
Chapter33 Disgusting.

"Stop, I saw a big play yesterday, and I don't want to see it again from you today, so can you please shut up?"

"I know you hate us, but in fact, I know that he went to see you yesterday. Lincoln just wants you to stop being stubborn and come home quickly. After all, it's not safe for you to be outside alone."

"…… Is that what he told you?

Robin Smith was almost laughing to death, especially when he looked at Yang Lia's eloquent appearance in front of him, he felt a little pitiful for a moment.

"I know it's hard for you to accept that we're together."

"Right, right, right, what you said is reasonable. I don't want to say anything now. It's good for you to be happy."

Robin Smith couldn't listen any more. She was afraid that she would have to tell her the truth if she listened for a while. She liked acting so much, so let her go on.

He lowered his head and packed up a few things, got up and left directly.