
Reawakening of a villainess.

"Increased brain activity in a subject, ready the D.O.M" Newman said reading the graphs displayed on the monitor. "Copy that, engaging protocol A-2, Get to work ladies!" The commanding officer of the platoon shouted, getting the attention of everyone present as their eyes widened. "To think we'd have to resort to that so soon, the schedule was incorrect wasn't it?" A man in a labcoat bickered to his fellow scientists, unease hanging in the air. "Subject is waking up! Holy shit it's actually happening! Activate protocol B-78!" Newman shouted out from across, jumping up and down with excitement. ------------------------------------------------- Human civilization had rapidly progressed after the discovery of an energy named mana. Its applications are endless and had created teleportation devices and magic weaponry thought to be impossible. Its practical aspects were truly limitless, but of course, to every yin, there was yang. Violence and magic misuse was common, countries and governments struggled with the constant fighting, police weren't capable of dealing with murder and sexual harassment anymore, jails became ineffective as anyone could simply break out of the concrete cells with even a minuscule amount of mana. That is where the organization G.H.O.S.T stepped in, Global Hunting Operations System Technology, Their purpose is to contain high-level threats through the usage of technology and advanced machinery using mana. It worked to lower crime rates but caused several other issues. Their questionable methods of capturing and containing criminals, The increase in disappearances, and machinery-related deaths were cause for concern, but most remained ignorant to the facts present. This story revolves around the reawakening of the MC, who had remained in a coma for years after a battle that took place years ago. She had lost her former power and was hellbent on reobtaining it and standing atop the food chain. Her reasoning and motives are unknown to the greatest minds around the world, but maybe you, the reader have the strength to find out?

Arcaneium · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
2 Chs

Those where the days [Part 1]


Nira stood proudly on top of a skyscraper, looking down at the pedestrians that walked the streets, their minds at ease ever since G.H.O.S.T was put together crime rates decreased and murder became less common, yet the fools truly believed they were safe from the 'villains', the people who brought death and destruction to the land to achieve their own selfish goals. Not to mention that G.H.O.S.T itself was a danger to society.

The building she was on top of was one of the well known G.H.O.S.T's 'Research Institutes', where they conducted experiments for the 'greater good of humanity, of course, the experiments were done in secrecy and not much is known about it, those few who do know are hiding in the shadows or are simply waiting for their eventual demise.

Nira looked rather imposing in her blood-red one-piece dress and high heels, her jet black hair tied into a ponytail while she twirled a switchblade in her hand. 'Ghost executive, oh ghost executive where the fuck are you~' She hummed in her mind, her eyes scanning the pedestrians walking by, looking for an important-looking man with an escort. Nira had extorted from a man that worked in the security department, or well HAD worked in the security department, he was forced to resign because of 'work injuries'.

Nira's intent was originally to blow the entire building up using C4 or anything else she could find, but after learning about the massive amounts of shield runes she scraped the idea since shield runes were almost impenetrable if fueled with enough mana. So her new and refined plan was to kidnap and extort even more information for her own personal reasons.

Her eyes landed on a man exiting the building she currently stood atop, the man was dressed in a black suit and tie, four other men walked shortly behind him, most likely his bodyguards. Nira looked down at him with a cold gaze. "Crawlin back to you~" Nira began singing randomly, letting herself fall off the building.

The ground shattered and shook as she landed on the concrete, the man she was looking for turned around, terror in his eyes. Nira dashed forward, ducking under the fists thrown by the guards. Quickly closing the distance between her and the man she punched him in the stomach with enough force to send him flying backward into a car.

He promptly went soaring into the sky, he was completely winded after the punch since the air was quite literally punched out of his lungs. He crashed into the side door of a black sedan, his head slamming into the glass and shattering while a multitude of his bones cracked from the impact.

She smirked slightly and crouched down, narrowly avoiding a fire ball to the head. Turning her gaze she slowly cursed the lack of mobility the dress gave her, Using the switchblade she flicked it away, with extreme amounts of rotational energy, the blade spun violently and hit its mark, and dug into one of the guard's necks, He promptly collapsed due to shock and blood loss while Nira let out a laugh.

"You're really that bad? Heh, I almost feel bad for him." Lifting up her right hand she snapped her fingers while a large magic circle constructed beneath her feet, it glowed an ominous red as fire enveloped her arm. "Inferno's Wrath," Nira said proudly as the flames shoot of her arm and covered the four men, burning them to death in a matter of seconds, all they could do under that period of time was scream in agony.

"Ple-please! Don't hurt me I'll give you whatever you want!" He screamed in fear as she approached him, the man was covered in his own blood as he frantically tried to crawl away from her. She closed the distance in a few steps, grabbing the man's short and rough hair, pulling him up off the ground.

"Hmm, Well I am looking for information~" Nira whispered into the man's ear, making sure to lick her lips to creep him out, assuming it didn't backfire on it, which thankfully it didn't.

"Anything! I'll tell you anything please just don't hurt me!" He pleaded, his entire body shaking from fear and blood loss.

"W-." Nira cut herself off and kicked the man full force, sending him flying into the same sedan and denting it even further. The man began shaking violently and she turned around while clicking her tongue annoyed. She didn't even bat an eyelash as the man exploded into a million pieces, blood and guts flying everywhere.

Evidently, the man had triggered his suicide device, or more specifically the contract he signed did it for him. All G.H.O.S.T higher-ups that weren't trusted were forced to have an explosive charge planted in the base of their neck, the charge had a magic rune that detected when a person was about to confidential information about G.H.O.S.T. It was a rather effective method of keeping secrets but was quite inhuman.

'These fuckers keep planting bombs in their own employees, I mean who does that?' She wondered, looking at the mangled corpse of the man. Deciding that it would be best to just leave it she began walking away, redoing her ponytail as she walked.

Nira only noticed now that there was quite a crowd, thankfully she could simply walk right on through it since no man or woman dared oppose her, especially not after that display.

"BITCH!" Was the only word she could make out before her world was turned upside down in an instant. The feeling of her skull being cracked with a single punch was a new feeling she had never experienced before. She didn't have enough time to stop herself from being sent flying and spinning. She collided headfirst with a brick wall and went through it with little to no resistance from the wall itself.

Quickly getting out of the rubble she clutched the side of her head and barely had enough time to duck as a man went flying past her, with the intent to kick her in the head. Grabbing his leg she stopped his momentum in a flash, tearing his leg off and throwing it to the side, blood stained her face making her look like an insane patient with her eyes that could only be described as raging infernos.

While she was rather furious about being punched she began pitting the man once she saw what state he was in, He had several tubes connected to his body while a large canister of green liquid was nailed into his spine, it was a miracle he was even alive at this point. 'Strength enhancing drug.. Poor boy.' She grimaced. The man screamed in agony as he crashed into a shelf filled with jars of pickles and clutched the empty socket where his leg previously resided.

Nira corrected her ponytail before walking out of the giant hole in the wall that she didn't consider herself responsible for, since she was just punched through it by a crazy guy. She froze however as she saw the commotion outside.

'Won't let me leave? Fair enough, but don't expect me to just give up.' A grin spread across her face as she began counting the heavily armored trucks pulling up in front of her, there were around five and more coming her way, several armed men rushing out of the vehicles, firearms in hand, and bloody mary while emptying a magazine into her.

Nira summoned some sort of invisible barrier that when the bullets hit they simply bounced off it. 'Waste of bullets' She chuckled.

Taking a few step backs and clutching her head slightly, she dashed forwards. Nira shoot out of the building like a speeding bullet, appearing beside a man she swiftly chopped him in the neck, the force behind it was enough to break it instantly, she then proceeded to the next man grabbing his neck and twisting it, killing him instantly, she continued this pattern of attack and in only ten seconds she had wiped out the entire 'army' that they had sent out to get her. A new high score in her mind.

She viewed them as nothing more than cannon fodder at this point, but her senses told her otherwise. They were sending something big and this wave of opponents was just to buy time. Sure enough, she was correct in her assumption, as suddenly crashing through the main lobby of the building ran by G.H.O.S.T, came a hulking mass of flesh.

It resembled a giant man with no facial features, it was truly only a hulking mass of flesh as its muscles bulged giving it an inhuman form, it stood at roughly 10 feet tall and brushed off the bricks and steel beams it just crashed through like it was just some flimsy plastic that had gotten in its way.

Nira knew better than to fight the dammed thing, she could see by the countless tubes in its back that the thing had been drugged beyond belief, but she could already tell that running was no longer an option. More armed trucks were pulling up and several helicopters could be heard soaring right above them. But giving up was the last thing she was gonna do.

Picking up a street sign she removed the actual 'sign' part of it she was left with a metal pole that she twirled in her hands like a staff while walking towards the behemoth. It didn't react and she took that opportunity to make the first move, in a quick burst of speed she dashed forward and slid past him while hitting it three consecutive times in the knee joint and cracking it, black blood slowly pouring out of the wound.

However to her surprise, the behemoth didn't even flinch, it sent its fist straight down and crushed her entire ribcage. In a daze, she used the pole in an attempt to redirect the punch before it hit, but she just ended up breaking her arms instead, the pole splitting in half and impaling her.

Adrenaline pumped, her vision faded and her memory went blank...