
Reaper system in another world

Reaper System in Another World follows the journey of Mortis, an ordinary man who gains access to the eponymous system and embarks on a path of constant improvement. As he strives to reach the pinnacle of power and master the art of reaping souls, Mortis faces numerous challenges and battles formidable foes. Along the way, he forms alliances, falls in love, and uncovers the secrets of the world around him. With each step, Mortis grows stronger and closer to his ultimate goal of becoming the most powerful reaper in the land.

BlueScarlet · Fantasy
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214 Chs

Surprising encounters and revelations

Baron Darius was surprised how quickly and orderly the ghosts and soldiers packed everything. His eyes fell on a flag with a scythe and feathers on it, as if it had fallen from the sky. This flag and several others were often carried with pride by the bearers as they continued to move toward the Tyrol. Beside the women he rode along with Frau and Elysia, who in turn was talking animatedly with Marina and Leonie.

Darius tried to carry on a conversation with Merlin, who gladly answered, although he actually preferred to talk to Opera, who rode a little further back. Leonie, however, had forbidden Merlin to forget his position as right-hand man, and insisted that he ride in the very front to respect Mortis and Klein Franken as well.

While Darius and Rose watched everything, they were amazed at how the young women had everything under control. The old soldiers and adventurers accepted their orders without a single word of protest. So they both bluntly asked about Bamberg and the women of Mortis, which did not surprise Merlin, since he had already seen Elysia talking to them. He told everything without mincing words, holding nothing back and even mentioning how he was always forced to give 200% to keep the city and country safe and prosperous.

When Darius carelessly remarked that the young count must think he had fallen from heaven, but needed to prove himself before he could get Elysia, he realized his mistake. Elysia blushed with shame, and Darius sensed the seething vengefulness emanating from the other soldiers. Seven pairs of eyes focused on him, ready to attack him at any moment. Embarrassed, Darius lowered his head and quickly excused himself. Rose, who rode beside him, had tears in her eyes from suppressed laughter. Never before had anyone silenced her hot-headed husband so quickly, and she admired the strong women from the first moment she saw them.

After a few hours they reached the renewed land, but it seemed very empty. There were ruins and abandoned towns everywhere, and apart from a few steadfast people holding on to their homes and possessions, they did not find much in the northernmost town. Nevertheless, they continued on their way to reach the capital, which was to be in the middle of the country. There they planned to set up camp and begin searching for resources and materials that would benefit their empire.

At the same time, Mortis managed to get near the city walls as a disguised old man and gather some information. It all seemed to have started when a count with great influence and resources was rejected by the Margravine. This count was petty and had a displaced view of humanity, so he did not have many allies. When he was rejected, he railed against the margravine and found support from another margrave who had suffered a similar fate with the queen. Moreover, all members of the royal house are said to be exclusively female, which soured some. Thus, rumors of a love affair have been spread, which many soldiers and nobles don't really care about, it seems. But nevertheless, hatred is spreading and voices are rising against the two women, who are supposed to bring about the downfall of this country.

Mortis was also able to track down some followers who always wore the same necklace around their necks, with a rather strange symbol. Mortis almost got bile up, because that's how it always starts: a nutcase who gets something in his head seeks out followers and rallies them under a symbol, like wearing a flag, to spread hate. But Mortis listened carefully to determine how this grouping presented its ideas about the world. Although this world was far from his old world, he was shocked to see how radical this new grouping is and how each of these pathetic men would prefer to be celebrated as a god.

Mortis also interfered in passing with a conversation, since he could not restrain himself, and said, "How long, then, may the chain be that the woman may wear around her neck? Is she still allowed to see the sunlight or can't she get out of the cellar and kitchen?" The follower did not like at all what the beggar said, but he tried to ignore it and continue spreading his propaganda.

As Mortis walked on, he couldn't miss how the ground was peppered with arrows that clearly showed how far someone could approach the city wall. Suddenly, panic broke out behind him, "The Queen's soldiers are here! Everyone get ready for battle! The queen is here!" the soldiers yelled, trying to rally the masses. Mortis turned around cursing. "Shit, here we go. Should I still quickly get the heads of the followers and the nobles who are responsible for this uprising, or should I rather wait? Damn!" thought Mortis and quickly disappeared into a cell, where he put on the clothes of one of the soldiers who were running around here en masse.

Then he followed the other soldiers who were setting up and gathering. But from the looks of it, the battle was not about to start. It seemed that at first there was just a show of force, as they let the others set up camp and sent messages back and forth to each other. Then, when the queen's soldiers gathered in front, in the direction of Venice, the gate opened. The soldiers, the Margravine and the other wives of the former Margrave came out to join the Queen. It seemed that they were going to have the fight outside the gate without dragging the citizens inside.

Mortis, who was far in front, pushed his way to the front, which displeased many of the soldiers and especially the superiors because he was out of line. However, Mortis did not care. When he finally got to the front, he ran out of the army toward the margravine, which alarmed many. But when he changed his clothes and made the mask disappear, he laughed out loud and changed to his normal equipment, which now had some more fine polish, as well as a silver snake as a sign of infinity on his back.

The Margravine's soldiers tried to stop Mortis, not knowing what was going on, but with his speed he whizzed past them and their weapons. He stopped first at the ladies and fixed his gaze on a woman with purple hair. The women were not helpless and at the same time drew their weapons or were ready to hurl magical attacks at him. Mortis raised his hands and said, "I come in peace. After all, I am only here to see my future mother-in-law. So have mercy." The women looked at each other, wondering who he could mean. When Lillia saw him looking at her piercingly, she thought she had misheard. So she calmly asked first, "What is your name and if you mean me, where is my daughter?" Mortis smiled and said, "You will find out. But now we should meet the queen. After all, I would like to have a talk with her."