precisely" he said as he noticed Katie approaching them, wondering where he'd got to no doubt. He turned his attention back to the bar and picked up a couple of plastic cups which were already filled with liquid. Katie was now standing next to him as he got the cup and gave it to her.

"Katie, this is Cho and Cedric. Cho, Cedric, this is Katie"

"I know them Harry" she said like it was obvious. "Good to see you guys" she spoke as she leaned forward to shake hands, Cedric getting a peak at Katie's cleavage in the process. Harry was about to do something to discourage this until Cedric yelped out in pain as Cho stood on his foot with her high heeled shoes.

"What wrong?" Katie asked worriedly, worried that she might've hurt him in the hand shake.

"N...Nothing" Cedric muttered as he looked at Cho with a guilty face. "Must've stubbed my toe on something" he continued as he downed his drink in one. "Oh look, I need another drink, would you like to join me, Cho" he asked as Cho sighed, saying her goodbyes to the pair and making her way to Cedric.

"They make a nice couple" Katie spoke as they walked away.

"Yeah" he replied absentminded 'but god knows who he'll end up with at the end of the night' he added in his head. "Do you feel like sitting down for a while" he asked her. "I'm all danced out"

"You better not be Mr, I'm entitled to ten dances with Mr Potter"


"Yes ten, the same number of girls that you've checked out" she said, her tone laced with humour as Harry eye drifted once again "make that twelve"

"Fine, you've talked me into it. Even though you already get special privileges"

"Special Privileges" she asked him, only to be answered as Harry attacked her with his lips and tongue, shocking her as she didn't have time to shut her mouth before his lips crashed down upon his.

"Exactly, Special Privileges" he whispered sexily as he separated from her. He led her to the leather coated chairs, hands joined as he took his seat, pulling Katie on top of him as she sat of his lap. The two of them sat as they chatted about nothing in particular, just catching up with each other. The pleasant conversation was rudely interrupted as they could both hear the smug voice of Roger Davies talking to his guy friends.

"Yeah, me and Fleur are like this" Roger twisted his fingers, trying to show how tight they were. "I'm sorry ladies but no one can touch this" he pointed to his body "I'm sorry for disappointing you but I'm saving myself" he seemed to become louder as a number of disinterested girls ignored the boy. "Fleur and I are meant to be and I'll be the guy to take her"

Katie snorted loudly at that point as Roger turned his glare upon her "What are you snorting about?" he asked, his tone raised slightly until her realised what he was doing and relaxed slightly "Like I said I'm sorry I'm unavailable but don't take your anger out on me"

Harry knew he had to intervene then "Are you saying Katie isn't good enough for you?" he asked, intrigued to the way that the arrogant boy would reply.

"Of course not, Katie would be a good catch for anyone"

"Are you insinuating I'm a slut?" Katie spoke with an angry undertone as she got of Harry's lap.

"N...No. It's just me and Fleur are meant to be together"

"I've got a better chance of dating Fleur than you" she spoke, Harry hid a small giggle while others around the pair didn't bother as they began to laugh.

"Ha, I doubt she's into girls" Roger replied, Harry could tell that the boy was hiding some nerves, obviously not knowing if Fleur was into the same sex.

"Probably not, but I doubt she's into 'up their own asses' little boys" she prodded his chest.

"Plus a guys equipment can be replicated" Harry added from behind her which got a grateful smile from her. Roger seeing that Harry had joined the conversation decided to bow out as he strutted of into his own corner, taking his small group of friends with him.

"You and Fleur, aye" he gave her a wink as she blushed "If you and Fleur need some help, I'm always free to tend to your 'needs'" he suggested sexily.

"You'd be the first person I'd ask if I wanted to get my 'needs' tended too" she replied huskily, playing his game. Harry smiled happily as he led her back to the dance floor that was now becoming a place where all the attendees crowded to see the band.

"Voted #1 in Band to Watch" a voice announced as it echoed around the room. "Voted #1 Sexiest Band"

"They're the biggest, the best, the sexiest, 'YOUNG WITCHES'" it announced to the rapturous crowd who cheered and hooted. The stage quickly became surrounded by a thick fog, the sound of the guitar screaming out and the beats of the drums being hit at a constant beat. When it cleared fully they began to play properly with Sophia on vocals, Naomi on drums who seemed like a completely different person as she went nuts on the drum set, Hayley was doing her thing as she head banged in time with the beat.

As the music was played and sung Harry could see why they were so popular as he looked around at the students that crowded around the band. The guys seemed to be lusting over them while the girls liked the way that the band didn't really care about what they did; they were living a successful life in a male dominated world.

He caught Sophia's eye a number of times while she sang her heart out, making her wink which made a couple of guys think that she was attracted to them. Katie seemed captivated by the band as she swooned as Harry held her."Are you a fan of them?" he asked her.

"What" she had to shake her head several times as she decrypted the message "Yes, of course I am, who isn't" she responded like he was mad.

"You can meet them later if you want" he suggested which got a tight hug from Katie.

"T-That would be amazing, Harry" she stuttered slightly as she kissed him on his cheek.

The audience continued to bounce up and down in time with the beat, cheering for the band that were now trashing the stage as Naomi had slammed her drum sticks right through the drum set while Hayley had chucked her magically amplified guitar into a nearby wall, sending shards of metal and plastic into the crowd. The crowd didn't seem to mind as they cheered along with the trashing of the stage and their instruments.

As the hours passed the band had finally finished their set to the rapturous applause of the audience. They slowly made their way through the crowd, signing autographs on all different types of objects, they placed stretched from pieces of parchment to the chest of some male students who wanted to show off no doubt to the band.

"Harry" Sophia approached him and Katie with a playful smile on her face. "What did you think" she asked as she kissed his cheek in greeting.

"It was pretty amazing" he conceded as his eye drifted to Katie who seemed both a little pissed as Sophia kissed him to being in awe as she looked at the lead singer who she was a huge fan of. "Oh, how rude of me? This is Katie, my date" he told Sophia. "She's a big fan of yours"

"Really" Sophia asked Katie who could only respond with a nod. "Well it's always nice to meet a fan, especially a fan who knows Harry Potter" she held out her hand for a shake, Katie responding with a shaky hand as she'd all but forgotten she'd kissed Harry.

"N-N-N-N-Nice to meet you" Katie stuttered as Harry had to hold a laugh as he saw Naomi approach him, sweat pouring down her face.

"You're bloody amazing on the drums, Naomi" he greeted her, giving her a small kiss as she wrapped her arms around his body. "You were like a different person" he observed.

"That was wild Naomi, the Naomi that hardly anyone sees" Sophia responded as she separated from Katie, Naomi meanwhile just blushed.

Harry in response just knelt in and whispered softly "I like wild Naomi" he trailed a hand down to her buttocks which made her turn even redder. "Maybe we could explore that side later" he suggested with a wink. As he looked around he could see Katie look at him, another dance or two would have to be given for that.

"Where's Hayley?" he asked after a couple of minutes.

"Probably beating the crap out of a guy that tried to touch her" Sophia suggested as she scanned the crowd, imaging the boy that was probably on the floor after getting hit in the groin.

"No doubt" Naomi muttered softly.

True to the word, Hayley made her way over to them a moment later, muttering under her breath as she stood next to Naomi. "I fucking hate boys, bloody trailing hands"

"How many this time?" Sophia inquired.

"Five, maybe six" Hayley replied as she counted them by holding up her fingers.

"You've been warned, Harry" Naomi whispered into his ear as he looked at the fiery red head.

The group made their way to the VIP area that Harry had thought off quickly in the moment, Fred, George and there dates joined them in the process. Harry walked next to Hayley and Sophia while Naomi talked to Katie. He could feel the advances of Sophia getting stronger as she grabbed a handful of his arse, twinkling eyes of mischief as she looked at Katie walking just a few yards away.

As they all took their seats Sophia talked to the twins for the first time. "Harry tells me that it was you who sent the letter"

"Yeah" they responded in unison, captivated as they looked at her polished legs and feet, wait, feet.

So they have a foot fetish

"I have to admit, the memorabilia you offered in the package was something I've wanted all my life"

"What's that?" Harry asked confused, placing a lock of hair behind Katie's ear in the process.

"Umm" Fred shifted on his seat.

"We may have sent some underwear of yours to 'seal the deal'"

"You didn't" he sounded both shocked and amazed. "Wait, how?"

"We've got contacts in high places, Harry" George replied happily.

"Where George?" he glared at the red headed boy, knowing that this would make him cave eventually which thankfully it did a minute later.

"Dobby" George sighed in defeat. "We may have tricked him into giving us some of your underwear"

"New or used?"

"New, of course" Fred replied, a comical expression planted on his face as the thought of handling used underwear repulsed him. Harry took that moment to look over to a pouting Sophia.

"I wanted used underwear" she pouted, and then her expression changed significantly as her eyes danced over to him, sticking on his crotch for a moment as he saw the glint in her eyes. "Maybe you can give me a used pair later Harry" she winked cheekily which made him blush, surprising a couple of the girls in the process.

"I'll think about it" he mumbled out as he tried to hide his face inside Katie's shoulder. Hayley rolled her eyes at the conversation while Naomi tried to do something else to keep her attention off the pair, knowing she'd probably blush if she looked at him.

The evening continued in this vein as the group chatted away, even Hayley got immersed in some conversations over Harry's exploits which surprised him as much as her other band mates. They'd had a brief dancing period a couple of hours later, witnessing that the music had changed somewhat to a rock beat as many people seemed to slouch as the alcohol took effect over the whole student board.

Cedric and Cho danced away, well dance was a loose term of putting it, Cedric pulled her along with him while she tried to keep up. The young girl didn't seem to mind somewhat as he could see her giggling as Cedric brought her body in his chest.

God knows how he does it

Wait, I've got several girls swarming around me, God knows how I do it is more like it

1:00 am

The party was still in full effect as the students raved in the middle of the room, most clothes shed as they lied in the corner. The music replicated the type of music that would be played in a dance club, some students knew of the music while others weren't so familiar (mostly the magical born), this led to the smell inside the room being quite disgusting as sweat mixed with other unsavoury smells. Most of the private rooms were in use at this time. This wasn't going to end well as he looked at a couple of girls getting more than friendly with a couple of their guy friends.

Harry, George and Fred stood in the centre of the room, drunk out of their minds as Harry giggled for no reason whatsoever. The girls had disappeared into the bands private room after Sophia suggested that they play dress up, annoyingly they weren't allowed to join the party. He also guessed that they were gossiping was Harry's guess as he tried to avert his eyes as he saw a girl pleasuring a guy.

"Bloody *hiccup* Hell" Harry muttered as he turned away quickly, Fred seeing the act as he followed Harry by turning his back on the event.

"Do you want to get outta here? The girls won't be back for a while" Fred offered as he tried to overt his eyes as he tried to get his brothers attention.

"Yeah, I think that's a good idea" he began to laugh as he looked at Fred's goofy expression.

George followed as the girl began to ride the guy like he was a bull. "We could *hiccup* do some pranks"

"Ye Ye Ye, I agweee" god he loved the effect that alcohol had on him.

"I like drunken Harry" George and Fred spoke in unison as they walked to the door. Harry wobbled to the door as Fred opened it for him, resulting in a stumbling Harry as he almost impacted a nearby wall. "Watch it Harry, the wall will win against you head" George joked. They walked for several minutes as they approached the moving staircase.

"Where to first?" Fred inquired.

A light seemed to shine in Harry's mind as an idea came to him "I k-k-know" he stuttered excitedly as he made his way onto the staircase, Fred trying to grasp his clothing trying to stop the boy before he did something stupid, failing as he decided to follow.

Harry seemed tilt from side to side as the staircase moved, jumping onto another staircase as he made his way to his location with Fred and George on his heel. Finally, after several minutes of near misses and stumbles Harry and the gang stood outside a door. "Do you know a strong unlocking charm?" he asked the twins.

"Stand back, Harry. I know just the thing" Fred stood up to his full height, looking all noble as he directed his wand toward the lock of the door. "1...2..." he waved his wand slightly "3" as the spell made its way out of the wand, unfortunately missing the target as Fred's drunken state took over as the spell hit Harry's trousers, making them fall to the ground.

George burst out in laughter as he looked at the pant less Harry. "I guess that spell can unlock more than doors" Fred analyzed.

"S-S-S-Serves you right for feeling up Alicia" George stuttered out between his laughter.

"Bloody double trouble" he responded as he knelt down to pull up his trousers, dizziness taken over as his head connected against the door. "Ow" he moaned.

"Second time lucky" Fred offered as he waved his wand for a second time, this time his spell hit the door, opening as Harry's pressure on the door put him right through it, sprawling his form on the floor.

"Owww" he muttered as he lay on the floor.

"That was for feeling up Angelina"

"Eeeeuhh" he slurred as Fred offered his hand, Harry taking it gracefully as he pulled his trousers up to his waist as he looked around the room which was stacked with various potions.

"What do you have planned then, Harry"

Harry smiled as he pulled out a never-ending piece of string, cutting it when he had enough. "This" he held the string up "will be the driving force in the plan"

"A piece of string" Fred seemed confused as he scratched his head.

"Yes, I tie this around this potion flask" he slowly placed the string around the flask, several attempts to do so "Then I feed the string behind all the other potions and tie the end to the doorknob" he indicated to the door "When Snape comes back and closes the door, BANG" the twins jumped "Snape = possible insanity"


"We've taught you well" George announced as the plan was put into effect with George threading the string behind the potions because he was considered least drunk while Fred handled the door. When they were done they stepped back to admire their handy work.

"This is going to be amazing" Fred stated.

"Snape is going to blow a nerve" George continued how Snape may react.

"I love dragons" Harry said to no one in particular. The twins looked at each other as Harry came up with the strange comment.

"I think we better get you back to the Room of Requirement" Fred suggested as he tried to get a grasp of the drunken boy.

"N-N-N-No, I've got other pranks planned" he announced as he almost danced down the hall. The twins looked at each other one last time as they took off in a sprint to stop him from doing something stupid.

What have we created?

The rest of the night was a mere blur to Harry, memories which would be revealed when he woke up the next day, memories that he'd rather forget in some cases.