
Realms Reborn: The Legends Left Behind

In the world of magic, a young warrior was born. His youthful tribulations sent him on a quest to spread the word about his mother. Dive into the world of pain, suffering, and resolve.

Pixelrexgunner · Fantasy
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296 Chs

Desperate Measures

As the venomous fangs of the millipede bore down on Amukelo, time seemed to slow for Eliss. Every fiber of her being screamed for her to act, to defend her companion. Without a moment's hesitation, she thrust her leg between the jaws of the beast and Amukelo. The sensation that followed was immediate and excruciating, akin to her very flesh being set alight. The searing pain threatened to swallow her whole, pulling her into a void of agony, but through sheer force of will, she remained present, focused on the threat at hand.

Drawing from her dwindling mana reserves, she conjured wind blades, sharp as razors and swift as the gales of the highest mountains. They sliced through the air, humming with deadly intent, and met their mark. The millipede, once a monolithic terror, was now cleaved in twain, its life extinguished in the blink of an eye.

However, Eliss's victory was a bittersweet one. The poison from the millipede had begun to course through her system, each second amplifying the burning sensation, consuming her from within. Her vision began to blur, a maelstrom of colors and shapes. The edges of her consciousness began to fray, and the world around her started to dim.

In her heart of hearts, she knew she was on borrowed time. Her mind raced, sifting through the vast repository of arcane knowledge she had amassed over the years. There was one spell, one desperate measure, that might offer a glimmer of hope. A temporal ritual she'd read about in ancient tomes whispered about in hushed tones among mages and sorcerers. It had the power to turn back time for a chosen object – in this case, herself. Yet, the ritual was fraught with peril. An error in its casting could age her prematurely, revert her to infancy, or even erase her existence entirely. But with the venom's progress and the weight of the situation pressing down on her, she saw no other option.

Painfully, with trembling hands, she began to etch the intricate rune diagram into the earth beneath her. Each line, curve, and intersection had to be perfect, a precise geometric dance of arcane symbols. Sweat poured down her brow, mingling with tears born from pain and determination. Every stroke of her hand was agony, her leg felt like it was being consumed by flames, and the weight of the impending doom threatened to crush her spirit. The pressure was immense, a wrong mark could spell the end of her existence, but she had to stay focused.

Her voice, hoarse and shaky, began to recite the incantation. The language was old, one that predates the common tongues, its phonetics alien and melodic. As the final syllable left her lips, a tense silence enveloped the surroundings. She waited, heart pounding, for a sign, any sign, that the spell had worked.

Yet, nothing changed.

The weight of disappointment and the relentless pain threatened to pull her into the abyss of frustration. The outcome was uncertain, and Eliss found herself in uncharted territory, with the shadow of mortality looming ever closer.

The eerie silence of the mushroom valley was only punctuated by the ragged breaths of Eliss. But somehow Eliss was at peace. Maybe because it was because she finally could join her friends that she let die years ago. Maybe because she just couldn't live with this horrible streak of failures.

The venom coursing through Eliss's veins had waged its war, and it seemed inevitable that she would lose. Every sensation ebbed away. Pain, grief, disappointment, and even the burning sting of the venom seemed to dissolve into nothingness. The world around her started to blur, replaced by an encompassing white serenity. It felt as though she was being enveloped in a cocoon of pure, untainted light, lifting her from the weight of the physical realm.

Then a figure appeared in front of her. A beautiful woman figure with reddish brown hair and yellow eyes in leather armor with a sword on her waist. This was a figure that Eliss hadn't seen in years, but was well known to her. Her best friend from the time before that incident. She started running away from Eliss. As Eliss tried to catch her, she stumbled and darkness enveloped her, leaving just enough room so she could see her best friend running away.

It might have been minutes, or maybe mere seconds, but as she hovered on the edge of consciousness, a sudden and intense green luminescence bathed her. It was as if the very heart of the forest itself reached out to embrace her, cradling her wounded spirit. Warmth surged through her, rejuvenating every cell, mending every wound, and purging the insidious toxin from her system.

Regaining her senses, Eliss felt an overwhelming rush of missing. With a tear in her eye and hand directed to the sky, she whispered. "Liora..."

As she dropped her hand, a familiar voice reached her ears. "What are you doing?" Amukelo's voice, laced with confusion and a hint of amusement, brought her back to reality. Sheepishly, she noticed his piercing gaze fixed on her, eyebrows raised inquisitively. Her head dropped down. "Oh, it's...nothing," she mumbled, "It's good that you are conscious again." She said trying to change the topic.

But as Amukelo regained mobility, the gravity of their situation became evident. They were, after all, in the heart of a dangerous territory, and every moment counted. He glanced at Eliss, his eyes probing, searching for any sign of distress or injury. "Did anything happen while I was out?" he inquired, his voice laced with concern.

Eliss hesitated for a split second, her gaze averting his. "No, nothing... You just slept for a while," she responded, attempting to sound nonchalant. But the depths of her eyes, always expressive and hard for her to mask, betrayed a hint of the ordeal she had undergone.

Amukelo studied her for a moment, his intuition sensing the unspoken tale of her recent tribulations. The weight of gratitude, understanding, and admiration settled between them. "Thank you," he murmured, his voice soft yet laden with emotion.

Their journey in the Abyss had only just begun, but this moment, a mere speck in the vast timeline of their adventure, solidified the bond they shared. A bond that promised to weather any storm, any challenge that the Abyss, or life itself, could throw their way.