
Rebelling Against Heaven

In a world where cultivation reigns supreme, Liang Chen, a young and determined cultivator, embarks on a perilous journey to defy the shackles of fate and forge his own path to surpass the heavens.

anduril_soft · Fantasy
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20 Chs

killing intent

This restaurant where just moments ago was bustling and filled with the aroma of freshly cooked meals had now turned into a battleground and one could feel the killing intent in the air.

As the men surrounded Liang Chen, their ill intentions laid bare, a flicker of defiance ignited within his eyes. In a fraction of a second, he unleashes a torrent of unrivaled power, surpassing the limits of mortal strength. This took the men by surprise as they were not expecting Liang Chen to be the one to make the first move. The restaurant had become a battleground, the clatter of dishes blending with the thunderous clash of combat.

Liang Chen went after one of the other two gang members with Shin Tu and as his palm came crashing upon the man with greater speed and precision than he could have ever anticipated the man had no way of reacting talk less of dodging. He only felt the bone-shattering force for a moment before his eyes closed and he went into eternal slumber.

Shin Tu and the other man standing beside him were shocked and felt that their limbs were frozen up the spot—they felt numb all over but Liang Chen did not give them time to think as another fist came crashing on the other assailant. The man had already lifted his hands in defense but at this moment he felt like a boat on the ocean crashing against the waves during a storm. He only heard a kacha sound and then a heart-wrenching pain came upon him, his bones were broken but at that moment all he could see was the leg coming towards his face with an unstoppable momentum.

The man was also killed under Liang Chen's swift strike leaving Shin Tu alone facing against Liang Chen's wrath. 

"you can't kill me or my father will never let you go"

As he spoke he was already crawling on the ground, the fear in his eyes very obvious to all. The situation was a little bit comical as this was the man who moments ago was sentencing people to die.

After threatening Liang Chen and realizing that it had no effect, he began to beg but Liang Chen had no mercy in his heart for this man. This man had just tried to kill him and if the shoe was on the other foot Liang Chen knew he would receive no mercy.

"Shin Tu, I am a good man so I'll give you three seconds to say your last words before you die"

"Liang Chen please don't kill me, let me live and I will serve you. My father will reward you handsomely for sparing my life"

As he was still in the middle of his rant he only heard Liang Chen's voice say 

"Make your peace"

As these words entered his ears he understood there was nothing he could say or do that would change Liang Chen's mind and he made up his mind to put up one last ditch effort to fight for his life but it was at this moment that he felt Liang Chen's cold voice

"Time's up"

Before he could even completely register the meaning of the words he felt cold all over his body before and then he was lost for all time. At this moment his head had been bashed open and there was blood splatter all over the restaurant. This was not only from Shin Tu but the way Liang Chen chose to kill these three people was quite barbaric not even leaving them with a single intact corpse.

Liang Chen looked around the restaurant and estimating the damage done, he decided to pay for it. He did not have any gold coins on him so he decided to compensate the man with spirit stones. He took out three spirit stones and gave them to the owner of the restaurant who immediately received them, bowing in deference and thanking Liang Chen. The speed at which he had dealt with those three men had terrified all the onlookers and no one wanted to provoke this death god at the moment of even giving him a reason to make a move. The spirit stones given to the restaurant owner were enough to buy him two restaurants like the one he currently owned.

Liang Chen left the restaurant immediately after settling them and made his way toward the blood saber gang headquarters without any delay.

The blood saber gang a tight-knit group bound by loyalty and shared experiences has been his second family for many years. However, as he steps through the door, the atmosphere is far from the joviality he had anticipated when he left the mountain. There was an air of despair in the atmosphere and the familiar faces that once greeted him with warm smiles now wear expressions of worry and vigilance.

As Liang Chen came into the sites of the gang members on watch he heard a voice

"Liang Chen! You are back! We were worried sick. Welcome home, brother!"

"Thank you, Yuan. It's good to see you all" Liang Chen responded

The voice heard before was that of Yuan one of the other gang members and along with him on guard were Zhao and Mei Ling. Mei Ling one of the few female martial artists In the blood saber gang and one of the liveliest and most enthusiastic members was now looking rather distraught and weary. This hurt Liang Chen a lot as even when he was considered a weakling, he did not like others bullying his friends, what about now when he has gained some strength which puts him on a higher level than the bullies? Liang Chen was very clear about what he had to do but first, he had to get a clearer picture of what was going on.

" Tell me, what is going on?"

Zhao spoke hesitantly  "There is something you need to know about Jin Wei and Xiao Ming"

Liang Chen's expression turns serious sensing the gravity of the situation and asked with a voice filled with concern

"What happened? Are they alright?"

Mei Ling replied sorrowfully 

"I'm sorry, they…they didn't make it. They fell in a battle against the Tiger Fang and the Silver Wolf gangs"

Liang Chen's face went pale, the weight of the news hitting him like tidal waves

Whispering to himself " no…Jin Wei…Xiao Ming"

These were his very first friends upon coming to this city, Jin Wei a skilled archer with a heart of gold, and Xiao Ming a nimble and resourceful rogue possessing a mischievous spirit that brightened even the darkest days. He always trusted them to watch his back and he had done many missions with them. 

As thoughts of the past ran through Liang Chen's mind a killing intent that he almost lost himself to burst out from his body frightening even those who were standing close to him and also attracting everyone in the vicinity as their hearts beat in trepidation.