
Reaper system in another world

Reaper System in Another World follows the journey of Mortis, an ordinary man who gains access to the eponymous system and embarks on a path of constant improvement. As he strives to reach the pinnacle of power and master the art of reaping souls, Mortis faces numerous challenges and battles formidable foes. Along the way, he forms alliances, falls in love, and uncovers the secrets of the world around him. With each step, Mortis grows stronger and closer to his ultimate goal of becoming the most powerful reaper in the land.

BlueScarlet · Fantasy
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287 Chs

An end With the insects

The 4th floor was full of ants and hornets, this floor was also full of flowers, but Mortis was not sure if they were not dangerous because he never saw them neither in this world nor in his old one. Marlene had never shown him them and he didn't want to risk anything so he kept his distance from them.

Mortis was more of a tank since Sarah was only 34 and he wanted her to learn more and adapt so he let her kill the monsters while he blocked and dodged. So he fought his way up to the 5th floor to do the next boss.

The 2nd boss in this solo dungeon is a giant hornet with 6 wings and a long stinger that looks like it's made of iron. The hornet had green and purple skin similar to ants, which makes Mortis think that this creature is not only fast but can also use spells.

The insect also cast massive wind blades right at the beginning which flew at Mortis from left and right as the spell was finished the hornet attacked from the front to give Mortis no chance to dodge or plan anything. But Sarah took the chance and stabbed the insect from behind and tried to cut off the wings of the creature which didn't really work but still left some traces.

When Sarah got the aggr. from the boss Mortis did nothing to see how she would react when attacked and he was surprised how nimble she was and managed to dodge everything or block with her sharp fingernails. Sarah activated her fog and disappeared in front of the insect's eyes which made the creature nervous as he sometimes saw shadows or how she could be seen briefly but disappeared again but that wasn't the only thing every time she appeared the hornet had her fingernails stuck somewhere else in her body.

The hornet used its wind spell and tried to cut everything in the fog, but when the hornet cast its spell, Sarah was seen grinning at the insect and disappearing into the fog again. She hit the insect 2 more times then the fog disappeared but the wind blades still flew through the room and when Sarah became visible they flew right at her and a new fog appeared which this time Mortis created to help her even if he only wanted to watch he didn't want to sacrifice her and he wanted to go on because this evil was a big disappointment. After all, Sarah was now just level 37 and the boss can do almost nothing against her although he should be 45 according to the system.

As the fog lifted one more time and the room lit up, the last thing anyone saw was Sarah hugging the insect from behind and decapitating the boss with her fingernails. Mortis opened the box, but there was only gold in it, which surprised Mortis, because he actually fits the level of the dungeon, or are his stats so high that the dungeon considers him a high level? He thought nothing more of it and simply pocketed the 10 gold and took the next staircase to the 7th floor.

Here Mortis was surprised because this floor was a mixture of jungles and desert which Mortis did not like at all and when he saw under the sand a creature which is clearly a scorpion he also knew what was waiting for him in the jungle. "Why does it have to be spiders and scorpions?" He cursed a little louder even Sarah did not look happy and she was already dead.

Mortis thought that if the dungeon wanted to annoy him, so could he, and so he exchanged Sarah with the boss from the battlefield. Mortis looked at the Big Demon and thought of a name, since he planned to use it more often. "I call you Marshal as once a Great Knight and I hope that you will strengthen my front with your violence and ability.

Marshal became your companion and can now level up. His class was set to Warrior at the request of the host.

Marshal underwent a great change His body, which was black as pitch and only looked like a bat, was now encased in silver armor with black wings and silver patterns on it His horns also became larger and got silver stripes His weapon changed to a large one-handed sword and a massive tower shield. Even though he was a demon and as a spirit considered it torture to do what Mortis commanded him to do, he was surprised and happy with what he became and with the power that flowed through his soul he swore eternal loyalty to himself.

The 5 meter tall demon knight stomped forward and before even a stinger could come out of the sand the first scorpion was impaled by what for others would be a hellbarde or spear. Mortis watched the game and saw how proudly the Demon went forward, looking forward to clearing his master's enemies out of the way. Mortis wondered when he would finally be able to keep more spirits as companions at once, foreign spirits he could command by the thousands, or is it because his spirits feed on his energy?

Mortis put the thought aside and wandered behind his new companion while he was happy like a child about his new power and went faster and faster through the plane, taking everything with him, no matter how small the creature is or how much it wanted to hide. Mortis found it very interesting how his spirits changed with the entrance as companion before all character moderately.

On the 9th floor when they arrived at the boss Mortis also let this boss do his escort because he wanted to know where the border is and the boss and Marshal have almost the same level but Marshal was much too strong for this dungeon he just ran over the spider creature pushed it with the shield against the wall and stabbed so long from above into the insect until it stopped moving. Again, Mortis only got 10 gold, which he thought was fair since he didn't lift a finger.

The next floor was like all the others together it had everything where even insects could feel comfortable. Mortis got bored so he called his ghost back and got Sarah out so she could continue leveling. So both of them fought their way through the next 3 floors with Sarah going up 2 levels and Mortis 1 level. He spent 2 sp in Int and the other 7 in Agility.

When Mortis arrived at the final boss he found a large room with a creature standing on 2 legs with 8 wings 4 arms like big swords and a strong armor the creature was also about 4 meters tall with a skin that reflected different colors in the light. A scorpion stinger and its mouth looked like a spider.

Mortis whistled. "Now that's what I call a boss." He then sent Sarah away to face this boss alone.

Unlike the other bosses, this one only opened his eyes and watched Mortis and did not attack right away, but slowly released his stasis and moved only slightly to warm up. Mortis gave the boss time and so they both looked at each other while slowly walking sideways and waiting for the opponent's move. The boss had enough, he put his blades in an X shape and started to glow bluish and flew with an incredible speed just above the ground leaving a blue trail. Mortis barely dodged it, but as soon as he jumped to the side, the boss made a 180° turn and continued to race towards Mortis, and again and again he had to jump to the side, and the fifth time the boss stopped. Mortis had a bad feeling and quickly jumped away from the mark on the ground which was also his luck because when the boss stopped the mark became a pillar of fire.

"You fucker have such beautiful blades and you come up with such tricks I wanted to keep it male but if you want to decide it with skills it will be decided that way!

The insect seemed to understand him and grinned, then the boss's blades glowed and he cut about 20 times into the void, but wind blades were created that were supposed to attack Mortis, but Mortis used 2x ghost weapons and created 2 ghost vortexes that slowed down the blades with their strong pull and spread them around the room, but not so that a wind blade came too close to Mortis.

Mortis used the fog that Sarah also used to disappear only Mortis let the fog cool down more and more which also didn't suit the boss because he became slower. The fog lasts about 10 seconds, exactly the time Mortis needs, so he used Soul Seal and hit the confused boss from always different sides, hitting him with his blades, because he only saw Mortis for a short time.

When the fog disappeared and the boss slowly stopped shaking, he was happy to see Mortis, but not for long, because Mortis sprinted towards him and when the insect wanted to get stiff, the seal exploded, causing the boss to shake and lose his composure while Mortis sprinted, swung his scythe and hit the boss with full force with the small massive blade on his skull.

Green blood burst from the skull wound, causing the Boss to shriek in a very high-pitched tone, which stunned Mortis and sent him staggering backward. Then the boss stood up with all 4 blades and let them fly at Mortis, but Mortis used Ghostly Retreat to dodge and get rid of his status problem.

"You are a disappointment, such a good body and then these children's games are over.

Mortis used Ice Prison made a double jump and with Falling Comet with an impressive beautiful somersault he beat the boss in two.

Lv up distribute their 9 sp. " Distribute everything in strength."

Mortis Level 44 Reaper

Strength 139, Agility 182, Int 50, Vitality 70, Stamina 70, Mana 80, Charisma 60.

Souls. 17223