
Real Traveler

I plan to travel to different worlds, but if because of some reason i won't be able to continue writing, i at least finish the current story arc. It's prohibited to publish this work on another web page without authors approval, it does not matter if that's the translation or not. I will publish Russian version, after I finish one story-arc on the following web page: ficbook.net , with following name "настоящий путешественник". If something will change, I’ll post here. (I don't own any of the anime or comic story in which my character travels; I don't own cover picture; if you have a Problem with the Picture I can remove it) To clarify, in next worlds our MC will have(or use) only his mind defense, idic memory and of course knowledge. Only in next universe I'll explain why. You must understand, that storyline is not 100% the same. If you don't like it, you can go and read mangas or watch animes.

AlanCrownfield · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs


<< Timeskip, Chunin's exams >>

"Kids you already know, that Chunin exams are dangerou. Kushina-san explained to me how strong you are, but you must be careful. Even if it's neutral territory, right now it's not calm time, so most likely you will be hunted by Earth and/or Cloud ninjas, the same goes for them, so hold together and don't attack ninja's from Konoha, we are not in our village to risk and play around." – Black-haired man with red sunglasses and Konoha's protector on his shoulder finished warned them.

"""Hai""" – 3 kids in front of him said at the same time.

'This exam won't be so peaceful like in the anime and like our temporary commander said, we are not in Konoha, we are in Takigakure in Waterfall country. In a few weeks starts third shinobi world war, so most likely second stage will be slaughter. Even if I finished my project, I don't want to show it to anyone.'

"Kushina-san told me, that you already learnt some elemental transformations, on what level are you?"

"Me and Yui-chan know some fire and earth techniques, but our maximum is C rank. Gonda has water and lightning affinities, however because of his insects, he can't use lightning near his body, almost the same goes for water, right now he can't combine water with his clan's jutsus, so he can't use elemental ninjutsus in the fight."- Ichimaru said and Gonda nodded.

'Actually, my main affinities are Yin, Water, Earth and Wind. Yin is understandable, water is my mother's main element, Earth comes from both of my parents, as for a wind, when I was a child, mostly I tried to manipulate wind, because a) it is everywhere, b) for almost everyone it's attacks are hidden and C) I want to FLY *shiny eyes*. I already can make chakra threads, to hold myself in the air, i can float even now and move slowly, however it consumes too much attention, puppeteers won't have problem with the speed, but I'm not a puppeteer and I don't have time to train in puppetry. So, right now I need the same weight control technique as Oonoki and finally with wind, I'll be able to FLY.'

"Hmm, not bad with these abilities for you it won't be great deal to pass, however be careful. Oh, one more thing in Korozumo's team is a boy who can use wind release so if you need some help in a fight ask them to combine your jutsus."

"Okay, Konusi-san thank you." – Ichimaru slightly bowed.

"O-Okay let's go into the building. I don't want to be late." – Yui.

When they entered the building, they saw a group of participants, almost everyone looked at other groups with a bit hate. They were ready to kill each other. Ichimaru's group was met with the same look, they moved to 2 other Konoha's groups.

Konoha sent only 3 groups, in the beginning they wanted to send only 2, but Kushina's group insisted and Hokage added them too. Kushina wasn't allowed to come with them, so Konusi replaced her. He is a special Jonin, but he has Jonin's exams next month, so he is not a weak shinobi and is specialized on ninjutsu(Fire) and Kenjutsu.

They greeted other teams and said to the boy, that Konusi mentioned, what their commander said. He agreed without problem and they started to discuss a strategy for the second stage. After 1 hour a man with Takigakure's protector came and said to everyone to follow him to the classrooms.

On the way were set Illusions, in which 2 groups were caught, but no one helped them. 2 Konoha's genins were caught too but were rescued.

After some time, participants entered the classroom and the exam started with explanations of rules. Everything went like in the anime, with 1 difference. They should've obtained information under killing intent. 3 Konoha's genin's were disqualified, 2 of them from one team and 1 from another, however remaining genins still could participate, because the only requirement for second stage was to have a team of 3 from the same village.

Ichimaru's team passed easily thanks to mine and Gonda's abilities, they even helped 1 our villager, when they saw that he was on the verge of disqualification. You may ask why they didn't help everyone? … that's because 3 of them were weak for this exam, in compare to them these 3 had chance to be helpful for them. Is this cruel? Naah, they helped them and maybe even saved them.

Almost 60% failed the exam.

'I didn't think that it will be so much, but if I think about it closely, most of them focus on strength and ninjutsus, they can be described with two-words muscle heads.'

So, on the second exam they were only 72. They were brough on the Takigakure's outskirt, there is a large waterfall, behind this waterfall is a big labyrinth of caves. They needed to find 2 scrolls in there and bring them out, there are only 12 scrolls. In addition to this from the last team 2 leave. It means they want to let only 5 teams + 1 genin participate in next exam.

"We meet each other in the cave, try to avoid the fights until we meet." – Ichimaru said without much hope for this to happen, they nodded.

They entered from 1 of the entrance, in which an examiner told them to. There was almost completely dark, but thanks to sensory ability and Gonda's insects they could orientate in there.

"I sense something in 400m from us." – Ichimaru.

"Who is this? How many are there?" – Yui.

"I think its not another team, more likely it's some animal." – Ichimaru.

"My insects' sense something familiar. I send some of them." – Gonda.

After a while Gonda – "It's a giant ant, D rank beast. They can communicate each other with chakra, so it will be better to avoid him." – they agreed.

After this they met and avoided 4 more ants.

'If more than 6 of them come to fight us, we won't be able to win.'

After a while they found a scroll near some ant, thankfully he was alone. He invaded into ant's head to control him, he was able to do this, however in a few seconds "invader" received some chakra signal, on which Ichimaru didn't know how to answer. Meanwhile Yui took the scroll and ran back to us. When she came back, he returned in my body.

"We need to run away as soon as possible; I couldn't respond on their signal, so I think they come here in a few minutes." – Ichimaru said when he regained consciousness.

"You are right, they will come soon." – Gonda agreed and we started to run in the direction, which Ichimaru felt was free. In one minute, he could feel some signatures on their previous position.

"Okay one more scroll and we are done, it can be good to meet other team too, but it's not our main goal." – Ichimaru said and waited for their decision, but when Ihe didn't hear anything against, they continued their way.

On the way they found dead team, surrounded with corpses of ants, most likely they didn't have a sensor in their team. They started to search for a scroll, but dead genins didn't have it, so they decided to move away. In secret from his team Ichimaru sealed their corpse into his dimension.

'I don't think that they have some Kekkei Genkai, but who knows maybe they will be useful for me, I think their last owners don't need these bodies anymore.'

In next 2 hours, they didn't meet any team at all.

'I understood when an examiner told us, that it's a big cave, but I didn't think that It was SO big.'

However, in 2 and a half hours I sensed a big group of chakra signatures and most likely they were going to fighting each other. Thankfully they were on our way, so I didn't have to say anything and change our direction, which could reveal my ability's range. When we came a little bit closer, I recognized chakra from 2 of them. They were our ninjas. 2 Konoha's ninjas were fighting against 5 Cloud's ninjas and 3 more were waiting to ambush the winner.

'I would rather not interfere, but I'm with team, I don't want to lose their trust. They could understand if we waited for a winner, but it could destroy our friendship.' So, he decided to help their allies. He disabled his restrictions and dashed towards Kumo's ninjas from the left, when he was making hand signs to form some jutsu, he placed a seal on his head, which made him unconscious and imitated a blood, he created this seal to collect enemies alive, without noticing from my teammates.

Yui shunshined and pierced one more genin with a kunai. Gonda distracted 2 enemies to give Konoha's genins time for break. However, third one used his lightning jutsu and killed one of our ninjas. Meanwhile Gonda's enemies started to form combined water + lightning jutsu, he didn't want to give them time to finish this, but Ihe could kill only one of them, he decided to kill a boy, which formed lightning, and ordered Yui to use earth wall. She understood what he planned to do and started to form a wall. He used the same seal on the boy, and he collapsed on the ground without finishing his jutsu, he was electrified. It happens when someone doesn't finish a technique.

At the same time Yui stopped a water with the cost of her wall, if she was a bit faster the wall wouldn't have destroyed, but it was not critical. Meanwhile our last ally threw a lot of shurikens in the enemy, which killed her teammate and Gonda attacked a boy, which used water jutsu.

Everything seemed to be good. But when Yui ran towards the boy, which was slightly injured because of the shurikens, a hidden team ambushed behind Konoha's genin, 2 of them were with katanas. First one cut girl's arm off, second one wanted to cut her head off, but an earth wall appeared on his way and protected kunoichi.

After this Ichimaru used Fireball and killed the one which didn't attack and prepared a jutsu. Thankfully it was wind knives jutsu, so after colliding with each other it came back to the user empowered with fire, the result was obvious, his dead body collapsed on the ground.

A girl which, cut kunoichi's arm attacked Ichimaru with her sword, but Ichimaru easily didged her attempts, after 3 attacks he placed a seal on her head, and she collapsed on the ground. Seeing this third enemy screamed and dashed, blinded with rage, towards Ichimaru. Ichimaru sensed that this time his opponent used a lot of chakra, which was focused in the sword, he didn't want to proof how this attack would work on him, so dodged it with Shunshin, he appeared in 20 meters and used Mind Transfer Jutsu on his enemy, which couldn't move because of the overstrain. He captured him and moved him toward his body. He started to place a seal on his head. Right before the seal was placed, he came back to his body.

When the boy collapsed, he turned to his teammates and saw, that they were fighting one last enemy and almost killed him, when enemy activated a bomb and blew himself up. Yui defended with her earth wall, Gonda used his insects to protect himself, however he was thrown back and laid on the ground unconscious. Yui lamely went to Gonda and checked him. Meanwhile Ichimaru created a clone, a clone received a scroll and went to hide, Ichimaru went to help an injured girl with her arm, after he finished bandaging.

"We need to move from here away, because of the noise, in a few minutes here will be enemies and we too exhausted to fight them." – Ichimaru said.

"Okay, are you done with the girl?" – Yui asked, while placing unconscious Gonda on her shoulder.

"Yes, she is too weak so i need to take her on my back." -Ichimaru answered and looked at the girl.

"O-Okkay w-wait a seehcond" – Girl answered and straightened the bandage on the arm.

After they left, Ichimaru's clone came out and placed corpses into the dimensional scroll, after which he destroyed it and dispelled himself.

'Thankfully I managed to create Fuin of second door. Although I made only 4, 1 is in my house, 1 outside the village and other 2 I have with me, Ok 1.'

On the way Gonda regained consciousness and they left the cave with higher speed. On the half-way, they met one boy from country of Rivers, as this country is not an enemy, they helped him to get out.

After they came out and gave scrolls to examiners, girl's teacher took her to the hospital. Ichimaru's team went in the hotel to sleep and wait for the results.

Please write in the comments, if i have grammatical error. Thank you.


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