
Realms Reborn: The Legends Left Behind

In the world of magic, a young warrior was born. His youthful tribulations sent him on a quest to spread the word about his mother. Dive into the world of pain, suffering, and resolve.

Pixelrexgunner · Fantasy
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296 Chs

Overwhelming Force

But this gave Valarian enough time. The ground beneath Amukelo's feet shook as Valarian channeled his dark arts. The once blue skies turned an eerie shade of red, as the surrounding air got filled with a malevolent presence. From the very earth, grotesque hands and limbs began to emerge, followed by towering, armored skeletal knights, undead mages that floated above, and ghastly spirits that whizzed through the air.

The atmosphere was palpable with dread, and even the trees and the winds seemed to shrink back from the terrifying sight. Valarian had mustered his greatest summons, the culmination of his sinister arts. Monsters of nightmares, skeletal dragons, and ancient, dark warriors now stood, waiting for a command.

With a sinister grin, Valarian pointed at Amukelo, his command echoing through the once silent forest, "Destroy him!"

As one united force, the undead horde launched themselves at Amukelo. But Amukelo's fury was a force of its own. Every step he took was methodical, and every swing of his legendary blade was calculated. Each time he slashed, a trail of darkness followed, slicing through undead after undead. Bone, scale, and spirit — none could withstand the wrath of his blade.

Valarian, seeing his army being decimated, channeled powerful offensive spells. Arcane circles surrounded him as bolts of dark magic, roaring fireballs, and chilling ice shards hurtled towards Amukelo. But Amukelo was prepared. With incredible precision, he manipulated the surrounding mana, forming barriers that deflected Valarian's onslaught or sometimes even redirecting the energy right back at the dark sorcerer.

The woods echoed with the sounds of clashing blades, roaring fires, and shattering ice. Amidst this chaos, Amukelo moved like a storm, unstoppable and unyielding. Every undead creature that stood between him and Valarian found itself in pieces moments after confronting him.

Valarian, not used to being on the defensive, began to show signs of frustration. His face, once confident, now hinted at concern. Every powerful entity he summoned, Amukelo crushed in no time.

In this brutal dance of power and agility, it was evident that Valarian's forces were dwindling, and the momentum of the battle was shifting. As the last of his summons fell, Valarian prepared for a direct confrontation. He knew that the final clash between him and Amukelo was now inevitable.

As the dust settled and the two stood, eyes locked onto each other, there was a palpable tension in the air. The crimson skies overhead rumbled as if they too anticipated the ultimate showdown.

Amukelo, sensing a direct confrontation was imminent, drew his second blade, the silver shimmering edge reflecting the ambient light, contrasting starkly with the obsidian dark of his primary blade. The combination of both swords lent an aura of power and intensity to Amukelo, the likes of which had never been seen.

Valarian, not to be outdone, materialized a menacing sword from thin air in one hand while clutching his dark staff, glowing with foreboding energy, in the other. Both titans, legends in their own right, now stood ready for their fateful duel.

With a deafening roar, Amukelo lunged at Valarian, his rage propelling him forward with such force that every step cracked and shattered the very earth beneath him, creating fissures and leaving trails of devastation.

Steel clashed against steel, and dark magic clashed with pure raw power. Initially, it seemed that Valarian was holding his own. His sword, imbued with dark magics, and staff worked in tandem, creating a barrage of offensive and defensive moves that kept Amukelo at bay. Every stroke, parry, and counter was like a dance - a deadly dance of masters.

But as seconds turned into minutes, Amukelo's superior skill and overwhelming rage began to shine through. The twin blades, moving in perfect harmony, began finding their mark more frequently. Each successful strike sent Valarian reeling back, his defense growing weaker.

In a last desperate attempt to turn the tide, Valarian channeled a forbidden spell through his staff, aiming to inflict instant death upon Amukelo. The dark energy spiraled towards Amukelo, but with a burst of speed that seemed almost supernatural, Amukelo sidestepped, avoiding the fatal magic.

Taking advantage of the split-second distraction, Amukelo's blade found its mark, slashing Valarian across his torso. Blood spurted out, and the dark sorcerer, reeling from the pain, fell to his knees, his once powerful stance now broken and defeated.

With eyes wide in terror, Valarian looked up, his voice hoarse, "Forgive... me."

Amukelo, with memories of the pain and destruction caused by Valarian flashing before his eyes, hesitated for just a moment. That moment seemed to stretch into an eternity. But then, thinking of what he did to Kael, how he attacked Eliss, and all the innocents who had perished, his face hardened. Without another word, he swung his black blade, and Valarian's head rolled on the ground, signaling the end of the dark sorcerer's reign of terror.