
Reaper system in another world

Reaper System in Another World follows the journey of Mortis, an ordinary man who gains access to the eponymous system and embarks on a path of constant improvement. As he strives to reach the pinnacle of power and master the art of reaping souls, Mortis faces numerous challenges and battles formidable foes. Along the way, he forms alliances, falls in love, and uncovers the secrets of the world around him. With each step, Mortis grows stronger and closer to his ultimate goal of becoming the most powerful reaper in the land.

BlueScarlet · Fantasy
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287 Chs

Ghosts woman

The wailer spread her arms and extended her claws, which made a growth of 20 centimeters and became sharp like razor blades. With rage and screaming, she rushed at Mortis while striking with both arms, from all directions.

Like a fury, she struck harder and harder. Mortis could hardly defend himself, with the pole of the scythe he tried to block, but it was of little use. She kept cutting his arms or catching his hands.

Ghostly retreat, Mortis shouted and disappeared, only to reappear five meters behind. He was tired of being passive and charged forward to strike again. With two hits, he inflicted damage, but it seemed to leave her cold. She floated back and disappeared from his sight, but not into the spirit realm, or she would still have been visible.

Morti's hackles stood up as he suddenly felt an uneasy feeling behind him. He leapt forward with a pike and just barely escaped being impaled by the wailers. Not even standing yet, she charged at him again, but before she could get to him, her boy got in front of her and stopped her. "Get out of my way!" the wailer yelled.

The boy shook his head. Mortis used the time to get behind the wailer with scythe whirls. But as soon as she got a hit, she turned around and attacked Mortis again, without stopping. The ghost boy attacked the wailer from behind at the same moment, which angered her, but she focused only on Mortis.

Mortis took the scythe higher up, close to the blade, to ward off more with the blades than with the staff. Reaching far up, Mortis was also able to use his skills. So he used slash three times to destroy the long fingernails. The fingernails were like daggers made of iron, so nothing happened to them, but Mortis was still able to land three hits on their torsos. Unfortunately, she also caught him three times.

Blood was already running down his legs, and the pain was getting worse. His upper body had already taken many deep cuts. The boy's spirit gave everything, without pause and without pity he beat the evil spirit that was his mother.

The fog grew thicker and colder while the wailing one disappeared. Mortis looked around nervously, but he saw nothing and did not sense her nearby. Every now and then a shadow would flit by, and suddenly 6-8 icicles would fly towards Mortis.

Mortis used Ghostly Retreat on the first wave to escape them, then zigzagged to avoid the icicles. The ghost boy tried to find and attack the wailer, but it was impossible for him to catch her.

After 2 minutes of running in a hail of icicles, this phase ended and Mortis had been hit by over seven icicles in various places, mostly on her leg. Mortis was slowly but surely running out of breath when he suddenly felt a bad feeling behind him again. He used Ghostly Retreat again.

But this time he had used it a little too soon, and the wailer appeared in front of him, jammed her fingernails into his chest, and held him down. Angrily, Mortis held her hands and yelled at the ghost boy. "Stop just punching her and rip her fucking head off her shoulders!"

The boy sat down on the wailer's shoulder, clutching her head and jaw with both arms and pushing up with his knees as he continued to push back with his arms. The wailer shrieked, but Mortis didn't let go and pushed her down with one leg as he kicked her chest.

After an agonizing 2 minutes for everyone, the ghost boy had ripped the head off the evil spirit, which then dissolved until only a soul orb was left. It disappeared into the sea of souls of Mortis.

"Thank you, boy, and I'm sorry you had to go through this. I hope you all find peace. Now go back," Mortis said, and the ghost boy detached himself from the energy with a friendly smile and wandered back into the sea of souls.

° Lvl up. Lvl up. Distribute your 18 sp.° "11 in strength, 8 in life force."

° Congratulations! Strength 60 has earned you a new ability. Bronze Skin: You can strengthen your skin for 10 seconds, receiving less damage. This ability can only be used every 10 minutes and costs 5 mana.

° Quest completed. Reward: weapon enhancement level 1. Turns one weapon into another with better materials. "Yes, I want that."

There were three ingots of a metal and a scroll with a scythe on it and various decorations. Mortis' scythe flew into the air, the scroll taking up space underneath it as it disintegrated. A large magic circle with 100 characters appeared, and in the center was a blue flame.

The scythe became liquid, then came the ingots, which also liquefied. Both metals united as the blue flame enveloped everything and a new scythe formed from the flames. The flame disappeared and a black, long staff with a long, double-edged blade was seen. The blade downward was made of silver, the one upward was blue like the fire. ° Scythe of steel agility + 12, strength + 6 is ready.°

Mortis was pleased with this new scythe. It was bigger and the blades looked more dangerous. So he set off for the inn, as it was getting dark and he was mentally exhausted.

After an hour, he arrived in Bamberg. Many who saw him looked at him strangely, as his equipment was in tatters and he had dry blood all over him, but no wounds.

He just thought that was so, and he meanwhile charmed everyone from afar. Arriving at the inn, the innkeeper ran right up to him and said, "Honored guest, if you're covered in blood, you should use the back entrance." "I'm terribly sorry. I didn't know that. Please bring a tub of water to my room."

Once in his room, he slowly opened the door so as not to startle Helga, but she wasn't in the room at all, which surprised him a bit, but didn't worry him too much right now, as he just thought she might be out shopping or getting something to eat.

He took off his gear, took some water from a jug, washed his face and was about to get dressed when the door opened.

Helga rushed in with a large iron tub, which shocked Mortis, if only because he was naked and no one had knocked. "Usually you knock before you enter a room," he said. "I know, but I thought since it was our room it shouldn't be a big deal." She had only been looking at the tub until now, but when she looked up, her breath caught when she saw Mortis naked.

Morti put on a shirt while staring at green eyes. "What month are you?" "I'm four to five months." "Good, then I don't have to worry about you and the baby when you fill the tub with water. I'm going to eat now. Have you eaten or do you still need to eat?" "I ate an hour ago." "That's fine, I'll go down and eat something. Will you please take my gear, I want it washed by tomorrow, even if I have to get it fixed."

Helga nodded, took the equipment off the bed, but didn't take her eyes off him. When she had the equipment firmly in her arms, she quickly walked out of the room and made off. Mortis laughed, she was like a scared fawn. So he continued to dress, as his stomach was already giving audible signals.

Downstairs in the inn, Mortis took a small table and ordered roast meat and tea to drink, since he didn't like alcohol. When his food came, Helga stood in front of him again and brought it to him. "What are you doing here anyway? Are you going to work here or are you just helping out?"

"I didn't want to burden you, so I looked for work." "So you want to stay here? Well, good for me." "No, yeah, what? I don't know. But do you want to leave?" "Of course I want to leave, because soon I won't be able to do anything here, since I'm too strong for this area. I'll do a few more quests in the guild, then I'll move on. Now let me eat." "I will, and your bath is ready too."

After eating, Mortis went upstairs and bathed. After bathing, he picked up his book and flipped through it. After reading through it the 2nd time, he heard a big commotion from downstairs, so he got dressed to go see what was going on.

There was a big bar fight, which made Mortis curious, so he went downstairs. It was a wild battle. As soon as Mortis got downstairs, a little fat man flew by him, and two teeth flew from one that toppled over in front of him.

It looked like there were four factions beating the crap out of each other. It was a chaotic fight where you could feel the hatred and people were hitting each other without mercy. The landlady and waitresses were behind the counter or in the kitchen, except for one new waitress - she ducked down and hid under a table.