
Chapter34 take cover.

With the order, Robin Smith bought a few other things and hurried home.

Fortunately, Oscar Potter hadn't come back when he got home. He put down the big bag in his hand and hurried to deal with the instant food package first.

He only had time to put things in the microwave oven, throw the bags into the trash can, and before he could throw them out of the door, the man had come back.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw the woman busy in the kitchen. Oscar Potter felt warm in his heart. He put his coat on the sofa and sat at the table, watching her busy.

"I thought you were going to be back so early!"

Robin Smith pretended to be calm and squeezed out a hypocritical smile on his face. Fortunately, the man did not find it.


"You go upstairs and take a shower first. I guess when you finish, it's almost the same!"

"…… OK