

Last day of the exam.

The last day of the first term's exam holds a soft spot in my heart, it harbours a lot of memories.

It was the last day of our first year together that Yash lied he had feelings for me. And since that day on I never looked at him the same way again.

Another one is here and it was one to look forwards to. I promised Yash a warm hug the night before and I hoped I'd deliver.

After the exam, Yash and I soon had a moment together.

I don't how to do this, I thought

I looked at his face and heaved laboriously

"So the hug" I breathed heavily and looked down, My hands were trembling and Yash didn't make it better. He just stared at me as if he were short of words.

Well, I guess that's it.

I went for it.

Damn! he is so stiff, it was like hugging a warm stone, I didn't feel like leaving his embrace, well not embrace cause he didn't hug me back.

I let him loose when I realised this and looked at his face.

What is he thinking, did I make a mistake, maybe I didn't do it well

All the horrible thoughts soon rushed into my mind, I was devastated.

He could have smiled at least. But he didn't he just stared at me.

I was about to leave mortified but just then, he pulled me in

Oh, what now!

Okay so this felt better than mine

I inhaled his scent deeply and breathed a sigh of relief

"This is heaven," I thought while hugging him back

I kept inhaling his scent. I couldn't place my finger on it. I've never inhaled such pure air before. It was amazing. It made me shudder. I wish I'd just stayed there and never be released.

As if he heard my thoughts, he released me but held my shoulders

"Are you okay?" he asked, searching my eyes for answers.

I just nodded, I didn't trust myself enough, I knew if I open my mouth I'd just stutter.

But nodding wasn't enough as his eyes brows furrowed together, sceptical.

I smiled, so much that it almost began to hurt. I knew I should say something but I knew better and stuck with smiling.

He later sighed and pulled me in for a quick peck then he left.


That went well.

We went home for the year.


New term

Only Yash, Mar (the old one) and I resumed the first day.

The day went rather slowly and I dreaded for it to end.

I hadn't told Yash yet. I wasn't going to come the next day, I had an appointment with the doctor and it was the first time I was going to skip school.

The day ended later than I wished and finally was about to go home

"It's now or later coco," I said and went to meet Yash

He wasn't alone, he was with Ral.

"I won't be coming tomorrow"

Oops! I dropped the bombshell.

The class fell pin-drop silent and we stared at each other

Yash was about to speak when a teacher yelled"Daisy!"

Okay that's my cue to leave

"See you tomorrow I yelled" Okay not tomorrow but I didn't have time to change it. The teacher was already eyeing life out of me

So much aggression

Let's just go home.

*Next Day

Mum had to wake me up today, she said if we didn't set out early we'd be stuck in terrible traffic and we won't be able to make it.

I was going to the eye clinic. I recently had problems with seeing clearly and on top of that, I was placed at the back of the class. Yeah, 'placed', never mind. I told my mum and we'd gone during the recent holiday. My glasses were ready and we were on the way to get them.

We got there some minutes to 7 and that earned me a small speech tagged 'Why you shouldn't forecast traffic' by my mum.

We stepped out of the car and strolled to the back of the bench provided outside the hospital cause the front was pretty much occupied. As soon as we sat, my mum brought out a book and began to read. I corked one of my eyebrows and scoffed- typical of her.

I on the other hand decided to take in my environment. The trees, the flowers... the people, their scent. It's not every time you go out you're greeted with such a scent. It was mouth-watering. I didn't mean to google but I searched for where it came from

Aha! I found him, I sighed thank God it was him,

sorry it's not what you're thinking, I do love females.

I stared at him from head to toe.

Beautiful, it's the second time I met a guy who didn't smell bad up close. First is Yash.

He dressed casually in a simple shirt and trousers. All burgundy, not red, burgundy.

It was quite simple but you'd know he was fashion-conscious.

Okay, time to stop staring. I sighed and brought out a book to read.

What! it's called heredity.

After an hour, some bimbo-looking nurse I suppose stood to address us.

"So sorry for the delay, the doctors aren't here yet"

"Yeah right" I, rolled my eyes at her and mentally cursed" so much for waking up early"

I decided to take a break and look around, soon enough my eyes fell on him

Oh no, he staring at him. I stiffened, I really didn't mean to stare. I was just looking around, or maybe he wasn't staring at me. I looked at the back to see.

No one is there

I turned my head back, facing him and corked an eyebrow as if saying"Is it me you're staring at?"

He blinked at me

Oh my God!

"Don't blink back, don't blink back" I screamed at myself internally


I blinked

Oh no, I didn't do it intentionally

He blinked back

I smiled, Okay now that's so funny, I just couldn't help myself.

"Hank! Hank! Hank!" the inner me chortled "He probably thought I blinked at him, I only didthat cause my eyes were tearing up"

I looked at my mum but phew! she still has her head buried in her book.

Okay so maybe waiting isn't that bad. At least now I have something to tell Yash.

"So sorry for rolling eyes at you nurse but I'm not taking the bimbo back," I smirked thinking.

I swear the blinking session was totally planned. Okay partly planned...not planned at all. just happened.

FancyBaecreators' thoughts