
Realms Reborn: The Legends Left Behind

In the world of magic, a young warrior was born. His youthful tribulations sent him on a quest to spread the word about his mother. Dive into the world of pain, suffering, and resolve.

Pixelrexgunner · Fantasy
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297 Chs

The Power of Rage

Eliss wasn't any less despaired than Amukelo. All her failures, all these times where that were dragging her confidence down, made her every failure more painful than they were. This time was no different, she knew that the dragon was an overwhelming force, but she just felt like she was of no use in this fight with Amukelo. Even now, he was immobilized, purely for trying to help her.

The dragon, having neutralized the threat posed by the summoned phoenix, turned its attention back to Amukelo and Eliss. The phoenix, a creation of Eliss's magic, had served its purpose but ultimately stood no chance against the formidable dragon. With its fiery ally gone, their situation became dire.

The dragon, with a calculating gaze, assessed its prey, deciding who to eliminate first. It chose Eliss, perceiving her as the less immediate threat compared to the seemingly incapacitated Amukelo. As it prepared to unleash a deadly spell upon her, Amukelo's despair morphed into a burning rage. The weight of his memories, the pain of his losses, and the desperation to protect Eliss converged into a singular, overwhelming force.

In that critical moment, an explosive sound shattered the tense silence. Before the dragon could react, it was struck by a powerful force, a punch that carried the intensity of Amukelo's emotions. The impact sent the dragon reeling through the air, momentarily knocking the wind out of it.

As the dragon struggled to regain its composure, it was struck again, this time by a slash from Amukelo's sword. The cut was deep, more severe than any wound Amukelo had inflicted before. The force behind the attack was immense, sending the dragon crashing to the ground. It lay there, dazed and confused, as if it had been struck by an invisible force.

Amukelo, fueled by a surge of adrenaline and driven by a potent mix of fear, anger, and determination, stood over the downed dragon. His breath came in heavy gasps, his body shaking from the exertion and the rush of emotions that flooded through him.

He thought of his mother, her gentle strength, and the promise he had made to carry on her legacy. He remembered Kael, his friend whose life had been cruelly taken, a reminder of the fragility of existence and the cost of failing to protect those he cared about.

Eliss, freed from her muddy prison by the dragon's distraction, watched in awe as Amukelo stood defiantly against their foe.

The dragon, struggling to rise, looked at Amukelo with a mix of shock and recognition. Recognizing the threat posed by Amukelo's newfound power, resorted to a spell of increased gravity, aiming to immobilize both him and Eliss. The force of the spell was immense, pressing down on them with the weight of the mountains themselves. Eliss found herself pinned, unable to move under the crushing pressure. However, Amukelo, fueled by his heightened emotional state and the surge of power within him, seemed almost unaffected by the spell.

With an explosive burst of energy, Amukelo charged towards the dragon, his resolve unshaken. But the dragon, cunning and resourceful, conjured an ice golem in his path. The Golem, though smaller than the one they had previously encountered, bore a striking resemblance and moved with a similar menacing intent.

Amukelo, undeterred, nimbly evaded the golem's advances. His movements were a blend of grace and power, each step calculated to outmaneuver his adversary. He struck at the dragon, his sword cutting through the air with deadly precision. However, the golem, relentless in its pursuit, continued to attack, attempting to hinder his progress.

In a pivotal moment, as the dragon unleashed one of its stronger spells, Amukelo seized his opportunity. With a swift and powerful kick, he sent the golem flying through the air, its form shattering upon impact. He then lunged at the dragon, his sword cutting a deep and dangerous wound into its flesh.

The dragon, weakened and slower due to its injury, tried to retaliate. But Amukelo was a step ahead, dodging its sluggish attacks with ease. He moved in for a final strike, his sword aimed at the dragon's neck, a blow that could end the battle once and for all.

Yet, as his blade neared its target, Amukelo halted. The tip of his sword stopped mere inches from the dragon's neck. He stood there, his breathing heavy, his emotions a turbulent storm within him. He looked into the dragon's eyes, a mixture of determination and empathy reflected in his gaze.

"We don't want your artifact," Amukelo said, his voice resounding in the mountain air. "We just want to pass these mountains. We seek to see what lies on the other side and to make history. Our journey is not about conquest; it's about discovery and fulfilling a promise."

His words hung in the air, a stark contrast to the violence and chaos that had preceded them. Amukelo's stance, though aggressive, was not one of a conqueror but of a seeker, a traveler on a quest for understanding and achievement.

The dragon, wounded and subdued, regarded Amukelo with a complex expression. It was a look that conveyed surprise, contemplation, and perhaps a hint of respect. The silence between them was profound, filled with the unspoken weight of their encounter and the implications of Amukelo's declaration.

In that moment, as Amukelo stood with his sword poised, the outcome of their conflict hung in the balance, a decision resting in the hands of the dragon. The mountain range, witness to their epic battle, awaited the dragon's response to Amukelo's heartfelt plea.