

Soon after I heard about the result, the hard copy was printed. Mrs Sonya decided to have a one on one chat with me.

"What happened" she began, I didn't reply but she didn't notice or maybe acted like she didn't

"My holiday was not nice at all Daisy, I had to go back to the examination board, to ask for a re-mark. If it were to be my son, I won't be bothered, though they actually withheld one of his results.

"What happened," she asked again"What did mummy say"

"She didn't say much, she just said I could do better" I lied, I'd rather keep my family affairs private.

"Just know you shouldn't judge yourself by it, don't worry, you'll be amazed when the Cambridge result is released"

She reached out to hug and I stiffened, I didn't expect it nor was I interested, I later patted her at the back though, at least she tried to cheer me up. Even my mother didn't bother to do that.

Days after that, Babe discloses that she'll be leaving for a boarding school.

I was dumbfounded, perplexed even

I DIDN'T WANT HER TO GO, not that I found her company enjoyable, she actually was my main key in getting the writer; anaconda.

But now she was leaving, how do I go about it, no hallmark mystery could solve my case. I had no lead at all.

Heartbroken, I accepted my fate.


Yash and I had become partially inseparable, we acted like newlywed couples during their honeymoon; holding hands and stealing warmth from time to time. I began to learn to hold his gaze, normally if he looked at me I'd blush furiously while averting my gaze but now I just stared into his brown eyes and admired it. His gaze had this special effect on me; one I couldn't name.

We began to chat more frequently asking different personal questions.

"Have you ever had a crush on someone"

'Have I, not sure, maybe, maybe not" I thought


3 quarter trousers, sun hat, picnic basket, crocs.

That's how you know we're headed to the beach

What a fun school excursion

We were arranged in the bus and I was sat beside Kacy; Ben's cousin.

After all the arrangements we were asked if we were comfortable but Kacy complained and was moved to another bus.


I had the chair to myself

Unluckily, I was sitting beside Ben and Fromeo, though not on the same chair. Normally that would have been cool, but I wasn't normal so I scooped closer to the window and had my head outside. It's always good to admire the world from a moving bus window.

Soon enough I felt something hit my leg, no, someone was sitting on my chair, I ignored it though, it's probably just one of those people who couldn't do without using that bathroom on a journey and was brought forward.

After a while, I decided to take a rest, I'd gotten tired of looking out so I chose to check who this space crasher was,



My heart did 2 backflips in 1 millisecond

Why are we sharing a chair

I quickly went back to landscape viewing so he wouldn't notice my reaction, I was basically in between the moon and the earth(mere space). Soon enough Fromeo called Ben telling him Sof was also on our bus and he seemed oddly more excited to deliver the news than the person he was telling.

I lowkey knew one of them liked each other, but I wasn't sure who it was, maybe it was both of them. argh! who cares.

Ben asked me to swap positions with him and... I did cause why not?

I regretted minutes later though, I couldn't bring myself to share a chair with him cause I presumed it was going to be totally clumsy, so I moved to the lower sit and soon enough, someone said she wanted to ease herself and when she came and I was sent backwards.

So much for sacrificing my chair.

W got to the beach and * skip...skip* sorry

When we were ready to leave, a teacher was stationed to arrange for us

"all the people at the back, go in first"

I hopped into the car and went ahead to sit, no I wasn't sitting at my original position but at my final

The teacher looked at me and free death glares

"Don't you understand English, is that the back sit?"

Talk about embarrassment, the only reason I entered the bus was that the person next to me entered, so if she was at the back it means I was too.

I looked at her and she said

"Go back to your original position, he won't see you"

Oh, so that's why she came in, she was sitting at the window seat, how come I didn't think of that.

I apologized and went back to my original sit. when Ben entered the bus, he sat by my side, knee to knee, shoulder to shoulder. I began to hyperventilate. Do I like him?

*End of flashback*

" Yeah" I typed back " And it was stupid. You?" haha, I laughed nervously

Yash just said okay and went offline

Hey! Did I do anything wrong, I thought we were meant to come clean, so what's with the response.

Though this had little to no impact on our daily convo, I never thought to bring it up again, more like I was scared to.

what's wrong with that

Isn't it good to know your more-or-less-boyfriend's perspective about your ex?

I decided to let go of my thought and enjoy the present. He wasn't my ex by the way. He probably never looked at me as anything that a mare classmate.

I enjoyed my new class because it's my favourite. It was the class Yash and I first met and I was back to my hideout sit. What could possibly exceed that thrill?

After a while, the exam approached. It was hectic and I was tired, we had to fight for 100 marks in a go. We were having external exams while others wrote their test. Time to face the music. I studied harder and spent time reading. The disappointment I recently faced still ad lingering effects. I couldn't afford to fail... again so I paired up with Yash and Ahji to be well prepared.

Soon enough the exam week ran out and I was relieved, I decided to tell Yash thank you, for being extremely supportive. I just didn't want to say it.

What could possibly be better than a teddy bear hug?