
Reality Game Changer

To save his grievously ill mother, broke college student Alex takes a shady deal to test black market software for a mysterious hacker. He must install the illegal update in his favorite virtual reality game, Elysium Quest. But Alex quickly realizes the hacked program triggers consequences reaching far beyond just getting his gaming account banned.

AlexanderKing · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs

Chapter Sixteen

A few hours later, Alex was surprised when his phone rang displaying Zane's number again. He answered hesitantly.

"Alex, I've reviewed your footage and my clients are satisfied with the results," Zane said briskly. "Per our agreement, the hazardous nature of this assignment merited double payment. I've dispatched 200k credits to your secured wallet."

Alex pulled up his wallet, shocked to see the massive deposit already being processed. He swiftly initiated a bank transfer, eager to put the funds to use.

With tuition now paid, Alex's first stop was the hospital to visit his mother and share the good news. When he arrived, she was sitting up chatting with a nurse, looking the most lively Alex had seen her in years.

They talked excitedly about her treatments while Alex held back happy tears. Before leaving, he promised to bring Emma next time. His mother made him vow to splurge on himself occasionally, though they both knew her care came first.

After an energizing visit, Alex met with Dr. Singh and presented a payment of $120,000. The doctor's eyes went wide at the amount, which would cover nearly a year of costs.

"Alex, this is wonderful, but where on earth did you get such an exorbitant sum?" Dr. Singh asked incredulously.

Alex shrugged. "I picked up some freelance gigs that paid big. But don't worry about the details. Just please put it towards mom's treatments and enroll her in that new trial you mentioned."

While curious, the doctor simply smiled. "Of course. This will let us keep her comfortable and continue progressing with her care plan. I'm so glad to see things looking up for you both."

They parted ways, both feeling uplifted. For the first time in ages, Alex allowed himself to believe things might work out after all. Destiny had pulled him into chaotic forces beyond imagining - but ultimately he controlled how to use that chaos for good.

With his mother taken care of, Alex felt hope and excitement about training his abilities and uncovering more mysteries with the Nexus' guidance. Zane's payments had bought precious time. But eventually, he knew he would need to make a choice - stay hiding or bravely step into his greater purpose. For now, small steps toward understanding were enough.

After class, Alex caught up with Emma, practically glowing with optimism.

"Hey Em, you free tonight? Let me take you out for a nice wonderful dinner tonight" Alex offered enthusiastically. "Anywhere you want - my treat."

Emma looked at Alex puzzled. "Um, are you feeling alright Space Ranger? I thought you were still struggling to pay your mom's hospital bills."

"Actually, I just got a huge payment from one of the update gigs," Alex explained, showing her the $200k cryptocurrency transaction.

"Whoa!" Emma's eyes went wide. "They pay that much for the update? I should have taken that gig if I had known it would pay this much?" Emma replied with a pout.

Alex waved dismissively. "Don't worry about the details - just the gig you gave me about installing the crack, it's paying really well. Point is, money isn't really an issue right now. I want to celebrate and thank you for always supporting me."

Emma pondered this, seeming conflicted. "That's really sweet of you Alex, but you should save it for your mom's treatment. I'm happy just grabbing pizza or something casual like we've always done."

"Come on, we never get to do anything fancy, we read, write exams, work our asses off and never get time off" Alex insisted. "It would mean a lot to me. I'll even let you order the most expensive dishes on the menu!"

He flashed a playful, pleading grin and Emma finally relented with a laugh. "Okay fine, one fancy celebratory dinner can't hurt! But after this, we get back to splitting cheap diner bills, deal?"

"Deal!" Alex laughed, putting an arm around Emma as they headed off into the night, enjoying the chance to relax and indulge for once amidst their chaotic lives.

For a few hours, Alex put aside pondering mystical powers and worlds in peril, happy just to laugh with his closest friend. Strengthening these bonds would give him the spirit to handle whatever awaited down the uncertain road ahead.

Later that evening, Alex pulled out all the stops, booking a table at the most exclusive restaurant in town. He even had a sleek black designer dress delivered directly to Emma's place, knowing she would never splurge on such an extravagance herself.

When Emma received the parcel she was shocked who would have sent it but the delivery card said it all.

It was tagged "To the most beautiful heart I have ever known"

The words put a large smile on Emma's face.

When she arrived, Alex was stunned to see her emerge looking like a supermodel. The deep emerald dress had a figure-hugging silhouette with an open back, showcasing Emma's graceful physique. Her blonde hair cascaded over her shoulders in soft curls.

"Wow...you look absolutely amazing," Alex said, barely able to take his eyes off her. Emma smiled, her cheeks flushing slightly.

"Wish I could say the same, but I feel underdressed next to James Bond over here," Emma teased, straightening his bowtie playfully. "I could get used to these fancy dates Mr. Secret Agent."

Alex laughed as they headed inside the opulent restaurant, turning every head. The maitre d' himself escorted them to the best table, impressed by their classy attire.

Over filet mignon and champagne, they chatted happily about fond memories, laughing louder than either had in ages. For this one night, no talk of responsibilities or conflicts intruded upon their festive evening.

After dessert, they took a stroll along the riverwalk, the city lights glimmering on the water. As Alex dropped Emma home, they lingered at her door, both wishing this perfect night wouldn't end.

"I had an amazing time," Emma said softly. "Thank you for reminding me that life doesn't always have to be a struggle. Sometimes you just need a little glamour." She said as she displayed a character from a cartoon which made both of them laugh.

She leaned in, kissing Alex on the forehead. As he watched her go inside, he knew that no matter what grand purpose awaited him, these little moments of joy were what truly made life worth living and fighting for.