
Reality Subduers

Cover is "Lunette". Next in line is SILVER, "THE WOMAN", KORVAC, (OXXANA) NARAE, or WILDKYR'ZON, she has appeared before in the cover, BRIANNELL and SLAYÇĘR are not easy to create i keep trying though. Check the work of - EasyFun - in PixAI, he made one of the future Covers and a few Creatures. Search for - Saito Tesshu - in the same plataform too, he create a picture that was literally the live image of Thyfall. (Now in the Characters section!) IF YOU WANT TO HAVE A CERTAIN CHARACTER IN THE COVER, LEAVE A COMMENT. Arriving to The New Existence, is not even the start in the unparallel journey to "Absolution". Follow the DISTINCT CHARACTERS across their adventures and troubles on a REALITY they "ARE" and "NOT" familiar with: First four Archs are Introductory to concepts employing different points of view, The story sets up its tempo until Arch five onwards. (I RECOMMEND TO READ UNTIL THE SIX TO EIGHT ARCH, OTHERWISE YOU ARE GOING TO MISS A LOT OF INFORMATION) Pick your favorite Character and support them on the Fandom Feature!: BVERXKKA Marshack "The Absolute Apex": Born to be the Epitome of his Species, The Hûrngöth, labeled the strongest and more powerful Entity on his previous Existence, search the weaklings and hybrids of his species to exterminate them, due to them being the responsibles of the Destruction of Hûlfhednär, his Homeworld, and a trillion of his peers (Real Trillion has eighteen Zeros!). SHLÕVTHY Zergirion "The Playboy" - The Best Mate of his Species the Königh, hates with madness the majority of other Königh that are less evolved, he is driven by vengeance, occulting this truth behind a smiling and playful facade. VIUKANE Newller "The Charmer" - The second best integrant of his Species the Gärmshïer, for him is abhorrent to take the credit for what others do, and is extremely ruthless when others steal what belongs to him, above everything, his achievements. KORVAC Idris "The Athlete" - A young man from a different variation of the iterations of Humanity (Terranean) that belongs to another Existence, he is extremely Pragmatic and Paranoid, which makes him doubt his own beliefs and question everything, as he doesn't feel any grievance for the brutal murder of his fiancee before being send to The New Existence. The Daily Chapter always is published at 20:00 Local Hour every day. Additional Chapters on Sundays, I am going to pile them up in the week. Steamy encouters (Probably) on weekly basis, Starting from chapter 69 Onwards!. (Full intercourse Shlõvthy / Maiden Rodgers) (Future Full intercourse Viukane/Oxxana - Dallas/? - Häränn/? - Silver/? - Swallöwęįne/?) ("S"caling "M"utual "U"nderstanding and "T"rust bonding to build a solid relationship henceforth Thyfall/Korvac - Slayçęr/? - Briannell/? - Bverxkka/?) 50 Power Stones = Additional Chapter. Golden Ticket = Additional Chapter. I am really busy, i publish the next chapters as soon as i finish to cook them. (If you want to know a bit more about some characters, you can read the Prequel - SOMETIMES THE UNKNOWN IT'S BETTER THAN THE ALTERNATIVE) MATURE CONTENT - SMUT - R18 BDMS - BONDAGE - ROLEPLAY ACTION - GORE (Depending on situation) HAREM (Some) NTR (Technically) YURI (Depending on characters behavior and tendencies) ADVENTURE - HARSH (For some) - DARK (As the story unfolds) - COMEDY (Occasionally) ROMANCE (Driven by different mentalities, cultural disparities or traditions) MULTIPLE LEADS (No real MC, if you want one, then, is BVERXKKA if it weren't for him no one else could have a chance in the unforgiven REALITY everyone is surviving) NO CHEATS (No one has something "Unique", everyone can reach "Absolution") NO PLOT ARMOR (If they look like they are going to die, think about it twice, what they can or can't do, the answers are already there)

Marshack · Fantasy
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100 Chs

<×> KORVAC <×> Chapter 23 : Fake Or Legit Part 2. - Volume 1 : The New Existence. - Arch 3 : Fruitful But Questionable Practices.

<× > KORVAC <× >

Chapter 23 : Fake Or Legit Part 2.

After sinking into the malleable honey quartz, i feel absolute calm, no fear or stress, not heat or cold either, it is a familiar sensation that is natural to probably everyone but obviously forgotten.

{Is… , Is like before being born, staying in the womb of our mothers!, or maybe is similar to a seed or an Egg?, Is this what Bverxkka is experiencing?, is pretty tranquil and comfy…}


Several screams are heard, they sound extremely far away, portraying the painfully agonizing horror that some go through, but weirdly, it feels correct.

{Why i have the certainty of those who scream deserve thier deaths?, Are they really death?, is the Pyramid affecting me?, Or is this place?, How was called?… , "Layer"?, Pragmatic is finally working how it should?, Or again i am missing some critical information?!}

The thought of "Information" display a new Interface fir ne to see, is made of sand translucent light like my eyes not obsidian and marble light as SEC or PEC.

§ Korvac §

Quality 0 ★ Category -20

Level 0

Integrity • 190/190

Capacity • 180/180

§ Unaffiliated §

{This is…}

Abruptly appears another Interface of cooper transluscent light, it feels foreign to me, but simultaneously, is evident the "Good Will" of whoever is showing this to me.

-§- Mandatory Affiliation -§-

Corvallis - Empiric Astral Entity (BF•★9)

Sandlea - Empiric Astral Entity (MF•★4)

Hazzel'loth - Dessert Pinnacle (CF•BF•★1)

Amber'Ion - Horrific Aberration (MF•★3)

Prismardial - Empiric Astral Entity (BF•★2)

-§- Mandatory Affiliation -§-

{I understand this is mandatory with the first time i read it!, but, How do i have to take a decision not knowing what am i even picking?!}

*—{You can choose an Affiliation for each Fortitude, changing it every time you enter a Structure if you decide so, "I", Recommend to you, "Myself", and for much i despise her, the one resembling your eyes "My Child"}—*

{I finally lost my sanity!, Hearing a woman's voice inside my head!, but she call me "Child"…}

I observe the "Affiliation List", each name has a different light color that resembles something, Cooper as my hair, Sand like my eyes, Dessert literally as it looks outside the Pyramid, Amber Cheese as the one we eat in the morning, and Pearls, the last i have the compulsive necessity of throwing up on it.

{I don't know why, but that is not an option}

Thinking whether or not i should follow the suggestion of my delusions.

{I end up accepting, in the end, i don't know what the stars represent, but more is better, right?}

Unable to sense any changes in me, i almost felt scammed, but i comprehend there are some due to the new Interface.

§ Korvac §

Quality 0 ★ Category -20

Level 0

Integrity • 280/280

Capacity • 220/220

§ Corvallis - Sandlea §

{I made the right choice?, I know it is too late to regret it, but if possible, I would like to know more context about this}

§ Korvac's Quest §

Survive until the countdown ends.

Complete Twenty Rounds - 0/20

Eliminated Hordes #1 - 0/1

Clean a Settlement #1 - 0/1

Enter the Pyramid 25 Times - 1/25

§ Not Mandatory §

{How is this different from Tasks?, What is a Round?, and, Why… , is… , so… , difficult to… , concentrate me?!…}

*-§ HORDE §-*

My consciousness fades away for an indeterminate amount of time, until a sensation of wetness awakens me.

Drops of water fall constantly against my right cheek, running through my face ready to enter in my ear.

{*Mnh*, Where am i?.}

I sit up quickly to not get more water on me, with my eyes wide open, i attentively observe the surroundings.

Giant cone-shaped trees, wet earth and i hear a river nearby.

{It is a forest!, maybe it rained?!, i simply was send here?}


I quickly notice something strange, i am not wearing my tunic, thick brown pants, a cotton t-shirt, and brown leather boots are my current attire, but not only that, the skin of my hands and arms is not hazelnut or olive as originally was on "Ground", right now is of a pale blue shade.

{Is this what Rhodes refers to?, Maybe i am still inside the floor of the Pyramid, and this is just a simulation, it feels extremely natural, so normal that is completely terrifying}

{I can't tell the difference between this place and "Outside"}

Strolling around, i get near the river i heard before, it is a small stream that has a slightly steep waterfall, five to six meters high.

From the edge of this "Dangerous" cliff i can see a blue sky and a village not too far from me, a few hundred of meters away.

The irregular design of wood cabins between the valleys and hills near the foot of a small mountain are quite striking.

The grass has a beautiful green and the buildings with unprocessed wood are preserving the bark, making it look like a bunch of piles of giant poop from here.

{As i said, striking view, let's hope they just seem like it and don't stink like it, i have enough of hedious smells with Shlõvthy's stench in The Bathhouse Inn}

Approaching to the Village, i see a bald male, probably a farmer, he is hammering some wooden branches to build a rough fence, nailing said protection into the ground around his tomatoes crops.

{He has blue skin too}

Nodding as a greeting, when he sees me, i continue advancing along the dirt road that has been developed by the evident constant passage over this path.

Hearing hurriedly steps i turn around, the farmer is nearme, swinging his hammer coated in aqua green light towards my head.

The hit is so hard and painful to the point i heard the crunch of my skull fragmenting itself on the impact.

The momentum made me back, numbing my brain and almost stumbling with my own feet, quickly resting my right hand on the ground while moving another two steps back, i manage to stand up and focus to fight my assailant.

*§ Integrity -58 §*

{If you don't tell me i wouldn't find it out!}

Sarcastically think to Myself as i glance furiously at the farmer, who clearly pretends to continue his attack.

§ Villager §

Level 0

Integrity • 90/90

Capacity • 60/80

§ Invader §

{Invader?!, I abhorre that word!}

Raising my fists on guard, i walk steadily, cautiously and menacingly towards the farmer.

Faking a punch as a faint the Villager He rushes and attacks again with his hammer downwards using his right hand, I dodge by turning to my left, avoiding an impact on the superior part of my body, but i don't go unscratched, as the speed of the attack coated in Kinetic Energy is such that i still received the hammer with my right thigh.


{I think the bones are not broken, but it hurts badly!}

*§ Integrity -54 §*

However, i am not motionless or idle, responding the aggression with my left elbow hitting his right eye, Kinetic Energy transferred on the contact, pulverizing the eyeball of the farmer.

So i follow up my offensive with a right punch to the middle of his face, the aqua green coating amplifying my damage and breaking the nose of my assailant along some of his teeth.

He is about to fall on his back, so i snatch the hammer from his grasp as the farmer ends up lying on the ground.

I quickly close the distance between us, ignoring the constant throbbing pain in my head as well as the uncomfortable tearing sensation in the muscles of my thigh.

The conviction is natural, and my movement extremely fluid, lifting the hammer with my right hand and letting it fall with all my force on the unprotected farmer's head.

Embedding the tool deep inside of his forehead, splashing around a few jets of blue blood over the dirt road.

With this being the first time i purposely try to kill a sentient live form, i do not allow myself to let the insecurity gets in my way or prevents me from completing properly this action.

{If i already started it, at least i must ensure it is finished adequately}

Unsure of my own labor, i raised the hammer for the second time, hitting again the head of the apparently already deceased farmer.

*§ Score: 3.4 §*

{I guess that notification implies that i achieved my goal!… , I thought it would be more difficult to kill others… , you are cutting short a life after all…, It is because i think of this as a simulation?, Pragmatic is performing its doings?, Or is possible that deep inside me, i was always like this?}

Sighing for a moment is not enough to try and calm my ever changing thoughts.

My most recent experiences are as varied as they are exasperating, stressful and dangerous, not helping in the slightest to deal with what i have to do.

{Could it be that i am rushing to much?, Or is the opposite and i simply take things slower than they should?, If so, maybe, maybe i could be more prepared, maybe i could have saved my fiancee… , I, I think just this once, I prefer not to know the answer…}

Additional Chapter for reaching 40 Collections, keep the support and comment for doubts or suggestions.

Marshackcreators' thoughts