
Reaper system in another world

Reaper System in Another World follows the journey of Mortis, an ordinary man who gains access to the eponymous system and embarks on a path of constant improvement. As he strives to reach the pinnacle of power and master the art of reaping souls, Mortis faces numerous challenges and battles formidable foes. Along the way, he forms alliances, falls in love, and uncovers the secrets of the world around him. With each step, Mortis grows stronger and closer to his ultimate goal of becoming the most powerful reaper in the land.

BlueScarlet · Fantasy
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287 Chs

Simple haunted house

On the way, Mortis put on his gear with a fluid motion, almost like a video game. The scythe, which he had always carried handy since the battle, he now placed in the space ring for the first time. It was unusual not to hold it in his hand all the time, but he now had a woman in his arms.

After three hours he reached the first town, but he continued south after buying rolls. The looks of the people did not confuse him, some even thought that the woman was dead. Mortis, however, did not care about the whispers and rumors.

In secret, he used his sprinting ability or just ran to get to Bamberg faster. Several short breaks helped him replenish his stamina, and he kept up the continuous sprint. In the evening, Mortis finally arrived in Bamberg.

He looked for an inn near the Adventurers' Guild and rented a room for two. He put Helga on a bed and went to eat. During the meal he pondered what to do with the girl. She had no family, and he couldn't just leave her on the street. So he decided to keep her with him for now.

"You're just a nice person, Mortis, even if sometimes you want to portray yourself as the bad guy. You would always do the right thing, so just don't try to be the bad guy," he heard a soft voice in his head.

"I'm only human, there are gray areas now, but apparently I crave the light," he replied in his mind.

When he woke up the next morning, he was startled to see Helga looking at him with fiery red eyes. He calmed her down and told her where she was and why. Helga cried into her pillow, mourning the loss of Mortis' mother.

While Mortis went shopping, Helga stayed in the room to calm down. When he returned, she still looked at him silently.

"Take it easy, I'm not going to hurt you. I also brought some food for you," he tried to reassure her. He placed the pastry at her feet and then sat down on his bed to continue talking to her. But she remained silent.

"Is there something wrong with my beautiful face or why are you staring like that?" he asked humorously, but Helga just shook her head and still said nothing. Mortis decided to come back later that evening, hoping that she would have calmed down a bit by then.

At the Adventurers' Guild, the three women at the counter were again the same as on his first visit. The smallest of them greeted him enthusiastically again, and Mortis returned the kindness. He was checked by the clerk and registered as an adventurer. He was given a medallion confirming that he was now an adventurer, holding the rank of E.

The woman from the counter gave him a tour of the guild and showed him the bulletin board with the available quests. Mortis was particularly interested in a quest called "Haunted House," but the woman advised against it, since it had been around for a year and no one had succeeded yet.

"Oh, I can handle that one. Ghosts are my favorite," Mortis said confidently.

After depositing some silver coins as insurance, he made his way to the person who had placed the order. It was a young man who had inherited a house, but no one could enter it because it was supposedly haunted by eerie events.

Mortis went to the house on the outskirts of the city, in a seedy neighborhood. As he approached the house, he felt his hair stand up, and he was sure that there was undead at work here. He couldn't sense exactly what it was, so he entered the house like a normal person.

At first he found nothing in the house, but as he descended into the basement, it grew colder. Finally, he encountered two ghost children cowering fearfully in a corner. They told him that they were hiding from their mother, who was going to bathe them in the river, but then she disappeared, leaving them alone.

Mortis decided to redeem the ghost children, using an ability called "spirit control" that he had just acquired. With the help of one of them, he found the decomposed skeletons of the children and their mother under an old wooden bridge by a river.

Suddenly, icy mist rose from the river, and a beautiful woman in a black dress appeared from the water. She claimed to be the children's mother and wanted to take them to her.

Mortis laughed angrily and said, "Who are you trying to fool, you bitch? You already killed your own children, and now you pretend to be concerned about them? Don't make me angry, you child murderer! I will never forgive you for what you did, because no reason in the world can justify this act, you hypocritical whore!"

Mortis Level 22 Reaper

Strength 49(+23), Agility 61( 38), Int 33, Vitality 29, Stamina 50, Mana 50, Charisma 45