
Realms Reborn: The Legends Left Behind

In the world of magic, a young warrior was born. His youthful tribulations sent him on a quest to spread the word about his mother. Dive into the world of pain, suffering, and resolve.

Pixelrexgunner · Fantasy
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296 Chs

Kael's Farewell

As he come back, still pulsating with the immense power he had just unleashed, Amukelo slowly walked back to where Eliss knelt beside Kael's lifeless body. The rage that had consumed him moments ago was now replaced with a profound sadness. The weight of what had just transpired weighed heavily on his shoulders.

Eliss's expression haven't changed, she still looked like she lost her soul. Her face was looking down, at direction of Kael's face, but Amukelo could see that her focus wasn't on him, she didn't focused on anything.

He knelt beside her, placing Valarian's severed head away from their sight. "He's gone, Eliss," Amukelo whispered, his voice gentle. "Valarian can't hurt anyone anymore."

She looked at him, tears streaming down her face, searching his eyes for some solace. "But at what cost, Amukelo? Kael... he was like a brother to both of us."

Amukelo took a deep breath, struggling with his own emotions. "I know," he began, his voice cracking slightly, "It's a pain that won't easily fade. But Kael... he gave his life so that countless others could live. He always believed in a brighter tomorrow, even in the face of overwhelming darkness."

Eliss clutched Kael's lifeless hand. "I know, but it doesn't lessen the pain. He had so many dreams, so much left to do. He always wanted to be an adventurer. All the places he was talking about... All experiences we could have together..."

Amukelo gently cupped Eliss's face, lifting it to meet his gaze. "I promise you, Eliss, Kael's sacrifice will not be in vain. We will remember him, and we will honor him. He will live on in our hearts and in the tales of bravery that will be sung for generations to come. And I will be here for you, every step of the way."

. . .

As they come back to dwarfs capital, Amukelo met Aldric, Seeing Valarian's severed head, Aldric's eyes widened in shock. "You've... you've slain him?"

Amukelo nodded, a mixture of pride and sorrow evident in his demeanor. "It's over of this madness."

Aldric looked thoughtful for a moment. "I had expected this mission to weaken Valarian, not to end him. This changes everything." He paused, gauging the mood of the assembled heroes. "Amukelo, you have saved the world. Today, you've become a legend, a saviour the entire world."

As the crowd around them erupted in cheers and chants of Amukelo's name, Aldric noticed the grief etched on Amukelo's face, knowing what happened from just received report, says. "Your heart weighs heavy with loss,"

Amukelo nodded, without saying anything.

Understanding the gravity of the situation, Aldric solemnly declared, "Kael will be honored with a grand funeral, befitting a hero of his stature. We shall ensure that his sacrifice is remembered for all time."

The dwarven capital, known for its stony resilience, had never seen a day like this. Thousands of people from all races had gathered, their faces a sea of sorrow, grief, and gratitude. The streets were awash with a sea of mourners, all assembled to pay their respects to a fallen hero: Kael.

Flags, banners, and tapestries bearing Kael's emblem—a sword crossed over a shield with a radiant sun in the background—fluttered in the wind. The usually bustling streets were silent save for the somber notes of a funeral dirge played by a procession of musicians. The very air seemed to hold its breath in reverence.

The central plaza had been transformed into a vast memorial ground. At its heart was a grand platform where Kael's body, wrapped in ceremonial linens, lay in state.

Surrounding him were wreaths, offerings, and trinkets from those he had touched in his life. Every few moments, a citizen, a soldier, or a fellow hero would approach, whispering some words of gratitude, recounting a cherished memory, or simply standing in silent tribute.

Priest, wearing ceremonial robes, stepped forward, his voice echoing across the vast gathering. "Today, we come together not just as dwarves, elves, humans, or orcs but as one united people to honor a hero.

Kael's valor, his sacrifice, his unwavering spirit shall forever be etched in our hearts and our history."

As the sun began its descent, casting long shadows across the plaza, the ceremony approached its culmination. A group of priests began a sacred chant, invoking blessings and safe passage for Kael's soul to the afterlife. The air shimmered with magic and reverence as the hero's body was slowly encased in a crystalline tomb, preserving his memory for all eternity.

Amukelo and Eliss stood side by side in one of the front rows, the weight of the day evident in their posture. Eliss's face face had one expression for the whole time. She looked at Kaels drawing with no emotions. She didn't even cry as her eyes had no more tears.

Feeling the depth of her grief, Amukelo put his arm around her, pulling her close. The two stood like that for what felt like an eternity, drawing strength from each other. As the final chants were sung and Kael's memorial began to glow with a soft, ethereal light, Amukelo leaned down, whispering into Eliss's ear.

"I'm so grateful you're safe, Eliss," his voice cracked, raw with emotion. "I will give anything, everything, to ensure you are kept from harm."

Eliss barely able to make a sound said. "But Kael... I failed... Again."

And as night blanketed the land, the people dispersed, but the memory of the day, the legacy of a hero, and the bonds forged in the fires of adversity would remain, unbroken and eternal.