
Reality of Dreams

socio_path_4609 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Waking up

Waking up after 20 years under ruins and ash is like stepping into a new world, I don't remember anything before coming out of my stasis chamber nothing not even my name or my age. I climbed the rubble and ash to see a sign saying warning radiation well that clears up what happened here but how did I end up under it. So many questions so little clues to answer I then got spotted by some men in black who tranquilized me and took me somewhere hidden where people ran tests on me and told me stuff they could like my name Isaac Stygian and my age 23 or 43. I was shocked then i got knocked out and had my memory of all of that replaced with false memories of going to collage and it being my first day. I woke up in a dorm I looked around I noticed there was another bed and a bag labeled Isaac Stygian on it I opened it up and there was books pens all that and a letter from someone called Rebecca telling me to met them at the front of the boys dorm at 11am.