
Realms Reborn: The Legends Left Behind

In the world of magic, a young warrior was born. His youthful tribulations sent him on a quest to spread the word about his mother. Dive into the world of pain, suffering, and resolve.

Pixelrexgunner · Fantasy
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296 Chs

The Deadly Hue of the Valley

The deeper Amukelo and Eliss ventured into the Mushroom Valley, the more distinct the layers became. The glowing blues and purples that had surrounded them gradually made way for an almost overwhelming dominance of red. The sight was enchanting; fields of vermilion mushrooms pulsated gently, releasing a continuous mist that hung in the air like a dense, blood-tinted fog.

Amukelo, decided to test the surroundings. Taking a deep breath, he inhaled the vapors of the red mushrooms. Almost instantly, he regretted the decision. A fiery sensation engulfed his lungs, as though he'd inhaled pure fire. He choked, gasping for air, his eyes watering and face contorting in pain. He staggered backward, clutching his chest, and his legs buckled beneath him.

Eliss, witnessing Amukelo's immediate distress, sprang into action. Throwing her arm around him, she used all her strength to drag him out of the red mist. But as she moved, she could see that the fog was extensive and trying to find a safer area was like navigating through a labyrinth. She felt panic rise within her but pushed it down, knowing she needed to act swiftly to save Amukelo.

She finally found a clearer space towards the edge of the cliff, away from the dense clusters of the red mushrooms. The ground was rough and uneven, but she managed to lay Amukelo down, positioning his head to help him breathe. His face was pale, and his breaths were shallow, but he was still breathing.

Eliss rummaged through her supplies, looking for anything that might help counteract the poisonous effects. She had an array of potions and herbs, some of which she herself had concocted over the years. Finding a small vial of blue liquid, she recognized it as a general antidote. Not sure if it would work against the potency of the red mushroom's poison, she decided to take the risk. Carefully, she opened Amukelo's mouth and administered the antidote.

As the blue liquid slid down Amukelo's throat, Eliss prayed to the arcane deities she'd once read about, hoping that the antidote would prove effective against the mysterious poison that had incapacitated him. The usually vibrant Amukelo now lay motionless, an eerie stillness in the heart of the treacherous Mushroom Valley.

The sudden rustling sound snapped Eliss out of her worrisome thoughts. It was an odd sound, rhythmic yet erratic. Her instincts, honed from treacherous adventures, kicked into high gear. Her fingers deftly moved, channeling the mana within her, and a translucent magic shield appeared before her. Not a second too soon.

Like a shadow slithering through the dim light, a monstrous millipede lunged at her. Its dark, segmented body gleamed with an oily sheen, and its countless legs moved in a hypnotic pattern. The creature's mouth, a gaping maw lined with countless needle-sharp teeth, dripped with a venomous substance that sizzled as it landed on the ground. Eliss's heart raced as she realized that this might be the very poison responsible for the toxic air that had felled Amukelo, but condensed.

The creature's massive form collided with Eliss's shield, sending shockwaves that pushed her back several feet. The ground beneath her trembled, and for a moment, she lost her footing on the uneven terrain. Shaking off the dizziness from the impact, she quickly regained her composure. She knew she couldn't afford any mistakes; not with Amukelo incapacitated and their lives hanging by a thread.

With the millipede gearing up for another assault, Eliss decided to take the offensive. Channeling her affinity for water magic, she conjured a large, swirling orb of water directly in the path of the beast. The creature, seemingly caught off guard, plunged headfirst into the liquid trap. Seizing this opportunity, Eliss, with deft hand movements, summoned thick earthen pillars that enveloped the water orb, trapping the millipede inside.

Hoping to end the battle swiftly, Eliss drew from her fire mana reserves, sending a blazing inferno into the earthen enclosure. The heat emanating from it was so intense that the air around her shimmered, and she could feel its warmth on her face. She hoped the combined might of fire, earth, and water would be enough to vanquish her formidable foe.

With her energies waning, Eliss turned her attention back to Amukelo, but her relief was short-lived. From the corner of her eye, she saw a blur of motion. The millipede, despite the damage inflicted upon it, lunged at the unconscious Amukelo, its fangs dripping with even more potent venom. Its intent was clear – if it was going down, it wouldn't go down alone.