
Chapter51 preconception.

During the argument, the box fell directly on the ground and the contents were scattered out.

It's some yellowing old photos. It looks very old.


Robin Smith bent down to pick it up, but was stunned when he saw a picture.

In that photo, there is a young couple, the man is imposing, the woman is very gentle, and both of them look very familiar, as if they had seen it somewhere.

A feeling of intimacy for no reason rose from Robin Smith's heart.

"Grandma, who are these two?"

"Are my eldest son and daughter-in-law a good match?"

"Big.." So it's my uncle?

This is the first time Robin Smith has heard that he has an uncle. He has never heard of a father or any other brothers before.

"It's a pity that the two of them left too early, if it wasn't for the accident."