
What Was That?

The first time I ever saw a monster was when I little, my family and I had gone to a carnival for the day because my father had recently come back from the military I was four years old when we had real family time together. My father then looked at me and said " John daddy's going to get you some candy alright" I looked up at him and nodded, but from there I really don't remember much because I was only four years old and I had a lot of candy. The last thing I remember was I was holding on to my moms hand cause I really needed to go to the bathroom. By the time I got out of the bathroom my mom was gone and I couldn't find her anywhere I went to the closes concession stand, but I remember jumping up high enough to see the to vender but what I saw was not human. if I could describe it now as a adult I would say it looked like one of the urban legend monsters that people talk about constantly, but at four I described it had big red eyes and very long like octopus body but instead of It moving like a dead fish It was floating in the air like a bird or a ghost. But I could actually see It with my own eyes it was there right in front of me, I tried rubbing my eyes to see if it would go away but instead when I opened my eyes it got bigger and closer to my face. It felt like I was dreaming or had a really scary illusion but to make those things possible the ghost like octopus wouldn't be breathing on me I thought to myself, but what seemed to be hours was actually two minutes spending staring at thing I finally past out over all the excitement and the sugar that was in my body.

What will happen to John next?... find out tomorrow at 4:00PM

next time on Real Nightmares

I remember waking up in the hospital seeing my family in my hospital room dad yelling at my mom everything went dark.

Luc1ferJrcreators' thoughts