
Reaper system in another world

Reaper System in Another World follows the journey of Mortis, an ordinary man who gains access to the eponymous system and embarks on a path of constant improvement. As he strives to reach the pinnacle of power and master the art of reaping souls, Mortis faces numerous challenges and battles formidable foes. Along the way, he forms alliances, falls in love, and uncovers the secrets of the world around him. With each step, Mortis grows stronger and closer to his ultimate goal of becoming the most powerful reaper in the land.

BlueScarlet · Fantasy
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214 Chs

Solo dungeon with insects

It was the middle of the night when Mortis arrived in Solingen. He wanted to go to the Adventurer's Guild as usual, but then he remembered that the Great Man was probably waiting for him and he didn't want to make any human social contacts, so he went to the dungeon.

In front of the dungeon there were again some soldiers keeping watch and stopping Mortis, but when he showed his medallion they just let him go. When Mortis stepped through a portal he was faced with 3 doors, each with a sign indicating what test you can take, so the tank healer and DD have different tests.

Mortis went through the door where you saw a sword and a wand which is meant for the damage dealers. As soon as he went through the door he saw insects that looked like crickets and mantis but were well armored. They were probably meant to withstand some damage. Mortis wondered what level these creatures were, but the system said the creatures in the dungeon were from 40-50.

You should have fun here, you can test around a bit more at the beginning since this is still easy and they are no danger to you.

Mortis knows she means his exercises from before so it should be really helpful to see what a body can do and how to best use it. Mortis took out his sense and swung it back and forth a few times, preparing himself morally for the fights. If some people saw him they would think he hates everything and everyone because his face gets angry and he gives off a certain coldness but it was the opposite he loved to fight and how the blood starts to boil but even if he is a little angry it is a very calm anger that doesn't cloud his mind but sharpens his senses and so he ran towards the cricket that is about 2 meters tall.

The insect made a loud sound with its legs which became louder as soon as Mortis was near it even became painful to Mortis ears and he realized that this sound was not only there to harm him but also to confuse him and so Mortis staggered the last steps but with a long jump forward and a powerful swing he reached the insect. The scythe is one of the most unfair weapons because it is hard to block. If you try to block the blade, the blade just keeps moving and if you try to block the handle, the blade is already stuck somewhere in the body. The insect noticed this quickly because she tried to guide the blade backwards with her blade-like arms when she was hit by the handle and when the blade was behind her Mortis pulled the scythe towards her and the blade went into the neck of the insect but didn't cut off the head but Mortis kicked the head of the cricket and decapitated the insect.

The mantis stood there and just watched everything as Mortis finished she rubbed her arm blades together and suddenly attacked Mortis as if this creature had 2 swords she tried to slash Mortis. Mortis took the scythe very far up and blocked or dodged it he could have kept the creature at a distance and finished it off but that was not his goal he wanted to learn and he noticed against Kathrin that when an opponent comes very close to him he doesn't really have a solution yet so he tried it that way since this insect also comes close to him with 2 blades.

Impressed by the speed of the insect's aim, Mortis swung her arms exactly as if she were a dancer and tried to adapt more and more as his fighting style was also like a dance. He tried to find a new rhythm and new steps to dodge and still inflict cuts on this creature.

After 5 minutes of dancing and when Mortis was sure he couldn't learn from this creature anymore he made a quick half turn using Ghostly Retreat to jump through the creature and then quickly slay it which worked as the creature didn't expect Mortis to dissolve into the mist and appear behind it.

Mortis continued to walk the floor but was disappointed that even though there were some of these crickets there were no more enemies and when he reached the end there was only a staircase waiting not even a rare mob or an intermediate boss so Mortis went hopefully to the 2nd floor. Here he found a new enemy that was smaller but had spikes on its armor that looked like a ladybug but more dangerous because it had no points but spikes as big as a man's arm and as wide as a cyclist's legs.

As Mortis approached the group of insects the cricket tried to influence him while the mantis ran towards Mortis swinging its blades at him the spiny ladybug didn't move at first but as Mortis took care of the mantis the ladybug jumped High turned around and with the spines in front it tried to kill Mortis. Too bad for him that Mortis even if he cared for the mantis did not let this new enemy out of his sight so he put his scythe on the ground and the beetle skewered itself so to speak. Mortis lifted the scythe and killed the mantis with the ladybug that was impaled on his scythe. After that Mortis turned 360° and threw the body of the beetle onto the cricket. The cricket was thrown against the wall, but before it could orient itself, its head was cut off.

Mortis was bored and wanted to get this game over with, so he called Sarah over to walk through the corridors of this floor. There was no boss on this floor either but Mortis noticed that the ladybug can also shoot its spines and they grow back in just a few seconds which Mortis found very cool but unfortunately he can't collect souls in dungeons because the creatures are actually nothing but clay that get a certain shape from a dungeon core and are controlled with magic.

On the next floor there were 2 new enemies a big beetle that had like 2 half shields on its hands which together with the armor on its back makes a perfectly round sphere so that was its tank and there was a black ant that hung on the ceiling above and threw elemental spells. Like Ice Lance or Earth Sphere that were as big as watermelons.

Sarah took care of the ant and made sure it crashed into the others while Mortis jumped into the 5 opponents with scythes. Finally he just hit the tank a few times which didn't have much except his shield and an acid he tried to spit in Mortis' face.

At the end of the corridor finally waited a boss that looked like a ladybug but much more dangerous. It stood on 6 legs but had 4 arms that all had very sharp blades, its spines were huge and its armor seemed to be very hard.

Mortis stepped into the boss room and the beetle jumped up and did a somersault forward towards Mortis, firing its spikes at Mortis and swinging its blade arms at Mortis. Mortis ran to the side and jumped forward with a pike to avoid everyone then quickly stood and turned to face the boss. "Shit you really should never judge a book by its cover that critter is really nimble."

But the beetle tried not to give Mortis any air and charged at him with its massive body, using all 4 of its blades. Mortis did not use any ability to dodge, but tried to do it on his own strength and instinct, he was pushed further and further back to the wall, but Mortis tried to keep dodging or blocking, which was just the thrill he needed.

Close to the wall it was a bit too hot for him so Mortis used Scythe Swivel 2 times which didn't do much damage but it got him from the front to the side and then behind the insect.

But instead of the insect turning around it jumped up and turned around with the aim to flatten Mortis. But Mortis had enough space to simply jump backwards to avoid it, but when the insect landed, earth spikes came shooting out of the ground, spreading it like a wave from the boss. Mortis jumped up and used double jump to get over this wave but as soon as he was at the highest point the bug turned to the side and shot the spikes from his back at Mortis. Sarah wanted to intervene and save Mortis but he just yelled, "Don't interfere, I have to do this myself!

The spikes weren't like a wall but they got mixed up like the spread of a shotgun and so Mortis tried to knock away the spikes that were at his face height like chest height which worked for a few but he still got hit even though he wasn't impaled but he also managed to lean on one of the spikes that were at leg height and jump up and then he used double jump but not up but forward to fly like a projectile at the boss.

The boss received him with his 4 blades but Mortis used Fallen Comet shortly before to parry the boss's blades which worked but didn't bother the boss but Mortis was bothered by it and so he decided to end this fight because he saw enough. Sarah was now allowed to join in as Mortis put the boss in the ice prison and jumped on the boss then further up and now with falling comet and many twists the boss just hit in 2 halves.

° Level up Level up they distribute their 18 Sp.° " Mach 5 in strength the rest in agility."

"That was an interesting fight, I hope there will be more opponents like that to challenge me, they are really good practice and it seems I still have a lot to learn when I get hit by attacks like these spikes.

Mortis Level 42 Reaper

Strength 130, Agility 175, Int 48, Vitality 70, Stamina 70, Mana 80, Charisma 60

Souls. 17223