
Chapter3 Uncle's Illness

Julie Lawson opened her mouth and asked tentatively, "So you want to marry Oscar because you want to be with them?"

"On the one hand, on the other hand, I need to use the identity of Uncle He."

Robin Smith's voice is calm, but his eyes are extremely cold. "I have tried, and my father has plans to give T & G to Yang Lia."

If she can marry Uncle He and become Lincoln Murillo's little aunt, I think she will be able to kill that pair of scum men and bitches.

In addition, compared with Lincoln Murillo, one of the grandchildren of the He family, Uncle He, who has strong personal ability and is deeply loved by the power holders of the He family, is obviously more important.

Once she becomes Mrs. Potter, at that time, even if her father wanted to kick her out of T & G, the old oil sticks on the board of directors would not agree!

Julie Lawson patted her hand sympathetically.

For T & G Group, she knows that Robin Smith has invested too much effort, and has been trained as the heir of T & G. Now she is about to be kicked out because of a cheating scum man, and no one will be reconciled.

"Robin, I can help you, but you have to tell me, do you still like Lincoln Murillo?"

If you still like it, then it's obviously unfair to Oscar to set her up with Oscar. Although she didn't think that the cold working machine would make her suffer.

Robin Smith was silent for a moment. "If I hadn't seen them together, I would have been sad. But now, I just feel sick about this relationship."

Julie Lawson scratched her head. "All right, but even if I accompany you to Oscar, I can't let him marry you."

"I remember you said that Uncle He had been single abroad, had not even had a girlfriend, suspected that he had a hidden disease, and was old Mr.". Potter and the old lady have been urging him to get married again, and I think I can cooperate with him.

Milan Olson tried not to burst into laughter in the booth separated by the green wall of the cafe.

He looked strangely at Oscar Potter, who could not see his expression. "He, so you don't have a girlfriend because of this reason. Do you need me to introduce a doctor for you?"

"Besides, I didn't expect that fierce lady to have intentions for you. I have to say that you are really destined!"

Oscar Potter glanced at him and turned to his assistant Mac, who wanted to be deaf, and said, "Keep an eye on the lab. I don't want any more accidents."

Mac stood up with relief. "Yes, boss." With that, he picked up the papers on the table and left the cafe quickly.

Oscar Potter took a sip of coffee and looked at the serious woman through the gap in the green wall. The woman's cold and rational voice came to his ears.

"I can marry him by agreement. First, I can cover up my problems for him. Second, as long as he helps me win T & G, I can give him 10% of T & G's shares."

Milan Olson looked at Oscar Potter jokingly. "Uncle and nephew, it's exciting to think about it.". He, would you like to think about it?

Oscar Potter lifted his eyelids to look at him, put down his coffee and stood up.

"What's the matter?" Milan Olson doesn't know why.

Oscar Potter rolled up his sleeves slowly and said lightly, "As you wish, go and marry your nephew and daughter-in-law."

Milan Olson was startled, but before he could stop Oscar Potter, he had stepped out of the booth and headed next door.

In the next room, Julie Lawson touches her chin. "I don't think Oscar is very interested in the shares, but if we can solve the problem of urging him to marry, maybe he will really agree."

The identity of your ex-nephew's wife may be a little troublesome, but with my uncle's love for him, it should not be a big problem. It's my uncle's birthday in a few days. He should go back to China, but there's no need to go abroad to find him. I'll pull strings for you when the time comes.

"No need." A mellow and deep voice suddenly sounded, startled Robin Smith and looked up at the man.

This is a very handsome man, deep and charming facial features, deep and sharp ink eyes, people can not find out his true emotions.

Wrapped in a simple and elegant shirt and trousers, his tall body exudes a high and pressing momentum, and has a kind of throbbing charm and sexy.

Robin Smith immediately recognized the man she had bumped into at the airport.

But why is this man here?

"Oscar!" Before she could react, Julie Lawson jumped up in surprise. "When did you return home?"? Why did you come here?

Oscar? Is this man Uncle He?!

Oscar Potter glanced at a startled Robin Smith. "Just got off the plane and had an appointment next door to talk about something."

Robin Smith looked subconsciously at the green wall, clearly heard someone whispering something next door, and her expression gradually solidified.

The wall is not soundproof at all!

Julie Lawson was clearly aware of this, and her expression was a little complicated.

She glanced at Oscar Potter, who was expressionless, and at Robin Smith, whose face was flushed. She bared her teeth and covered her eyes. "Oscar, did you hear that?"

Oscar Potter sat down across from Robin Smith, motioned her to sit down with a graceful jaw, and went straight to the point, "You want to marry me?"

Robin Smith felt embarrassed from his toes to his hair.

She suppressed the embarrassment in her heart, sat down with a tight face, and adjusted her glasses. Potter, now that you've heard, I hope you'll consider my offer.

"If we get married, you don't have to fulfill your marital obligations. If I get T & G Group, I will give you 10% of the shares, and you just need to let me use your identity to block the pressure of the family when I need it."

Oscar Potter did not miss her calm appearance of nervousness, suddenly leaned over, touched her silky face, and poked the pear vortex on her lips in her stunned eyes.

Well, the touch is as good as it was at the beginning, and it's not as sticky and disgusting as he was to others!

When Robin Smith's eyes were about to burst into flames, he withdrew his hand as if nothing had happened and said slowly, "That's a good proposal. Tomorrow morning at nine o'clock, I'll meet you at the Civil Affairs Bureau with my household registration book." "Or I'll send someone to pick you up."

"Huh?"? Oh, no, no. I can go by myself. For a moment, Robin Smith even forgot the anger of being taken advantage of just now, and confirmed with some disbelief, "Mr.". Potter, are you sure you're not kidding?

Oscar Potter glanced at his wristwatch, stood up and looked down at her. "You have a night to think about it." As he spoke, he glanced at the already stunned Julie Lawson. "Go back early."

Robin Smith and Julie Lawson didn't come to their senses until he had been gone for a while.

Julie Lawson pinched her face and gasped with pain. "Oh, it's not a dream!"

Robin Smith looked dazed. "Julie, are you sure he's not going to play me?"

Although she had made all kinds of plans and ideas before, she did not dare to think that the other party would agree so easily.

"You can rest assured that although Oscar is a neat freak, he always does what he says and will not break his promise.". Hey, Robin, congratulations, you actually took Oscar, and you took it so easily!

"I want to see Lincoln Murillo's face when he finds out you're his little aunt."

Seeing that Robin Smith still had a complicated expression, Julie Lawson said suspiciously, "Are you regretting it again?"

Robin Smith shook his head. "You said it too easily. I can't believe it."

Julie Lawson patted her on the shoulder. "I said Oscar must have a hidden disease and he must need someone to cover it up. He just caught you asking him for help. It would be strange if he didn't agree."

Robin Smith thinks so. Indeed, if it weren't for Oscar Potter's "problem", it wouldn't be her turn to pick up a bargain.