
Reality Subduers

Cover is "Lunette". Next in line is SILVER, "THE WOMAN", KORVAC, (OXXANA) NARAE, or WILDKYR'ZON, she has appeared before in the cover, BRIANNELL and SLAYÇĘR are not easy to create i keep trying though. Check the work of - EasyFun - in PixAI, he made one of the future Covers and a few Creatures. Search for - Saito Tesshu - in the same plataform too, he create a picture that was literally the live image of Thyfall. (Now in the Characters section!) IF YOU WANT TO HAVE A CERTAIN CHARACTER IN THE COVER, LEAVE A COMMENT. Arriving to The New Existence, is not even the start in the unparallel journey to "Absolution". Follow the DISTINCT CHARACTERS across their adventures and troubles on a REALITY they "ARE" and "NOT" familiar with: First four Archs are Introductory to concepts employing different points of view, The story sets up its tempo until Arch five onwards. (I RECOMMEND TO READ UNTIL THE SIX TO EIGHT ARCH, OTHERWISE YOU ARE GOING TO MISS A LOT OF INFORMATION) Pick your favorite Character and support them on the Fandom Feature!: BVERXKKA Marshack "The Absolute Apex": Born to be the Epitome of his Species, The Hûrngöth, labeled the strongest and more powerful Entity on his previous Existence, search the weaklings and hybrids of his species to exterminate them, due to them being the responsibles of the Destruction of Hûlfhednär, his Homeworld, and a trillion of his peers (Real Trillion has eighteen Zeros!). SHLÕVTHY Zergirion "The Playboy" - The Best Mate of his Species the Königh, hates with madness the majority of other Königh that are less evolved, he is driven by vengeance, occulting this truth behind a smiling and playful facade. VIUKANE Newller "The Charmer" - The second best integrant of his Species the Gärmshïer, for him is abhorrent to take the credit for what others do, and is extremely ruthless when others steal what belongs to him, above everything, his achievements. KORVAC Idris "The Athlete" - A young man from a different variation of the iterations of Humanity (Terranean) that belongs to another Existence, he is extremely Pragmatic and Paranoid, which makes him doubt his own beliefs and question everything, as he doesn't feel any grievance for the brutal murder of his fiancee before being send to The New Existence. The Daily Chapter always is published at 20:00 Local Hour every day. Additional Chapters on Sundays, I am going to pile them up in the week. Steamy encouters (Probably) on weekly basis, Starting from chapter 69 Onwards!. (Full intercourse Shlõvthy / Maiden Rodgers) (Future Full intercourse Viukane/Oxxana - Dallas/? - Häränn/? - Silver/? - Swallöwęįne/?) ("S"caling "M"utual "U"nderstanding and "T"rust bonding to build a solid relationship henceforth Thyfall/Korvac - Slayçęr/? - Briannell/? - Bverxkka/?) 50 Power Stones = Additional Chapter. Golden Ticket = Additional Chapter. I am really busy, i publish the next chapters as soon as i finish to cook them. (If you want to know a bit more about some characters, you can read the Prequel - SOMETIMES THE UNKNOWN IT'S BETTER THAN THE ALTERNATIVE) MATURE CONTENT - SMUT - R18 BDMS - BONDAGE - ROLEPLAY ACTION - GORE (Depending on situation) HAREM (Some) NTR (Technically) YURI (Depending on characters behavior and tendencies) ADVENTURE - HARSH (For some) - DARK (As the story unfolds) - COMEDY (Occasionally) ROMANCE (Driven by different mentalities, cultural disparities or traditions) MULTIPLE LEADS (No real MC, if you want one, then, is BVERXKKA if it weren't for him no one else could have a chance in the unforgiven REALITY everyone is surviving) NO CHEATS (No one has something "Unique", everyone can reach "Absolution") NO PLOT ARMOR (If they look like they are going to die, think about it twice, what they can or can't do, the answers are already there)

Marshack · Fantasy
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100 Chs

<×> KORVAC <×> Chapter 6 : Dangers Of The Dessert Part 2. - Volume 1 : The New Existence. - Arch 1 : A Harsh And Unfriendly Environment.

<× > KORVAC <× >

Chapter 6 : Dangers Of The Dessert Part 2.

With the ongoing explanation of the person who is in charge of the Team, we advance in the direction of one of the many caverns across this steppe.

—Do not separate, so any of you can't get lost, and have present that if some place feels humid, it means that there is a spring or stream nearby, but if it is only freshness what you perceive, then turn around and run as fast as you can…

»—Butterflies and Moths can be praying upon you, because they are more intelligent, powerful and vicious than the Caterpillars, the latter is going to kill you, then he is going to feast on your blood and flesh…

»—However, the formers are going to injure you, making impossible any scape, then they drain you slowly for as long as you withstand the abuse, that if they don't put their offspring in your body, the eggs are gonna devour the host from inside to outside, being an extremely painful expirience for the victim, to an extent that a fast and swift death is a better solution to put them out of their misery.

—How do you know all of that?, you only came to this place yesterday.

{My inquire is on point, he could read or hear all of this as us are currently doing it, but i don't think that is the case here}

—Days on this place are long … , really long, "Yesterday", is an expression in a local context, i tell you the time span, then you can translate it to a measurement that you can comprehend…

»—A Day is conformed by 80 Hours of 80 Minutes that have 80 Seconds.

{That is a lot … , Mmm, let's see, Days on "Ground" where 24 Hours long, and those were divided in 60 Minutes of 60 Seconds, then the equivalent would be …}

{6 Days!, if is true, that is insane!…, Wait, Shouldn't gravity on this world be different too?, i am sure this could impede our movements including our breathing capacity, but i feel even lighter and stronger than ever before}

»—That answered your question?.

—In fact, it did, thanks for the information.

{Now that i think about it, How are we going to see inside the caves?, no one here carries special equipment, only what was given to us in the Reception Chamber}

—What about guns?…

Said a Blonde Fit Guy, cousing different reactions from some of the other Integrants of the Team.

—Guns?, What are those?.

Inquire a short girl with shoulder length pink cake hair, who's voice is overshadowed by the firm words of an Old Man.

He is tall, slim, fit and flexible, having long gray hair with white strands due to his age.

—You mean "Weapons"?, a Gun is the tool of a coward.

The remark annoys Vinnval, is obvious with his posture and tone.

—Coward?, Coward is the person that does not have the guts or the intelligence to see the future and learn the advantages of something new, Furthermore, Who needs Guns, Weapons or even Tools to hunt down some Worms or Insects?.

{I could agree with Vinnval's statement, but the Bulky Guy said that a bite of this creatures could cut us an arm, i don't think is that simple to kill this bugs}

—Ignorant words of an illiterate sprout.

Retort the Old Man, angering Vinnval, but being admonished by the Bulky Guy.

—We don't know the life others had, but here we are, far from home with no knowledge of how te get back or if is possible to start with…

—Respect each other, at least for the duration of this short Missions, so we can pay for food and have a good place to rest.

""—What Missions?""…

I ask at the same time it does the Short Hair Woman.

§ #5 - #7 - #6 §

Quality 0 ★ Category -20

Level 0

Species: Anthropoid (Inferior)

Psychic Physic Offensive Class

Role - None

§ Adventurous - Affectionate - Competitive §

We look one another, she has enchanting glowing irises of a green peridot shade, and a beautiful face which right now is as stupefy as i am.

""—You owe me a drink""…

""—With a dish""…

""—Made of fish""…

""—On the beach""…

Each time, the two of us say at unison the continuation of the phrase, ending this exchange smirking to the other.

—Do we give you more space so you two can flirt more openly?.

Comment Vinnval with a grinn.


She and Myself are taken aback, repeating the action of speaking simultaneously, both of us getting embarrassed in the process, but giving us a second, then a third glance, clearly there is some interest between us.

—You almost started once again!.

Scream Vinnval, rapidly being shushed by the companions of the Bulky Guy.

{No way!, Korvac, You damn "Horn Dog"!, for, for, *Ahh!*, for whoever sake is!, hold yourself a bit, would you?, Your fiancee just die a few hours ago…}

{Well… , probably a few hours ago… , No!, it is irrelevant, You can't just go and chase skirts right after her death!}

{This woman is using a tunic though… , Come on Korvac!, No!, is wrong!}

{Stupid "Pragmatic", it is unacceptable to start searching a new love interest, even if is the most efficient course of action in the current situation}

My own mind is a big mess, so i try to scape it through reality, paying full attention of what is happening, an explanation delivered by the Bulky Guy.

—The "Missions" are posted in wood boards attached to the walls of the building that protects the Registration Chambers…

{Whaaat!, well, that is on me, for start jogging without checking the building thoroughly}

»—You don't need to take or sing up to complete them, presenting the proof is enough, our goal is Kill 50 Sandworms and gather their maw's…

»—Additionally, each one of them has in their bodies a minimum of 3 Failed Grains, hopefully, we can obtain more, there is a second Mission in which the Reception Chamber Donors are going to pay the double of the value for each hundred of Failed Grains but they have to be considered "Fresh", that is before 30 Hours transcurr since the death of the Creature…

»—But as an additional condition, they have to be delivered with a margin superior of 7 Hours, so that is our time frame, about 22 Hours to gather everything and get back to the Town.

The Blonde Fit Guy clears his throat, raising his left hand.

—You mention Failed Grains, i read that there are other types, How are we going to distribute those?.

—Is a good opportunity to discuss this topic, my proposition is simple, Failed Grains and Maw's of Sandworms are for the Missions, providing equal pay for everyone regardless of the contribution…

»—In case there is other Grains or valuable body parts of another Creatures, they belong to whoever slain it or encouter it…

»—Everyone agree with these distribution parameters?.

Nods and approving murmurs are exchange between the members of the Team as we reach our destination.

We enter inside of the cavern as the horizon light in the west starts to rise up, being more prominent and intense at each passing second.

The dawn itself hasn't arrived yet, nevertheless, the temperature in the environment suddenly rose a few folds, which is as incredible as the annoying hot flush the dry air leaves after enter in contact with the skin.

Fortunately, this is partially mitigated as we enter in the cave, going deeper into the stone steppe, not having to endure the assault of the still heating up outside.

{Now i understand why the Bulky Guy stall our advancement with the explanations, as well as why non of them carries any additaments to illuminate the path here on the caves, there is no need to do such a thing, it would be just a nuisance}

The entire structure of the steppe is made of the Hazel stone that is used in the buildings of the Town, but here is stuffed and splashed with shavings of the honey colour quartz, this little pieces of cristal start emanating a dim light that is rising up its intensity slowly.

{Probably as the light of the day bath the exterior, impregnating the Hazel stone with heat that is transmitted evenly across the steppe}

{Who could know that this Hazel stones are technically not different than any Solar Panel ever designed before by us, on top of that, is a self-sufficient and rechargeable Battery interweined with a modulated light emisor, Nature truly is a Marvel that we forgot is literally there, in front of and for us, to learn about it, all it takes is the will to be patient, having a broad open mind to let the unaccountable possibilities to lay down on our path at full display}

{This applies to me too… , Maybe… , Maybe i should let go, i know is early, but… , i have the sensation that if i let this opportunity to pass by, it is going to be an agonizing regret later}

What are your thoughts on Korvac, What would you do?, Go for the opportunity?, Wait?, Or something more?, give me your opinion in the comments.

Marshackcreators' thoughts