
Chapter 50 doing something guilty.

After hanging up the phone, Oscar Potter frowned and pondered over the phone, looking at the beautiful face on the screen, with red eyes, as if he had just cried.

Thinking about it, a voice came faintly from downstairs. Oscar Potter got up and walked out of the study.

Women really change shoes at the entrance of the porch, Lovela is jumping on the side, seems to be wondering, usually will play with themselves, why ignore themselves today?

Look at the snow-white and fluffy lion, in sharp contrast to her small body, Oscar Potter said with deliberate seriousness as he walked down.

What time is it? Still know to come back?

Robin Smith's heart was full of heaviness, still thinking about what his grandmother had just told him, when suddenly he heard the man's deep voice, did not react for a moment, and was startled by him.


"…… What did you do to be so afraid of me?