
Realms Reborn: The Legends Left Behind

In the world of magic, a young warrior was born. His youthful tribulations sent him on a quest to spread the word about his mother. Dive into the world of pain, suffering, and resolve.

Pixelrexgunner · Fantasy
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296 Chs

Leaving the Towering Peaks of Urmak.

The dragon, after a moment of contemplative silence, finally acquiesced to Amukelo's request. Its voice, though gruff, carried a note of reluctant agreement. "Fine, I will aid you in crossing these mountains. But heed my warning—if you return to meddle in our affairs, you will face not just me but all my brothers." The dragon's words were a clear stipulation, one that Amukelo and Eliss took seriously.

Standing tall, the dragon gestured for them to climb onto its back. Before doing so, Eliss paused to address the immediate concern of their injuries. She first turned her healing magic towards Amukelo, whose legs had suffered from his forceful escape from the ice. Her spells closed the wounds and restored the skin, though scars remained as a testament to the ordeal.

Eliss had to wait to heal her injuries, healing spells were very mana-consuming and needed a long time to recharge, especially if she couldn't rest. Eliss felt guilt for not being useful during the battle, if not for Amukelo the incident would have happened yet again. Not letting her thoughts be seen, she offered her healing abilities to the dragon. However, the dragon, bound by its pride, declined. It expressed a desire to bear its scars as a reminder of the experience, a mark of its encounter with these resilient humans.

Once their wounds were tended to, Amukelo and Eliss cautiously mounted the dragon's back. The dragon, named Borimir, spread its massive wings and took flight. As they ascended, the landscape below transformed into an awe-inspiring vista.

From their aerial vantage point, Amukelo and Eliss could see the vast expanse of the mountains. The range stretched endlessly in every direction, a seemingly insurmountable barrier of rock, ice, and snow. Peaks towered above valleys shrouded in mist, and glaciers glistened in the sunlight like rivers of frozen light.

The higher Borimir flew, the more apparent the harshness of the terrain became. Jagged cliffs rose like giant's teeth, and deep crevasses marred the landscape, hidden dangers lurking beneath the snow. The beauty of the mountains was undeniable, but so was their deadly nature.

As they soared through the sky, Eliss engaged Borimir in conversation. "What can you tell us about these mountains, Borimir?" she asked, her voice tinged with curiosity.

Borimir's voice rumbled deep from within its chest. "These mountains have been here long before your kind walked the earth. They are ancient, full of secrets and perils. Many have tried to conquer them, but the mountains do not yield easily."

Borimir glanced back at them, its eyes reflecting a depth of ancient knowledge. "Beyond these peaks is a land of different challenges and wonders. Few have seen it and returned. Your journey does not end with these mountains; it merely begins."

Their conversation continued as they flew, with Borimir sharing tales of the mountains' history, its creatures, and the few adventurers who had dared to traverse its perilous paths. Amukelo and Eliss listened, their minds filled with images of the untold mysteries that lay ahead.

The flight with Borimir was a respite, a chance to see the world from a perspective few ever experienced. The dragon's powerful wings beat against the thin mountain air, carrying them swiftly and steadily across the treacherous terrain.

As they journeyed, the realization that they were making history with each passing mile was not lost on Amukelo and Eliss. Their adventure was far from over, but with Borimir's help, they were one step closer to uncovering the secrets that lay beyond the mountain range. The journey was a tapestry of danger, discovery, and determination, woven together by their unbreakable spirit and the unexpected alliance they had formed with Borimir, the dragon of the mountains.

As Borimir neared the end of the mountain range, the hostile, icy landscape gradually gave way to a more benign environment. The stark, frozen peaks softened into rolling hills, and soon, lush forests appeared, signaling their departure from the harshness of the mountains. The transformation was a stark contrast to what Amukelo and Eliss had endured, a welcome change that spoke of new beginnings.

Upon reaching the edge of the forest, Borimir came to a graceful halt. The majestic dragon turned to them, its eyes conveying a depth of ancient wisdom. "Continue in this direction, and you will find the ocean," Borimir instructed. "It is a place unknown even to us true dragons." With those parting words, Borimir took to the skies once more, disappearing into the horizon with a final, impressive display of its grandeur.

Amukelo and Eliss watched in silence as Borimir vanished from sight, a sense of gratitude mixed with the realization that they were now on their own again. They turned to face the forest, a path of green and life that lay ahead.

Eliss broke the silence first. "We were fortunate to have Borimir's aid. Crossing those mountains on foot could have taken us months, if not years." Her voice carried a note of relief, mixed with the awe of their recent experiences. But she still feels frustration from the last battle. 

Amukelo nodded in agreement. "Yes, we've been through a lot. But now, it's as if we've stepped into a different world. This forest seems like a walk in the park compared to what we've been through."

They journeyed through the forest for several days, finding the path relatively easy compared to the treacherous mountains. The dense canopy above-provided shade, and the forest floor was a mosaic of vibrant greens and browns. Birds chirped in the trees, and the air was filled with the scent of earth and leaves.

Eventually, the forest gave way to an open landscape, revealing a vast, sprawling ocean. Its waters stretched to the horizon, a shimmering expanse of blue and turquoise. The beach they arrived at was picturesque, with golden sands meeting the gentle lap of waves.

They decided to set up camp on the beach, taking some time to ponder their next move. There seemed to be no immediate path forward, with the ocean presenting a new barrier to their journey.

As they walked along the beach, the vastness of the ocean and the tranquility of the waves provided a stark contrast to their recent trials. The serene environment, however, did little to solve the dilemma of how to continue their journey.

During their time at the beach, Amukelo and Eliss engaged in deep conversations, reflecting on their journey so far. "It's strange to think how long we've been traveling," Amukelo mused, looking out over the ocean. "I've lost track of time. It feels like we've been on this journey for an eternity."

Eliss nodded, sharing his sentiment. "Time seems to have blurred since we started. Our journey has taken us through so many trials, it's hard to believe how much we've experienced."

The realization that they had no idea how much time had passed since they began their adventure struck them both. The days, weeks, and perhaps even months had melded into one long, continuous expedition.

Sitting by the campfire, staring at the stars reflected on the water's surface, they contemplated their next steps. The ocean was vast and seemingly endless, a new challenge that they had yet to figure out how to overcome.

"We've come this far," Eliss said after a long silence. "We can't let the ocean stop us now. We'll find a way."

Amukelo nodded, his gaze still fixed on the horizon. "We will. We always do."

As the night deepened, their thoughts lingered on the unknown challenges that lay ahead. The journey had changed them in ways they couldn't have imagined. They had grown stronger, more resilient, but the uncertainty of the future weighed heavily on their minds.

Their path had led them from the heart of the mountains to the edge of the ocean, each step a testament to their unwavering determination. As they sat by the beach, the sound of the waves a constant companion, they faced the unknown with a mix of apprehension and resolve, ready to continue their quest to make history and fulfill the promises they had made to themselves.