
Reaper system in another world

Reaper System in Another World follows the journey of Mortis, an ordinary man who gains access to the eponymous system and embarks on a path of constant improvement. As he strives to reach the pinnacle of power and master the art of reaping souls, Mortis faces numerous challenges and battles formidable foes. Along the way, he forms alliances, falls in love, and uncovers the secrets of the world around him. With each step, Mortis grows stronger and closer to his ultimate goal of becoming the most powerful reaper in the land.

BlueScarlet · Fantasy
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214 Chs

War, courage and trust

Sitting on a carriage, Mortis and Elara, the Margravine, finally reached the Queen's camp and were immediately surrounded by a group of soldiers. Without hesitation, Mortis jumped off, knocked the dust off his shoulders, and confidently ran toward the soldiers. With a firm voice he ordered: "Take me to your queen! I am Mortis of Bamberg and demand an audience. Step aside!"

The soldiers were somewhat confused at the confident appearance of the stranger, but followed his instructions and made way for him. The women present, including Elara and the female soldiers from Venice, watched in awe as Mortis handled the situation with aplomb and made many a female heart beat faster. Meanwhile, some of the male soldiers were secretly annoyed that they followed without resistance.

Mortis was led through the camp to the queen by some experienced knights and soldiers. Before he entered her tent, a soldier announced his arrival. As he entered the tent, he saw a young woman with ice-cold yellow eyes and almost white hair, who was over 2 meters tall and clearly had elven features. Mortis immediately realized why the Margrave was so fascinated by her. But he controlled himself and bowed politely as he introduced himself.

The queen beckoned Mortis to join her at the table where she was discussing the situation with her advisors. But before she could speak further, Elara stormed into the tent in a rage and immediately snapped at Mortis: "What do you think you're doing here, you citizen from the north? You think you can get away with anything!"

Mortis smiled at her just slightly arrogantly and replied, "Oh, I can get away with quite a bit, because I clean up your mess in the north just as I do in the south. While you rest in your castles, I fight for my people. But tell me, what brought you here, sisters? You look almost as if sprung from the same blood."

The queen and Elara were surprised by Mortis' candor. The Margravine did indeed have dark hair and black eyes, but she was still quite different from the mysterious woman in the tent who was her sister Elara.

The queen smiled with amusement and declared, "You do indeed speak frankly, Mortis of Bamberg. But you are not entirely wrong. Elara is my sister, born out of wedlock, but nevertheless she has worked her way up through her extraordinary abilities. She is my close confidant and advisor."

Mortis bowed respectfully and apologized, "It was not my intention to offend you, Your Majesty and you, Elara. I was merely voicing a question that came to mind."

Lillia smiled slightly and explained, "Don't worry, Mortis. I am used to direct words and appreciate your candor. It shows that you stand by what you think."

The Queen continued, "Mortis, you are here to help us and I appreciate your determination and skills. We can use all the help we can get to pacify the land and make it a place of peace, where violence and false accusations have no place and justice prevails under strong leadership."

Mortis bowed gratefully to the queen and replied, "It is my honor, Your Majesty, and I am ready to do my best to assist you and Elara in your endeavor. I have already heard much about your kingdom and am impressed by your pursuit of peace and justice."

Elara could hardly believe what she was hearing. The confident Mortis suddenly seemed humbled. She frowned and wanted to say something else, but the queen stopped her with a look.

"Mortis," the queen continued, "I have heard of your impressive skills as a warrior and strategist. You have already done much for our country, and I am confident that you will continue to be of great help to us. Before we discuss further, I would like to hear more about you and your adventures. Tell us about your travels and background."

Mortis told the sisters about his travels and battles against demons and monsters that threatened the land. He told of his time in Bamberg and the rebuilding of the city after war and destruction. In doing so, he emphasized his skills and determination.

The queen and Elara listened with fascination as Mortis also spoke of his women who helped him mine resources in the north. The idea that Mortis involved his women in the work and was so skilled at it impressed her.

"Mortis, you seem to be truly versatile," the queen said appreciatively. "Your ability not only to serve as a warrior and strategist, but also to use resources wisely is admirable."

Elara, still skeptical, asked, "But why are you doing this? Are your women willing to serve you like this, or are you forcing them to?"

Mortis leaned back casually and grinned slightly. "Oh, my ladies are quite willing," he replied. "They are smart and strong women who can make their own decisions. If I can help them ease their worries while they assist me in helping my people, it's a win-win situation, isn't it?"

Elara rolled her eyes and said, "You really are arrogant and smug, Mortis."

"And you're a lightning smart and fierce half elf," Mortis replied, winking at her playfully. "This is a meeting of extraordinary individuals, if I may say so."

The queen laughed softly and said, "You two are truly a special duo. But it's good to know that you're not only thinking of the welfare of your people, but also of supporting your women."

Mortis winked at Elara again and replied, "Oh, I'm happy to help anywhere if the money is right and I can ease my wives' worries. But don't worry, Your Majesty, you and Elara have a special place in my heart."

Elara snorted contemptuously, but a hint of blush rose to her face. She turned her head to the side to hide her embarrassment.

The queen laughed again and said, "Well, it is good to know that you have taken us to your heart as well. We will fight together for the good of our country and our people."

Mortis smiled at the Queen's words and confidently replied, "What do you mean by fight together? I have no intention of letting this fight begin at all. I will drive the rats out of their burrow and exterminate them. For me, it would be truly helpful to gather so many souls. But if you all kill each other, who will guard this land? We already have problems because the others are pissed off. And if we weaken ourselves so much that we can hardly defend ourselves, we're just playing into the Dark Emperor's cards. No thanks, I'll handle it myself, just like I usually do. I kill my enemies and then let my women spoil me."

Mortis winked at Elara and the queen and left the tent. His mind was made up and he was ready to face the enemy army alone. The queen and Elara watched him thoughtfully, knowing that Mortis had a difficult and dangerous task ahead of him. But they also knew that he was an exceptional warrior and that his courage and determination would take him far.

The queen was surprised by Mortis' reaction and how he took her words. She smiled slightly and replied, "Mortis, I understand your pride and skills as a warrior, but this is not just about killing enemies. We need to find a way to protect and govern this land without destroying each other. Together we can accomplish more than if we act separately."

Elara, still somewhat skeptical, interjected, "And you think you can do this alone? You may be strong, but that doesn't mean you can handle everything on your own. Cooperation and support are sometimes necessary to overcome great challenges."

Mortis smiled cockily and countered, "I've struggled alone all my life and I'm still here. I don't need help to strike down my enemies. And as for governing, well, I have my own ways to lead and protect my people. I trust my women and my people more than any government or queen."

The queen sighed slightly and said, "It is a pity you feel that way, Mortis. But I will not force you to cooperate with us. If you want to go your own way, so be it."

Elara added, "But remember that we are not your enemies. We are all fighting for the same goal - peace and security for our country."

Mortis winked at the two women again and said with a grin, "You are both right. I will go my own way, and it will lead me straight into the heart of the enemy army. I will face this challenge alone."

The Queen and Elara were equally concerned and impressed by Mortis' determination. The queen said, "Be careful, Mortis. The enemy army is strong, and you will face great danger alone."

But Mortis waved it off and replied, "I have fought many battles, and I have my people and my women waiting for me in the north. I will return, and I will be victorious."

Elara could not hide her concern and said, "Promise us you will be careful, Mortis. We want you back alive."

Mortis smiled warmly and lightly touched Elara's hand. "I promise you both. I will return and tell you of my victory."