
Reawakening of a villainess.

"Increased brain activity in a subject, ready the D.O.M" Newman said reading the graphs displayed on the monitor. "Copy that, engaging protocol A-2, Get to work ladies!" The commanding officer of the platoon shouted, getting the attention of everyone present as their eyes widened. "To think we'd have to resort to that so soon, the schedule was incorrect wasn't it?" A man in a labcoat bickered to his fellow scientists, unease hanging in the air. "Subject is waking up! Holy shit it's actually happening! Activate protocol B-78!" Newman shouted out from across, jumping up and down with excitement. ------------------------------------------------- Human civilization had rapidly progressed after the discovery of an energy named mana. Its applications are endless and had created teleportation devices and magic weaponry thought to be impossible. Its practical aspects were truly limitless, but of course, to every yin, there was yang. Violence and magic misuse was common, countries and governments struggled with the constant fighting, police weren't capable of dealing with murder and sexual harassment anymore, jails became ineffective as anyone could simply break out of the concrete cells with even a minuscule amount of mana. That is where the organization G.H.O.S.T stepped in, Global Hunting Operations System Technology, Their purpose is to contain high-level threats through the usage of technology and advanced machinery using mana. It worked to lower crime rates but caused several other issues. Their questionable methods of capturing and containing criminals, The increase in disappearances, and machinery-related deaths were cause for concern, but most remained ignorant to the facts present. This story revolves around the reawakening of the MC, who had remained in a coma for years after a battle that took place years ago. She had lost her former power and was hellbent on reobtaining it and standing atop the food chain. Her reasoning and motives are unknown to the greatest minds around the world, but maybe you, the reader have the strength to find out?

Arcaneium · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
2 Chs

The day after tomorrow

[I'd like to note that this story will contain graphic content, including but not limited to gore, sexual harassment, nudity, and sexual acts. You have been warned.]

A nude female with an extremely disheveled body laid in a pile of her own blood and guts, her entire chest cavity was simply a gaping hole with bits of her internal organs left to rot in the warm sun.

The corpse of the female lay inside a large crater that resided in a forest. The forest itself let out a creepy vibe as no living being could be seen for hundreds of miles, no wildlife or birds except for the insects that thrived inside the corpse.

Her two eyes were empty of liquid and simply dry husks, not unlike her shriveled corpse, everything below her torso was simply chunks of meat with no clear origin. The girl's hair had rotted away completely leaving her bald, her eye color impossible to pinpoint since the iris was completely gone.

Insects crawled in and out of her body, eating and planting eggs within the rotting corpse. Her skull was the only thing not decomposing, along with her brain. They remained in pristine condition and all attempts to harm it remained unsuccessful, as the 'tissue' was too hard to destroy.

Hidden inside the girl's cerebral cortex was a small device that had been drilled into the brain through the use of a diamond drill that contained a fusion reactor, yet even that caused the drill to choke when presented with the specimen.

Meanwhile, only a few kilometers away inside a mountainside a facility brimming with activity suddenly erupted into chaos, countless men in lab coats ran around in a panicked frenzy. At the helm of it all sat Newman, the leader of the greatest minds the world had to offer.

The institute was run by G.H.O.S.T with the purpose of investigating the anomaly found in the wooded area. Several strike teams and military assets were at the facility's disposal, ready to take on the threat should it awake.

"NEWMAN!" A young man with short brown disheveled hair and a dirty labcoat shouted while bursting through the door holding a red folder filled to the brim with papers.

"What is it you babbeling bafoon? You can't just come in screaming every time the team makes a new discovery." Newman retorted, tapping the cigarette on the ashtray impatiently. His round glasses and scar on his forehead made him look oddly similar to harry potter, assuming harry potter was a middle-aged man with gray stub and a bald head.

"Newman PLEASE! You have to see this, the subject's brain activity is increasing rapidly!" The man said between heavy gasps of air, Sweat dripping down his forehead and onto the marble floor. He pulled out a set of papers and handed it to Newman.

Newman smirked and let the cigarette fall into the ashtray, he looked through the papers, his hazelnut eyes brimming with excitement. Standing up from his office chair he met eyes with the Young man. "Haha! Derick shut your mouth I'm making an announcement." The man named Derick nodded, covering his mouth hastily, silencing his rapid breathing.

Slamming his fist down on the microphone connected to the speaker system, Newman practically put the microphone in his mouth as he began speaking. "Activate protocol C-12, Ready D.O.M for activation, This might be the night boys!" He said, tying it all together with a burst of hoarse laughter that sent chills down everyone's spine.

Newman sat down in his chair, a smug grin now plastered on his face as he reached under his desk and pulled a small switch, several holograms popped up in front of him. They acted like computer monitors and displayed countless cameras and graphs, he tapped away at the screens, making sure every section was working at 120% power. "Derick what are you standing around for! Get the fuck back to work!"

"Ye-Yes Sir!" Derick replied, he quickly collected the papers and rushed out of the office, almost tripping on his own two feet. 'Man that guy is honestly terrifying! I wish I could be like him.' Derick thought with a strange fascination for Newman. It wasn't romantic in any way shape or form, he just adored Newman, a scientist that was like a media celebrity, everyone knew his name, those who didn't were simply too young or dead.

Meanwhile, inside Sector B, where sergeant Alex stood atop a pile of empty boxes with the words G.H.O.S.T written all over them, Roughly five hundred men stood in front of him, everyone saluting and waiting for his demands.

Alex was built like a tank, standing at roughly 6'5 and packing a set of muscles that bulged even when relaxed, His sharp blue eyes scanning the crowd of people that flocked after the announcement. Lifting his left hand he corrected his hair with a small smile on his face. before opening his mouth.

"WELL, YOU HEARD THE MAN YOU STICKS! GET TO WORK BEFORE I SHOVE A SIX-FOOT SHOVEL UPP YOUR ASS, DISMISSED!" Alex said with a deep but extremely loud voice. Only seconds after the word 'Dismissed' exited his mouth the crowd shouted out in sync. "SIR YES SIR!", before everyone scurried away to their posts. Leaving Alex to stand atop the boxes with a smile.

Jumping down with a thud he pulled out his phone, dialing a number and sitting down on a box, waiting patiently. After a few seconds, a voice feminine voice erupted from the other end. "Hey dad! Everything alright? It's pretty late."

"Everything's fine darling, Daddy will be working late tonight so I won't come home for another week, How are you holding up? I left some money on the kitchen table so you should be good for another month."

The voice giggled, Alex could see a tongue sticking out from his daughter in this current moment, something she always did when he kept repeating himself. "I saw it don't worry, Besides I can do the occasional odd job to scrape up some cash, And to answer your question I'm fine, tough you would have to admit you're daughter is pretty amazing. " The voice said smugly.

"Hey! If you keep that attitude up I might have to teach you a lesson, Maybe no more candy for a month, how does that sound?" He said jokingly, stifling laughter as to not interrupt his baby girl.

"Oh noe! What will I ever do." The voice said with a newfound childish 'accent'.

"Behave." Axel managed to say before bursting out into laughter.

"Shut up!" The voice responded gleefully.

"Heh, Ah chucks, I gotta go, Harry potter wants to pay me a visit, take care for dad okay?" Axel sighed seeing the familiar bald man walk towards him with a smug look on his face.

"You to dad, You too." The voice said before the call ended and Axel put down his phone with less enthusiasm than what he had started with.

"And who are you, young boy?" Alex said in a condescending tone and stood up, straightened his posture in front of Newman. Axel was a head taller than Newman and took pride in making fun of his build.

"Ha, Try again when this old man doesn't have stubble!" Newman replied, scratching his chin and ignoring the height difference like he usually did.

"I will keep that in mind, Besides you hardly have a babyface. Anyways get to the point Newman, I have a group of sticks to oversee." Alex chuckled, crossing his arms.

"Very well, I'-" Newman was cut off by the speakers that erupted into loud screeching, Every emergency light in the building turned on as Jessica, the onsite technician spoke into the intercom.

"Code Red! I repeat code red! The subject has entered REM sleep, all forms of the sedative have failed! Prepare for code black!" Jessica said, before patching herself out of the intercom system.

Alex spared no time and practically ripped the radio from his pocket, practically screaming into it. "LET'S MOVE LADIES, I WANT GROUPS 1,3, AND 5 TO GET INTO PATROL CARS AND ENTER THE CONTAINMENT ZONE IMMEDIATELY!"

Newman turned away and rushed out of sector B and headed for the main control room located in the lowest part of the facility. While running he bumped into several men and women all rushing in different directions to prepare for the up and coming catastrophe.

Rushing into an elevator he jammed his thumb into a button reading 'Control Room', the elevator quickly descended several kilometers. He had no time to stand around and the moment the door opened he rushed out and almost collapsed upon the sight.

Before he stood the monolithic structure that housed the servers and processor units the site had to offer, it looked like a giant black box with countless screens and buttons attached to it, But his main concern was of the main screen that showed video feed of the subject, and the screen next to it showing her life signs.

Panic struck him as he chuckled nervously, before breaking into full insanity. The video feed had cut out, and life signs were rapidly increasing, the subject's heart rate and jumped from 0 BPM to 5000 BPM in a matter of minutes. Brain activity was surging and mana began to condense around the subject.

Pulling out his voice recorder he switched it on and began speaking. "This is Newman *********, The date is **************, We are experiencing a code black, The first of its kind! It's beautiful, Truly it's beautiful!"


Meanwhile outside the facility, the 'subject', sat up.

While she was still considered unconscious her body had begun rapidly shrinking and regenerating. blood rushed through the air entering her open chest cavity, Her eyes inflated with liquid as she rapidly gained muscle mass.

After only a few seconds the girl had regenerated completely but had shrunk in the process, her body originally seemed to belong to a 30-year-old woman standing at roughly 6 feet, but now had shrunk down to 4'8, and seemed to be in their late teens, her two pearly eyes slowly opening.

Long black hair grew out of her hair that proceeded to go down to her hips, She was in a daze as her internal organs woke to life and began working again, ATP production restarted and her nerve cells worked overtime to process her thoughts.

Compared to before her physique and attractiveness had shot up considerably. She had an hourglass figure, while not that extreme it was noticeable, Her body had curves in all the right places and it would make anyone jealous, her facial features were sharp as ever while her smooth rosy complexion and lack of clothing made her look rather frail and undoubtedly cute.

The girl's two eyes scanned the area timidly, her left eye was a bright green and seemed almost to glow, while her right eye was pitch black to the point that there just seemed to be a pupil and no iris at all. Looking up her pupils took a moment to constrict when blasted with sunlight.

Her lips curved into a smile as she muttered something under her breath. "Guess who's back~".