
Real Traveler

I plan to travel to different worlds, but if because of some reason i won't be able to continue writing, i at least finish the current story arc. It's prohibited to publish this work on another web page without authors approval, it does not matter if that's the translation or not. I will publish Russian version, after I finish one story-arc on the following web page: ficbook.net , with following name "настоящий путешественник". If something will change, I’ll post here. (I don't own any of the anime or comic story in which my character travels; I don't own cover picture; if you have a Problem with the Picture I can remove it) To clarify, in next worlds our MC will have(or use) only his mind defense, idic memory and of course knowledge. Only in next universe I'll explain why. You must understand, that storyline is not 100% the same. If you don't like it, you can go and read mangas or watch animes.

AlanCrownfield · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs


<<Timeskip one week; Start of the last exams>>

Last week nothing special happened to us. We just trained whole days on the training grounds, we couldn't use our trump cards during the training, but it was just small hinderance. We couldn't move in the village without an attendant. Mostly it was some chunin and a few hidden anbu's.

Whole week we were under constant surveillance, we were controlled not so strict like it sounds, a few times I even got out of the hotel unnoticed. I didn't try to steal some secrets or anything like that, right now it's not my level.

Oh right, about my level. In my point of view, I'm a C ranked Jonin, maybe even B, I learn 4 subjects from very young age, these are: sealing, medicine, mind and ghost techniques. However in ghost techniques I'm still not on a level of a master, I don't even think that someday I can became a real master, no it's not like I don't study this topic hard, however this world can't give me what for example Bleach world can.

Clan Kato didn't have many techniques, based on ghost release, they learned how to manipulate chakra from and in ghost form, and for them it was enough with some additional Jutsus.

In sealing, I consider myself as a master, even my mother told me that I am one, when she told me this I was happy, however I asked her to not tell anyone about this, even Uzumaki clan, everyone on the village thinks that I'm maximum a student. At first, she was confused, but promised me to not do this, after I told her, that I don't want to attract attention, she laughed and called me little paranoid (not in bad mean).

In medicine, I didn't need to learn a lot, the knowledge, which I got from last life was enough, I just needed to study about influence of chakra on the body. But when you have S ranked doctor, which if it's necessary can help you, it's not that hard to learn.

And lastly, mind techniques. Those are my treasure. I just can remember everything and then learn this very fast, even only for this, it was worth to come to this world.

Back to the reality. Like I said, I left the hotel, just to collect some DNA samples for my researches. And I've got .... The DNA of ... Oonoki's grandchild or child, which has f**king Dust and Lava release, with big D and L. He is a jonin commander of Iwagakure genin's group and with the help of one genin (genin didn't know that he helped him), I collected everything I needed.

Unfortunately, I don't know when I'll start studying genes and when I'll be able to change my body so that I can use these elements, but it's better to have than not to.

Right now, we are on the arena and we are waiting for the start. My opponent is a girl from Sunagakure(Wind country) . Most likely she is a puppeteer, I learned a B ranked earth technique from our temporary sensei, to win against her as fast as it's possible. This technique needs a lot of chakra, it doesn't mean that I don't have enough reserve, no the main problem is that I don't focus on learning ninjutsus, so I need twice as much chakra. Yes, it's terrible result, but I can do nothing. I just can't be good in everything, it's just impossible.

For a normal person even my result is something unimaginable, but when you think closely, you will understand, simple facts : a) I'm an adult, so I didn't waste my childhood to play around, b) I have a greatest motivation, I know how small I'm and I know why I learn. Look even Kakashi became jonin in 7 years with motivation.

You can say, that I learn 11-12 years, so it's naturally that I have so much power, I won't say that it was easy, sometimes I even wanted to stop and just lay under the tree to watch the clouds, and I even did this a lot of times, but I moved forward. The biggest step forward was when I started to build Spaceship in my mind. I created every building material with some intentions and my fundamental personality, one of them was to rest only when I don't have something to do.

"… versus Yamanaka Ichimaru from Konohagakure." – speaker said to crowd.

"Ichimaru it's your turn, win this we count on you." – Yui smiled and encouraged me.

"Thank you Yui-chan, I won't let you down." – I returned her and Gonda smile.

They nodded and I went on the arena. The arena was not that big like in our village, it was made of some dark shaded stone and woods. On the VIP floor there were Takikage and waterfall daimyo. To be honest I didn't expect him to come. Normally they send their representatives, because even if here is Takikage it's still a bit dangerous, so many.

I entered the arena and took the place in front of my opponent, which had 2 scrolls in her hands. Hmm, seals, after Uzushiogakure's destruction, only someone above Jonin can buy big scrolls. So, she must be some elder's relative. It won't be so easy to win. In addition to this I can't harm her too much, I don't want to be hated by suna's elders.

"Are you ready?" – referee asked.

"Yes" – me.

She just nodded and tightened her grip on the scrolls.

"Then START!!!" – he said and jumped away.

I threw a few shurikens to distract her, she jumped backwards and unsealed scrolls in the air. Before she landed, she already had 2 human-like puppets under control. At the same time, I finished hand seals.

"Earth release: earth coffin"

After I finished a few earth walls erupted from the ground on the position where my opponent was standing, she didn't panic and jumped away at the same time she blindly launched poisoned senbons at my last position and sent second puppet forwards. I used the smoke bomb while avoiding her senbons. I up jumped from the smoke and used a simple wind bullet.

First puppet defended her puppeteer and second one attacked me with a poisoned sword right in the air, I couldn't dodge his attack and he pierced me into the chest. *Poof*

Okay, now my shadow clone is dead, I just need to come a little bit closer and she is done. *Crack**Crack* I jumped from the ground behind her and I was ready to hit her when her puppet blocked my attack and grabbed me.

"Hahaha did you really think that I don't notice you underground. Give up and I won't poiso… ." – she started to speak and then continued – "… I give up."

"""Haaaaa? What the f**k is she doing?"""

"""We didn't come here to look at the cowards."""

"Winner is Ichimaru Yamanaka" – referee stated, without listening to the crowd.

I deactivated my camouflage jutsu and nodded to referee and thanked my opponent, which was very confused and disappointed. I sent 2 shadow clones 1 into the air and 1 underground, and I just moved on the better position to capture her under my technique. If she was more concentrated, she could've detected me, I didn't try my best to hide, I just didn't want to show more than needed, I don't even plan to fight another match. I just know that I'm going to become a chunin after this win.

"Good job Ichimaru, I didn't expect less from you." – Gonda.

"Yes, you did very well, next one is Gonda and after him me, but my opponent is too strong, I'm going to fight a few moves and when I see that I can't win I give up." - Yui said in sad tone. Her opponent is really a strong ninja. His chakra reserves are already at jonin's level, it's the best participant from takigakure. As for Gonda's opponent, it's some girl she isn't a strong kunoichi, but her affinity is wind, and for Gonda's insects will be problematic to come near her.

Gonda's fight was more interesting than I expected, this girl had birds as a summon, only with the cost of almost every insect Gonda was able to finish with draw, birds didn't let him close to the girl and the girl couldn't attack him because some insects were poisonous, she couldn't let any of them to pass her defense, in the end with the last drop of her chakra she used a massive wind technique which made Gonda unconscious, but she was in the same condition.

After seeing, that both lost I went to the referees and told them that I don't participate anymore, they were surprised, but accepted happily. When returned:

"Ichimaru-kun what did you say them?" -Yui asked while stretching.

"I told them, that I don't participate anymore, so they could organize next tournament bracket without problems." – I answered and saw her confused expression, so without letting her to ask, I continued – "I just know that, I can become chunin, even without winning this tournament, at the same time, I don't want to show our potential enemy, my abilities. And I'm sure that I can't win against you opponent without going all-in."

She hung her head, after my speech. Maybe I shouldn't have said last sentence, but now she knows that her opponent is more tough than she expected.

"Don't worry just try to do your best, but if you feel like you can get heavily injured give up. You can win next time, this will be your motivation." – I reassured her. I don't really like the think like this, but it's needed right now.

"Thank you Ichimaru-kun, I'll be careful and try to learn from my opponent as much as I can." – she answered with serious voice and I just nodded.

After a minute, battleground was ready, and she entered it. Right after the start she tried to get close to her opponent, however he was ready and blocked her path with water wall. Yui destroyed the wall with her sword, but right after this she was forced to use earth wall, and jump back, because of the water dragon. The wall stopped the dragon only for 1 second, she isn't that good with earth techniques, she couldn't master her secondary affinity in just a few months of training.

She used her sword to cut the dragon after it dispelled, her opponent shunshined behind her. She noticed this, and blocked his kunai, however it was just to distract her. Right after the block, the guy used water prison and before it was finished, Yui shouted, that she gives up. Referee stopped the shinobi and freed Yui from the prison.

I don't think that after this she or Gonda will get chunins jackets. Gonda have had more chances if he won, but he didn't. As for Yui her current power and skills need to be polished.

From our village Yui was the last one, so we moved towards their commander. The rest of other groups already returned to Konoha, they were last, so after Gonda rests a bit they move back.

"Good job Ichimaru-kun, you did well. As for Yui and Gonda you were good too, however you need one or two months and you will pass." – but after this he added silently – "or you become one, on the battlefield."

I think it's better, that they didn't pass, with Kushina they will be more secure. After all no one will send Kushina into some dangerous place without cover. As for me I can take care of myself.

Please write in the comments, if i have grammatical error. Thank you.


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