
Reaper system in another world

Reaper System in Another World follows the journey of Mortis, an ordinary man who gains access to the eponymous system and embarks on a path of constant improvement. As he strives to reach the pinnacle of power and master the art of reaping souls, Mortis faces numerous challenges and battles formidable foes. Along the way, he forms alliances, falls in love, and uncovers the secrets of the world around him. With each step, Mortis grows stronger and closer to his ultimate goal of becoming the most powerful reaper in the land.

BlueScarlet · Fantasy
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287 Chs

The king of hearts: adventure, family and dreams for the future

The civic children had made a great start to this tournament and the winners were decided. It wasn't always graceful or elegant how they fought, but their courage and passion spurred on the spectators and convinced the gods that this tournament was just the thing to find new adventurers. The commoners from the high realms won, proving their worth. But neither the humans nor the other middle races who lost were angry or disappointed; in fact, they were happy for the winners and honored them.

Mortis took his time and went to the arena to address the brave boys and girls personally right away, which made the children nervous. After all, everyone had seen Mortis' fight against Valric two weeks ago, and so they had the utmost respect for him. But Mortis was friendly and showed no fear of contact, so he invited the children along with their parents to his box for a chat.

The children, their eyes shining with excitement and faces reddened from exertion, ran to their parents and told them about the king's invitation. The buzz of voices in the arena was almost deafening, but the news spread quickly, and soon all eyes were on Mortis, who stood smiling benignly in the middle of the arena.

Meanwhile, in the royal box, preparations were being made to receive the children and their parents. Noble tablecloths were spread, delicious food and drink were provided, and additional seating was arranged. The magical servants scurried about, each striving to make everything perfect for the upcoming gathering.

When the children arrived at the lodge with their parents, they were warmly greeted by Mortis and Shiva. The atmosphere was relaxed and cheerful, and soon everyone was sitting together, laughing, eating, and exchanging stories. Mortis listened attentively as the children told of their experiences during the tournament and asked interested questions. He wanted to know more about what moved these young souls, what dreams and desires they had.

The children's parents, a bit reserved at first, soon thawed out and took an active part in the conversations. They told of their pride in their children and of the hopes they had for their future. Mortis and Shiva nodded in understanding and encouraged the parents to always believe in their children and support them in their aspirations.

After listening to them, Mortis rose and looked thoughtfully around the arena. Then he turned to the table and said, "I'll lay my cards on the table. What does it look like when your children come to Rome and join the military? I plan to establish a military school for soldiers and aspiring adventurers, and your children would be the first to have a place in it. And not only them, but also the other children of yours would be able to study and decide which path to take. But don't worry, we don't want to separate you from your children. Good workers are needed in the castle and in the city, so we would give you a place to live and work. And you can be sure that your children will be well taken care of. In return, I expect only loyalty and that the children are willing to learn well."

The parents exchanged glances and could be seen weighing Mortis' words. It was a big decision to place their children in the care of the king, but the prospect of a good education and a secure future was enticing. After a few moments of thought, some parents nodded in agreement, while others still had reservations and asked more questions.

Mortis patiently answered each question, assuring parents that their children's welfare would come first. He spoke of the plans for the school, the teachers and instructors who would teach the children, and the opportunities that would be available to the graduates. Gradually, the parents' concerns dissipated, and by the end of the conversation, an atmosphere of confidence and trust had emerged.

Meanwhile, gods entered the arena and now announced the tournament of nobles. They amazed the spectators with magic magic games and effects. The children in the box ran to the window and watched anxiously. Mortis asked the magical servants to create more seats so that the parents could watch with their children. The children's parents were surprised how the king did not immediately throw them out and tolerate them near him. Overjoyed, they sat down with the children to watch the performance. Mortis took a seat between his wives and enjoyed the show with them as well.

The arena was lit with magical light, and the audience cheered with excitement as the young nobles showed off their magical skills. It was a spectacle of bright colors, shimmering effects, and powerful spells. Mortis watched intently as the young magicians used their powers and challenged each other.

The children at his side were visibly impressed by the magical arts of the nobles and watched their every move with shining eyes. Their parents could not help but share their enthusiasm, applauding loudly for the young wizards.

Mortis smiled with satisfaction. He could see the excitement growing in the children's eyes and how they were inspired by what they saw. It was exactly what he had hoped for: to motivate the young people and show them what possibilities were open to them. With a contented sigh, he sat back and enjoyed the rest of the performance, already thinking about how he could encourage the young talent.

Lumina, sitting next to him, whispered in Mortis' ear. "I feel sorry for the poor nobles. I have been preparing Zara and the boys intensively for the last ten days, and they are now more than ready to prove themselves. I wouldn't be surprised if your father had actually been training them for months in another dimension. I almost feel sorry for the others that they're not our children, especially with such a gorgeous future father."

Lumina and the other women moved closer to him. They were all pregnant and attracted to Mortis' caring and protective nature. Shiva was quite pinched on the other side and hissed in a whisper, "It's alright, hens, it's still my time with him. Now back with you!"

"Pah," whispered the others, moving back a little away from Mortis.

Mortis could not suppress a soft laugh. He appreciated the slight rivalry and love that existed between his wives. He felt honored and fortunate to soon become a father, and was determined to do everything in his power to be a good father and husband. His eyes wandered to the arena where his children were ready to prove themselves, and a sense of pride filled him. He had full confidence in their abilities and knew they would achieve great things.

After a day of excitement and competition, the event was coming to an end. As darkness fell, the gods once again entered the arena and thanked those present for coming. They expressed the hope that more spectators would show up the next day, bringing happiness and joy as the actual tournament continued in the knockout system to see who was the strongest and had the most potential.

With a clap of their hands, the gods created portals in the stands and boxes to bring people home safely. Mortis took the opportunity to ask a magical servant if it would be possible to send the children directly to Rome with their parents, to get everything done right away and save the parents the trip. The magical servant nodded and immediately created another portal especially for the future soldiers and adventurers.

When they all stepped through the portal and appeared in front of the castle, they were immediately greeted by servants and guards who were happy to see the young couple and Mortis' other wives again. Mortis gave orders to the servants to prepare accommodation for the guests. A guard was to look after the parents tomorrow and see what they could be used for in the castle and what work they could do. If there was no suitable work for them in the castle, they were to be escorted to the city to be able to find work there.

Then Mortis turned to Shiva and said, "That's it for the external duties, now come my domestic ones." He grabbed Shiva, lifted her over his shoulder with a smile, and hurried off with her.