
Reality Bender System, Marvel

Embark on a journey alongside Emelia as a bored god whimsically transports her to another universe, or perhaps even a multiverse. In this intriguing realm, she encounters a myriad of characters from diverse backgrounds. Immerse yourself in the excitement of Emelia's adventure as she grapples with her 'Reality Bending System' and unravels the enigmas of the extraordinary realm unfolding before her. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello there I'm the Author, this is my first time writing fan-fiction, please let me know what I can improve at! Also, to let you all know, this will be done in my spare time when i am not busy with RL stuff! I hope you all enjoy! FYI: I do not own Harry Potter or any other pre-existing novels/ works that i use within my Fan-Fiction. This does have a Harem, it will be purely Yuri though. (Since people have been complaining i am adding this to say that this is inspired by 'The Fallen Gamer'... They have accused me of Plagiarism, so, just to let you guys know I am not stealing from the other author only using some of the ideas and basic themes with a sprinkling of some of the same events early on in the story; mainly because they are some of the best and easiest to start from; even these I have made changes to.) My Discord: https://discord.gg/EVj54tc8dt

Alex_Simmonds · Anime & Comics
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387 Chs

Fruits of Skadi's Labour

[Ding! Completed Godly Mission: Disturb the Lotus Den!]

[Rewards x4: Hard-light technology, Android technology, Positronic Computer technology, 100,000,000 Reality Shards, UNLOCKED PANTHEON (Requires naming), Advanced Scientific Knowledge.]

[Extra Rewards x4: 10 Levels, 1 free Passive, Forced Evolution of: Innates and Spells into Congenital Powers, 40,000,000 Reality Shards.]

[Ding! Completed Hidden Mission: Decimate the Hellfire Club.]

[Rewards x4: Iron Mines x5, Gold Mines x2, Cobalt Mines x3, Lithium Mines x10, Vibranium Mine, Residential Expansion x4, Entertainment Expansion x2, Dockyards x3, Naval Construction yards x2, Title: Mistress of Hellfire, Mind Stone.]

I pulled Skadi out of her connection with the aid of Kali and Pixel, my senses warning me of extreme danger. Although i couldn't physically touch her i used my technological element of my Magitechna domain and scanned her entire codex and CPU. She was fine but a little stunned as she looked around at all of us, her form on the floor of the control room.

[Emelia? W-what was that about!? I was about to get something really good!]

"Idiot! You were about to die!"


"I could sense it even from the real world! You would have been erased, from binary to the structure of your being, you would have ceased to exist."

[She's right Sis!] (Pixel)

[Indeed.] (Kali)

[What do you mean!?]

[We could detect movement from the surrounding code where you were, there was an eerie blackness spreading into the code and unravelling it, it was getting closer to you. If it wasn't for Emelia, you would have unravelled as well.] (Kali)

[O-oh... I-i suppose... Th-thank you, Emelia.]

"It's okay, all that matters is that you are fine."

I stood up and dusted off my knees, looking out towards the window in the central tower. The crystal glow from the mana leyline created a faint mist that spread around the ceiling of the room and gave the window some rather awesome colour affects.

Stepping up the steps and sauntering to the balcony I looked out over the city and began a host of changes that would accomplish some of my temporary goals. Kali, Skadi and Pixel all followed behind me, curious as to my change in mood. They all watched where i was looking as I raised my hands and began to activate one of the expansions, the Entertainment expansion.

As i used the expansion all of the knowledge of its capabilities, requirements and maintenance costs entered my mind. This district would be a huge one as it would include theme parks, VR Buildings where one could enter a Digital World and do a vast amount of different sports and activities, this could be expanded up later. It also had actual sports fields, parks, skydiving, climbing, writing, poetry, surfing and a multitude of other recreational activities. This in itself would help solve a lot of the unemployment issues as people would be required to be referees and safety personnel for some of these activities.

In my hand a bright silver light shone out and very quickly a segment expanded out from the very edges of the city and created another expanded section that merged with others before it with skybridges and teleportation elevators. It was as crazy as described as the entire district was made of conjoining towers that had flora hanging from the sides and made the surroundings vibrant.

Shaking my head from that I noticed that there was also a new segment of the city's hyperdrive expanding to the new segment, including it. You would think that if this was done recklessly the city was tip over to one side but this was false as the gravity systems stabilized any issues automatically, the only risk being a little bit larger power consumption.

Over the next half an hour i evenly spread out new districts, one devoted entirely to Naval construction and Dockyards another to Residential housing. Both districts were on opposing sides of the city so that people would be less inclined to explore the prohibited military and economic zone of the city. That was another thing I'd have to look at, a business expansion. When i did look it up i noted that it was a cheap 5,000,000 Reality Shards, which i of course payed to get one expansion and set up the future economic heart of the city. At the same time i also looked up the Education expansion and found that it was even cheaper, only at 2,000,000 Reality Shards... Let's just say i spent some more on that expansion and quickly deployed both. 

The business district was massive and had enumerable amounts of sky bridges, clocks, transporters and empty store fronts, bank fronts and otherwise. 'Looks like i need to make a national bank and encourage citizens to make businesses in the future... One business expansion seems to be able to fuel the entire of America's business needs.' The whole entire business expansion was twice as tall as the rest of the city with skyscraper literally expanding into the clouds at some parts, the shield bending around the structures. 

With these changes however came more ZPM power connections that needed to be filled and i began to feel concerned that the amount we were mining from Athos and several other planets would not be enough... 'Maybe i should send Himari to go and get a few more mines operational and maybe even the Lunar City that the Ancients had constructed? Yep, sounds good.'

"Pixel, honey, could you please inform Himari that she has to go to several planets in the Pegasus Galaxy and activate more mines, connecting them to us of course."

[S-sure, h-honey...] Pixel winked out of existence, most likely out of embarrassment.

"Now, Skadi, love, could you please go inform the citizens about the new Entertainment District?"

[Sure! Finally got the courage huh?]

"Oh shut up and go!"


"Kali, darling, could you please post some new jobs for the entertainment district. I know i ask a lot of you but i only do it because your the most hardworking between the three of you."

[Eh? Sure. No problem.]

She disappeared as well and I was left to my own devices. Illyana and Jean were now at Xavier's School, Idun was in Asgard making some more Apples for the populous of Asgard and Oceana was actually learning science and mathematics from online courses. In other words, i was free to do what I wanted.

A feeling of boredom ran through me as I tried to come up with something to do.

'I could go to the Entertainment district... Nah. Maybe visit Tony? Why not? Got nothing better to do. Already crushed everyone who threatened me...'

Hellfire Club is pretty much dilapidated at this stage, Hydra's heads are crushed and Fury, Cap and Natalia are all handling the remnants. The governments have gone silent and refused to speak since the attacks and all monitoring of the internet suggests that they are quiet because they are trying to rebuild as much as possible... There were thousands of people rushing to Atlantis daily and we filtered them out as much as possible whilst maintaining surveillance on the new members just in case. Some would call this a privacy violation but at the end of the day those with power make the rules and she was the one in power.

The city's population was now at one-hundred-thousand and rising, the population of the city not even hitting 1% compared to the capacity of the city. A lot of the immigrants actually came from Japan, The USA, Australia and several European Countries as i always decline smugglers and sent them back to where they came from with our beam technology. There were some from Taiwan and China as well but they were few and far between and were naturally heavily examined for any connection to the CCP and other powers within their governments.

Getting over my thoughts i quickly sent a message to Tony's phone saying i was coming to his Penthouse. It took a few minutes for him to respond but he thanked me profusely and said he would welcome me when i came.

Feeling that coming without a gift was sacrilegious I yoinked a drone from the armoury and held it under my right arm, the other arm holding a few bottles of very expensive wine that I had tasted in the DC multiverse yesterday.

With that all prepared I teleported to Stark Tower.


Hope you enjoyed the Chap, sorry for the lateness of the upload!


Thanks for all of the power stones and support! Please continue to donate power stones for me if you like my work, it really helps me gain motivation and keeps me wanting to give more chapters.

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Also, if you feel so inclined and would like to help me continue to be able to make these chapters, here is my PayPal: paypal.me/RBSMFF

Feel free to join my Discord here: https://discord.gg/EVj54tc8dt 

Special Thanks to everyone for the power stones!:
































Thanks to you all!

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