
Reality of Dreams

socio_path_4609 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Panic and a Bad idea

11am was 5 minutes then I realized I was wearing nothing but boxers I quickly ran around the room looking for any other cloths or a bag with some cloths for me suddenly the door opens and a person walks in I quickly grab a blanket a covered myself the person seemed to be my room mate they tossed me a bag full cloths and said washed your cloths you dirty mutt. I opened the bag to grab a shirt and shorts to wear then quickly check the window to see how high up it seems to be 3 levels I won't make it if I run the stairs. I looked down from the window and got an idea I throw some cloths out the window and walk to the door here goes nothing I said in my head then ran and jumped out the window and dove into a pool I swam up and climbed out of the pool and quickly got changed never doing that again. I then walked over to the entrance to the building where Rebecca was she introduced herself and showed me around but she looks familiar.