
Reawakening: Jean Carter

Four years after disappearing on her senior graduation, AJ Carter has become successful after inheriting her family's company. Since then, she subconsciously kept herself locked in a box to prevent her heart from completely shattering. With a new blonde roommate moving in, will the walls to her shielded heart begin to crumble?

ahfarr · LGBT+
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7 Chs

Chapter 4: lashing out

The recent days I was caught up finalizing preparations for the launch of some new perfumes. Meetings were blended with each other, leaving my desk buried underneath a pile of papers.

With the event happening tomorrow, the weight of meeting the expectations of many have become my priority, followed by unforeseen complications. The arrival of some of the perfumes will be delayed due to the heavy snowfall. There were also some faulty equipment at the venue which needed urgent attention.

The sound of the rustling of papers were replaced by the ringing of the office telephone. I grabbed it and placed it on my ear, "hello?"

"Good afternoon, Ms. Carter. I will be connecting you to Ms. Lee, one of the clients for the event," my assistant said on the other side of the line.

For ten minutes, Ms. Lee informed me of the issues on her side. One of her employees who will play a major role in the event have become sick and will be unable to participate. Before ending the call, I assured her that I would find a way to solve it without any further complications.

My thoughts spiraled as I thought of which problem to address first. A sigh escaped me as I rest my head on the table. I closed my eyes, trying to calm my racing mind. 

The silence of the room had been shattered

by a sudden knock on the door. I asked the person behind it to come in, ready to welcome more unfavorable news. To my surprise, the person who came in was Ms. Thompson.

"I have your lunch, you forgot it at home," she walked towards me as she carried a lunch bag in her hand, placing it on my desk.

"I don't need it thanks," dismissed. Her face flashed with a hint of disappointment. With disregard for my refusal, she sat on the chair in front of me.

"Why not?" She queried, her fingers tapping on the wood. 

"I'm not hugry," I replied flatly. As if on cue, my stomach roared. I felt her eyes on me as my face turned a bright red color.

"Not hungry, are you?" Her lips formed into a smirk, which caused me to glare at her. Irritatingly, I scratched my head.

"Don't disturb me, I'm trying to work," I spat with venom. 

I grew irritated at her persistence, constantly asking me to eat. I stood abruptly and snapped at her, "if you want to suck up to me, I recommend that you don't, Ms. Thompson. You're Nicole's friend, not mine."

I heard a sigh escape her lips. The sound of chair wheels dragging filled the room as she stood, and within a few moments, the door closed.

I sat again, rubbing my temples at the increasing pressure. Maybe I should not have taken my anger out on her.