
Realm of Exiles

Mark Ashe was just an ordinary first-year high school student. Despite having a rare condition called cluster headache, he was an errant child, it's usual for you to see him in detention class. Meanwhile, the public started to recognize the existence of Espers. Mark stays out of it and puts everything on the line to make his bitter life more suitable again, not for himself; but for everyone who cares about him. Everything was beyond normal until he discovered an old vendetta between factions of Espers battling for greater power—An Esper. Capable of powerful psychic abilities, a threat to a normal human. Mark got caught up in the dispute, and as a result, his mother will be abducted, but Mark was no exception, he was only an average joe, in this realm of supernatural beings. This is the story of Mark Ashe, in pursuit of her mother that will bring him ever closer to the truth, dangerous trials await, clashing againts powerful organizations, learning about secrets beyond told of this world. Will he perish? or will he clutch the last of the straw?

Henwriter · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Prologue - Clouds on the horizon

It's more fun in the Philippines they say, but was it the actual truth?

Or was it only a fabrication? A fallacy?

A delusion made by it's own people?

To cover up the reality binding up the actual thing.

Or to deceive themselves into the underlying decion they made.

Well. No matter which, it's up to you to decide the rest.

Philippines, a small country in south east asia where 70% of the people lives in amenity, and the rest 30% was enduring a total poverty, a place where your position in social hierarchy is highly recognizable. It's a fact no one could deny.

The poor suffers in silence, either be dwelling in slums or sleeping in the streets, worrying how will they make it through the night, cold and helpless. It was treated a luxury if they could eat twice of a meal per day.

You might never know what I'm saying. You are probably one of those spoiled kids that enjoy a prosperous life in their cozy homes who's parents worries only about how would they make more fortune tommorow, or simply your one of those who turns a blind eye in truth. Whatever, you'll get my point someday.

It's not like the country is poor, the government is. A government where is at best but expedient, but when it does is inexpedient. Long story short, our people were undeniably robbed by its own government, which is the their own fault in the first place, carelessly voting corrupted clown politicians in the elections, now they've turning the whole nation into circus. It hurts to imagine the city in that state but there's no one else to blame.

—But the Filipinos themselves.

It was around midnight in the urban area of Quezon. People are already sleeping in their homes as the obscured alleyways were presumed to be occupied with complete absence of sound, not a single soul would be foolish enough to lurk around these dangerous places, or unless that person was looking for something else…


Footsteps of unidentified individual was blaring around the empty alleyway, he was making a great deal of noise. A guy in a business attire in her forties was breathing heavily, exhausted and out of breath due to grueling phase of running, he's holding his wryly arm which was undeniably broken, his face was painted in his own blood.

Man: "Haaa Haaa Haaa…"

The man was fleeing desperately from someone, unfortunately there's no one else in this dark alleyway to call for help, needless to say it won't be heard.

His black shoes was smut out of water on the ground, because of the previous rain that poured the city. He kept running and running the wet soil leaving a vestige of his own footprint, till he reached a dead-end sector of the alleyway. Without nowhere to run, his face of horror now turned into paralyzing fear.

Man: "Who are you? What do you want from me?!" He said shouting. Abolishing the calmness of alleyway.

The victim's back was pressed against a stone wall, and three people swarmed the area, showing themselves in a visible light of the gleaming full-moon. Even with great effort, their faces were difficult to be seen in this darkness. Identification of these lads is most likely impossible.

1st???: "You dont know us? How heartless, after we went all the trouble coming here to see you."

A familiar voice was heard, which the man knew from distant past. Without hesitation, the victim drew his revolver in his waist and leveled it towards the culprit.

1st???: The culprit tilted his head, and peered down the barrel of the gun. "What? Seriously? You really think your toy could actually harm me? How amusing."

—**Bang!** **Bang!** **Bang!**

The victim pulled the trigger, his firearm roared in the silent night. He rashly pulled the trigger again and again. The muzzle flashes its searing light through the alleyway.

1st???: "Ah, what a pain" The man calmly raised her hand towards the projectiles.

Three bullets came crashing down towards the felons, but it stopped in its tracks, as if the shots hits a brick wall. No, it hits a mysterious boundary of an object that seems to be undetectable by human eye, or rather it was too dark to be detected.

The bullet fragments dropped into the moist surface as clanging noise came after the havoc.

Man: "What?! Shit!"

—**Bang!** **Bang!** **Bang!** **Bang!**

The hush of eve was broken. "Aaah!" He Screamed desperately. Firing in amidst of confusion, panic, and horror. Nonetheless, it was rather useless… The bullets never passed nor penetrated the unseen obstacle in front of him. The chamber fully rotated in loop. He kept blasting his wheel gun until the trigger doesn't respond to his own foolishness anymore. Indisputable factuality he cannot deny.

—**Click!** **Click!** **Click!**

He was out of ammo

Man: His expression turned grim. "That ability… No doubt, you're that guy!"

Seven shots of .44 magnum bullet, said was powerful enough to take down a bear… What more if it's a mere human being? No matter which, it wasn't even simply enough to infiltrate that bizarre ability, or rather it was plainly already impenetrable structure, but in this harsh reality of life, no such fictional aspect exist. What only matters now is the reality… The truth he wasn't prepared of… The truth he knew would come someday.

—The impending death about to strangle out his life.

1st???: "Oh? After those annoying shrieks you did. You finally rattling your brain. How amusing, you can think afterall." He drills his index finger into his ear and cleaned it. "Man, I thought I'll get to be deaf right there... People are sleeping in their homes, you gotta know some etiquette for those who are resting, you know." He grinned ear-to-ear like an insane maniac.

Man: He overlooked the culprits statement and tugged a self-satisfying question. "Y-Your an exile! How come the authorities didn't catch you?!" Said, stuttering in frozen terror.

1st???: "Who knows? We have our own way of hiding." He look sideways towards her partners in displeased look. "Hey! Come on, can someone finish him?"

Alongside the guy who stopped the bullets. There's a second guy who was carrying a sledgehammer, it's was a struggle to discern his face at the moment but he was a bald person on his twenties, he charged forward with his weapon, smashing the victims chest and he flew around 5 meters hitting the back of the alleyway. Tumbling around the garbage bags before hitting a nearby wall

Man: "Ugh~!"

The victim puked blood, unable to scream, the air itself seemed black and heavy to breath, he started to spasm as he exhaled, as if his own organs were twisted inside him, possibly an internal hemorrhage, pain surged through his whole body, as the perception of his world is now turning into a queering delirium, barely clinging to his beating heart. Desperately hoping to live.

Man: "Please! I have family... Uhk~!" He desperately begged, before vomiting again.

1st???: "So do we." He said in cold stare.

Man: "No! No! Please! No—!!" He shouted in paralyzing fear.

The second assailant hurled his blunt weapon and clouted the top of victims head, crushing it's cranium open, scattering fragments of bone, brain and tissue, his blood bursted out, pumping it away from his oozing skull. It was extremely barbaric. His own blood dyed the wall at his back, gruesomely.

With just a single hit. The victims figure was unrecognizable, dropping face-plant to his faceless head, like a lifeless doll. Falls alongside with the garbage bags that he death-gripped in his dimise. The watery ground now turns into a streaming bucket of blood. A felicitous spectacle for the three culprits.

3rd???: "So, Who's our next target?" Said by the third guy spectating in the rear while holding his head, hands intertwined, and arms flying upward.

1st???: "Asking, as if your helping us to work. Why are you even here, dumbass?" He said sarcastically.

The third guy who spectated the scene, was undeniably one of their own. Despite that, he didn't cooperate nor mind helping a hand. He must have his own reason but the first guy doesn't seem to be pleased by it.

3rd???: "…" He averted his weary eyes and didn't reply.

1st???: He heaved a exhausting sigh in response to the guy's stubbornness. "Hmm… Let's see…" He rattled his thoughts. "That politician's daughter. What was her name again?" He search once more his bungling memory.

1st: "Cha-Charles? Oh! It's Charlotte Sales. Luckily we have an intel and the others want her alive, she'll be a good bait to catch that bastard out of his nest. He-He" He exhibit a degenerate smirk on his face. His friends, or rather coworkers remain impassive to his action, as if they were used to it.

They step out of the dark-alleyway with glaring looks.

The impending evil about to arrive the stage will be on this peaceful city itself.

—Peace that was about to gone.

1st???: "And this will be a hell of your own making."