
ready player one reborn

I am new at this it's about a man who gets his memories and some wishes to fight this world disclaimer i do not own ready player one except my own oc I have a YouTube it's lastsecondson and a patreon if you want to support me patreon.com/Lastsecondson

Andrade_Andrade · Movies
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4 Chs

info general stuff

adam he is 18 when he gets reborn in another earth

guns have levels and description i forgot to add it but the pistol snooz has this description he bought it because its side effects



name snooz

damage 162

effects=when damaging the head multiply damage by 2 times]

and the the AA12 is

[grade bronze

type shotgun

name sleep

damage= 210

effects when shot at legs stops target for second ]

there will be armor levels from level 1 to 1000 if its to much tell me

there are grades as well like








twitch exist streaming is possible

guilds exist

there are 12 sectors

from the movie there is planet doom in sector 12

there is distracted globe in sector idk

the one i made up is planet ember in sector 9

there will be more that i will add continuing the story so if you see somthing new pop up you didn't read last time that's me trying to add something new