

Chapter 300: How about giving it a try? (Seeking Subscriptions)

In the southern star region of human civilization, amidst a starry sky rippling with spatial fluctuations, Lin Yuan's figure appeared, carefully observing ahead.

"So this is one of the 333 entrances to the Xuanhuang Secret Realm?" Lin Yuan thought to himself.

The reason why human civilization hasn't monopolized the Xuanhuang Secret Realm is because there are simply too many entrances to this realm. Over three hundred of them, scattered throughout the universe. 

For example, within the human civilization's territory, there are nineteen entrances to the Xuanhuang Secret Realm.

"The main universe is vast and endless, and when we say 'vast and endless,' it's not just about its size but also about the countless spatial layers it possesses."

"In countless spatial layers, small worlds attached to the main universe may emerge, and that's the origin of cosmic secrets."

"Generally, if a cosmic secret holds great value, powerful beings will take the initiative to delve into numerous spatial layers to 'pull' that small world into the main space of the universe."

"Or they establish stable passages leading to that secret realm."

Lin Yuan thought silently.

Perhaps there are rare resources within the secret realm of the main universe. In any case, the more, the better.

Even a large cosmic secret cannot resist the 'traction' of the strongest beings. If one strongest being cannot do it, then two or three can.

But the problem with the Xuanhuang Secret Realm is that even the strongest beings cannot lock onto the specific spatial layer where it's located, which is somewhat unbelievable.

If the Xuanhuang Secret Realm had not yet emerged, it would be possible, since even the strongest beings cannot traverse all the spatial layers of the main universe.

But the Xuanhuang Secret Realm has opened many times already, with channels connecting it to the outside world, yet the strongest beings still cannot accurately pinpoint its spatial layer, which is simply incredible.

Not only human strongest beings, but also the strongest beings of other races cannot do it.

This is one of the reasons why human civilization believes that the Xuanhuang Secret Realm comes from another universe era; this realm is not a normal cosmic secret but rather deliberately conceals its coordinates by some entity.

In addition, the powerful individuals who have entered the Xuanhuang Secret Realm on previous occasions occasionally obtain secret treasures that are completely different from the current universe's style.

"The calling sensation is incredibly strong already," Lin Yuan stood under the starry sky, as he approached the entrance to the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, the calling sensation in his ears grew stronger and stronger.

Lin Yuan could even hear some vague voices.

"This time entering the secret realm, I brought three ninth-grade secret treasures with me."

Lin Yuan thought silently.

The three ninth-grade secret treasures are for attack, physical defense, and soul defense respectively.

Although ninth-grade battles are similar to competitions in countless spatial layers, it doesn't mean that weapon treasures are useless.

If you have defensive treasures, even if enemies find the spatial layer you are in, they cannot kill you.

Of course, these three ninth-grade secret treasures come from the most powerful eighth-grade geniuses of the Tianyu clan.

"The main purpose of entering the secret realm this time is to figure out the source of the calling. As for the treasures inside the realm? I'll take them if they're easy to obtain, otherwise, I'll give up."

Lin Yuan formulated a basic strategy for his upcoming journey into the secret realm.

That is to try to avoid conflicts with other powerful individuals because their goals are different from his.

The reason why Lin Yuan only arrived now and didn't come when the secret realm opened was to avoid the 'peak period' when powerful individuals from other races enter the realm.

The Xuanhuang Secret Realm can only remain open for a hundred years after its opening.

So the earlier one enters the realm, the greater the harvest might be.

By entering a few years later, Lin Yuan is less likely to encounter the first batch of powerful individuals from other races.

"Let's go in."

After pondering for a while, Lin Yuan stepped into the starry sky emitting spatial fluctuations nearby.


Lin Yuan kept walking into this starry space, sensing the twisted spatial changes.

"According to the intelligence, any strong individual entering the Xuanhuang Secret Realm will randomly enter its peripheral area."

Lin Yuan thought to himself.

This is also why he didn't team up with other evolutionary individuals from human civilization.

Because no matter how they team up, they will be separated upon entering the realm, which would be meaningless.

The spatial fluctuations became increasingly twisted.

When the space stabilized a bit, Lin Yuan had already left the main spatial layer of the main universe and entered the Xuanhuang Secret Realm.


Lin Yuan immediately observed his surroundings cautiously.

Both the physical defense treasure and the soul defense treasure were in operation.

"It doesn't seem like I've entered any dangerous place." Lin Yuan looked at the surrounding brown landmasses and felt slightly relieved.

Upon entering the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, one will randomly appear in its peripheral area.

The word 'random' here is crucial; one might end up in some perilous place.

Although the peripheral area of the Xuanhuang Secret Realm poses little threat to ninth-grade life forms, there are exceptions to those few forbidden areas.

Even ninth-grade experts, if they accidentally enter those forbidden areas, will be severely injured at least.

"Looks like luck is on my side."

A smile appeared on Lin Yuan's face. For now, he was in a relatively safe location, and the initial position upon entering the realm was good.

"Layer of Space."

Lin Yuan carefully sensed that the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, as a complete world, naturally gave rise to numerous spatial layers.

"The number of spatial layers in this realm far exceeds forty thousand," Lin Yuan, with his inner world opening up forty-five thousand layers, could roughly sense the quantity of external spatial layers.

"Unable to use teleportation."

Lin Yuan tried again and confirmed a piece of intelligence provided by human civilization.

In the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, there exists an invisible spatial suppression. Ninth-grade beings can merge into numerous spatial layers, but they cannot utilize spatial rules for teleportation.

In the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, the only way to travel is by flying.

"The calling seems to be coming from the core region?" Lin Yuan's expression changed slightly.

The Xuanhuang Secret Realm is vast and boundless, divided into outer, inner, and core regions.

The closer one gets to the core region, the more opportunities and treasures there are, but the competition also becomes fiercer.

Apart from competing with other alien races, there are also indigenous beings of the Xuanhuang Secret Realm. The indigenous beings in the core region are much stronger than those in the inner and outer regions.

Some can even overpower ninth-grade experts with millions of layers.

"Be cautious."

Lin Yuan's expression became solemn.

However, even in the core region, not every place is dangerous. Those areas with treasures and opportunities are indeed perilous, but if there are no such treasures, relatively speaking, it's safe.

Lin Yuan has no interest in those treasures and opportunities; he just needs to successfully enter the core region and figure out the source of the calling sensation.

"Let's go."

Lin Yuan immediately set off, turning into a streak of light, heading towards the source of the calling sensation.

Several days later.

Lin Yuan merged into layer after layer of space, flying rapidly.

At this moment, on the 'brown' road below, a thousand-meter-long serpent suddenly opened its eyes.


This thousand-meter serpent is an indigenous being of the Xuanhuang Secret Realm. Every time the secret realm opens, these indigenous beings go berserk and attack the entering experts.

Even the weakest indigenous beings, born in the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, have a keen sense of the numerous spatial layers within the realm.

The method by which ninth-grade experts from the main universe merge into spatial layers is difficult to conceal from these indigenous beings in the Xuanhuang Secret Realm.

Because this is their home ground.


The thousand-meter serpent opened its huge mouth, erupting a beam of brown light.

The beam instantly tore through space and blasted towards the spatial layer where Lin Yuan was located.

In ninth-grade battles, the most important thing is to lock onto the opponent's spatial layer, as only then can one attack the opponent's true body.

And this is also the most difficult part.

Every ninth-grade expert is very careful to conceal their true body.

Some even change their spatial layers at any time.

However, these actions cannot deceive the indigenous beings of the Xuanhuang Secret Realm at all.


Lin Yuan, who was flying, had a slight change in expression.


Lin Yuan raised his right hand, and a shield of cyan appeared in front of him, blocking the incoming beam of light.

"Indigenous beings?"

Lin Yuan had long known about the abilities of the indigenous beings in the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, and his expression became slightly solemn.

"The attack just now probably equaled the strike of a ninth-grade expert who has opened up several hundred layers." Lin Yuan made a rough estimate.

"In that case, don't blame me."

Lin Yuan looked down at the thousand-meter serpent below, his eyes filled with killing intent.

The spatial layers opened up within Lin Yuan's current body world totalled forty-three thousand.

But that doesn't mean that Lin Yuan's strength lies solely in those forty-three thousand layers.

Other ninth-grade experts, after comprehending the complete spatial rules, have their body world size at its limit.

Unless it's a special life form with noble bloodlines, with a higher upper limit for their body world, otherwise, there's basically no difference.

So the main measure of a ninth-grade life form's strength is the number of spatial layers they have opened up.

The more spatial layers opened up, the stronger one's power. The two are directly proportional.

But Lin Yuan is different; his body world spans up to a hundred million square kilometers.

With forty-three thousand layers of space opened up, Lin Yuan's strength is at least comparable to those ninth-grade experts who have opened up several hundred thousand layers.

After all, the foundation lies there.

So, facing a native life form with only a ninth-grade, tenth-layer strength, Lin Yuan intended to end the battle quickly.

After all, being chased by a native life form, even if you flee, the other party will keep pursuing, which would be too conspicuous.


Lin Yuan took a step forward, actively coming out from the spatial layer, the power of the world operating, the power of numerous spatial layers converging.

Directly piercing through the thousand-meter serpent.


The thousand-meter serpent let out an angry roar, then its eyes dimmed, and its massive body collapsed to the ground.

"Is it dead?"

Lin Yuan stepped forward to examine the body of the indigenous life form.

Whether alive or dead, the indigenous life forms of the Xuanhuang Secret Realm cannot leave the realm. Even if forcibly taken out, they would vanish in an instant upon leaving the realm.

Hence, human civilization's research on these indigenous life forms has not been very deep.

"This should be the 'Xuanhuang' Crystal." Lin Yuan took out a fist-sized yellow crystal from the heart of the thousand-meter serpent.

The Xuanhuang Crystal is a specialty of the Xuanhuang Secret Realm and the core of the indigenous life forms within the realm.

A fist-sized Xuanhuang Crystal, in the main universe, can easily be exchanged for a hundred thousand Universe Crystals.

The special power contained within the Xuanhuang Crystal has remarkable effects on the evolution of certain systems of evolved beings and alien experts.

Once the indigenous life forms of the Xuanhuang Secret Realm leave the realm, they would vanish, leaving only the Xuanhuang Crystal behind. This is the only thing Lin Yuan can take away from them.

"A hundred thousand Universe Crystals?" Lin Yuan felt delighted. The normal value of a ninth-grade expert is estimated to be between two million to three hundred million Universe Crystals. Though not much for a ninth-grade expert, obtaining this amount is relatively easy now.

"Continue forward." Lin Yuan had formulated a strategy for entering the secret realm. He would absolutely not compete for treasures and opportunities but the indigenous life forms came to him. It didn't go against his strategy.

Time passed.

In just over a month, Lin Yuan had already traversed half of the outer region. In this one or two months, Lin Yuan encountered five ambushes by indigenous life forms. These beings varied in strength, some comparable to ninth-grade experts with tens of thousands of layers opened up, while others were only at the level of newly entered ninth-grade experts, not even reaching the tenth layer.

"In less than two months, I've obtained six Xuanhuang Crystals. Their combined value is estimated to be close to a million Universe Crystals." Lin Yuan was somewhat astonished.

A million Universe Crystals? Even for ninth-grade experts, earning such a large amount is not easy. It's equivalent to half the net worth of an ordinary ninth-grade, tenth-layer expert.

And this is the result of Lin Yuan actively avoiding those opportunity-laden areas. If he deliberately sought out opportunities, his gains would likely multiply several times over.

"No wonder those alien experts are so interested in this secret realm. Even my teacher, who was only invincible at the eighth grade, took risks to come here for gains." Lin Yuan shook his head slightly.

It's imaginable that as long as one can leave this secret realm alive, they are bound to make a fortune.


"Another indigenous life form has discovered me?" Lin Yuan glanced down at the continent, where a hundred-meter-tall giant bear was glaring at him with anger. Though separated by numerous spatial layers, Lin Yuan knew it was looking at him.

"This belongs to the weakest type of indigenous life form."

"Equivalent to newly entered ninth-grade level."

Lin Yuan roughly sensed the aura emanating from it after killing six indigenous life forms in a row, gaining some experience.

"Taking the initiative."

Lin Yuan directly emerged from the spatial layer, activated a ninth-grade attack treasure, and blasted towards the giant bear.

On the other side, far from Lin Yuan's location, a three-headed alien, sensing something as Lin Yuan emerged from the spatial layer, looked over.

"The ninth-grade attack treasure, is it from the Celestial Feather Clan? Is this human evolved being the famous Galaxy Lord?"

This three-headed alien was also hidden within numerous spatial layers, observing as Lin Yuan swiftly killed the giant bear. A hint of curiosity flashed in its eyes.

"I didn't expect to be delayed for a while due to other matters before entering the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, only to encounter such a surprise?"

The three-headed alien's heart stirred.

Belonging to a faction within the Insectoid Alliance, it's been heavily rewarded. And after analyzing, it realized that dealing with the Galaxy Lord shouldn't be difficult.

"Why not give it a try?"

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 301: Aren't You Just Entering Ninth Grade? (Please subscribe)

The three-headed alien planned to take action against the Galaxy Lord for three reasons.

Firstly, the Galaxy Lord only recently entered the ninth grade. How strong could he be? Even though he might be remarkable, at most, they could incapacitate him, and they had the ability to retreat unharmed.

Secondly, this is the Xuanhuang Secret Realm. Most of the strong individuals here are avatars. Since the Galaxy Lord is likely an avatar as well, he wouldn't carry any major treasures. If they were to encounter the Galaxy Lord's true form, they wouldn't dare to act rashly.

Thirdly, it was the reward from the insectoid faction. They were willing to spare no effort to hinder the Galaxy Lord's growth.

Meanwhile, Lin Yuan effortlessly killed the hundred-meter giant bear and casually took the 'Xuanhuang' Crystal. Though the crystal was only thumb-sized and not worth more than a few thousand Universe Crystals, Lin Yuan wouldn't refuse freebies.

"Entering the Xuanhuang Secret Realm this time, regardless of whether I can understand the 'Calling Sensation,' it's all profit," Lin Yuan thought happily. Money, it's all money.

Just as Lin Yuan was about to merge into the spatial layers and continue his journey...


Suddenly, black mist began to pervade from all directions.

The black mist permeated through the layers of space, vaguely forming a black cage centered around Lin Yuan, encompassing over twenty thousand layers of space.

"Hmm?" Lin Yuan's expression changed slightly. "Is it an alien?"

Lin Yuan also entered the spatial layer. Though the indigenous life forms in the Xuanhuang Secret Realm were powerful, their attack methods were relatively straightforward and wouldn't be as sophisticated as this black mist, attempting to trap Lin Yuan.

"Galaxy Lord!" As the black mist condensed into a cage, a three-headed alien stepped out and grinned at Lin Yuan. "I didn't expect to encounter the renowned Galaxy Lord."

"It's you?" Lin Yuan recognized him immediately. "Olefin!"

Lin Yuan had initially planned to escape the black cage before speaking. However, upon seeing the attacker was Olefin, he had other ideas.

Olefin, a somewhat renowned ninth-grade expert of the insectoid faction, had opened twenty-six thousand layers of space. In terms of the number of layers alone, Lin Yuan could easily overpower him. Moreover, Lin Yuan's true strength far exceeded that of the layers of space. Facing Olefin, who had likely killed many human evolutionists on the battlefield, Lin Yuan felt the urge to kill.

Mainly because Olefin had come to him actively, was much weaker, and there were no other ninth-grade experts from the insectoid faction around for support.

"Die." Without further ado, Olefin believed in his advantage and wanted to kill the Galaxy Lord as quickly as possible to prevent any unforeseen circumstances.


The black mist pervading from all directions began to shrink. Olefin's form dissipated into the mist, merging with the surrounding black cage.

This was Olefin's ultimate move, utilizing his racial talent to blend completely into the space.

It was complete integration, not just entering the layers of space.

"Galaxy Lord, don't blame me." With a smile on his face, Olefin seemed to envision the Galaxy Lord crumbling under the shrinking black mist.

However, in the next moment, Lin Yuan raised his right hand and gently grasped it. This grasp wasn't limited to the main space but encompassed all the layers of space. All the black mist, along with Olefin himself, fell into Lin Yuan's palm under this grasp.

"This is—" Olefin's expression changed drastically. Facing Lin Yuan's grasp, he tried to escape deeper into the layers of space, only to find that no matter which layer he fled into, he would still face this grasp.

"Aren't you just entering ninth grade?" Olefin's expression was filled with unwillingness. This was the last thing he managed to say before Lin Yuan's hand quickly clenched, and all the black mist and Olefin himself were completely annihilated under this grasp.

A ninth-grade expert like Olefin perished.

"With this level of strength, you still wanted to come and kill me?" Lin Yuan shook his head slightly.

If Olefin had chosen to flee the moment he saw Lin Yuan, he might have survived. After all, Lin Yuan didn't want to cause too much commotion in the Xuanhuang Secret Realm.

But coming actively... Lin Yuan wouldn't be polite.

"Let's see what's in the spatial bracelet." Lin Yuan took out Olefin's spatial bracelet.

When he crushed Olefin, Lin Yuan deliberately left some energy behind, afraid of crushing the spatial bracelet as well. Once the bracelet shattered, many treasures inside would scatter randomly in the layers of space. Even if Lin Yuan could find them one by one, it would waste a lot of time.

"So poor, only two ninth-grade treasures for a ninth-grade expert with many layers of space?" Lin Yuan sighed as he glanced over. "Plus a few Xuanhuang Crystals worth over two hundred thousand Universe Crystals combined?"

Lin Yuan roughly swept his eyes and sighed. He understood that entering the Xuanhuang Secret Realm was extremely dangerous, and no one could guarantee they would come out alive, so it was impossible to carry too many treasures. Just like Lin Yuan, besides the three ninth-grade treasures, he didn't carry any other treasures. Heavy treasures like the Primordial Essence Gold would certainly be kept on his main body for safety.

Olefin's goal should have been the inner and core areas of the Xuanhuang Secret Realm. It was normal for him not to have much Xuanhuang Crystal after not deliberately seeking out the indigenous life forms in the outer region.

"Let's continue."

Lin Yuan once again entered the depths of the spatial layers, following the increasingly clear 'calling sensation,' and quickly flew towards the core area of the Xuanhuang Secret Realm.

In a distant barren star domain, a powerful true body of the three-headed alien emerged from within a certain star.

"So, that Galaxy Lord isn't just entering the ninth grade?" The three-headed alien's expression was full of anger. "This is what you call just entering the ninth grade?"

Although he had no idea how he died at the hands of the Galaxy Lord, everything happened too quickly. But just from the many layers of space he had just escaped to being easily sealed off by the Galaxy Lord, it was evident that the number of spatial layers opened by the other party was definitely not lower than his own.

You know, the three-headed alien had already been in the ninth grade for tens of thousands of years. As for the Galaxy Lord? Just over ten years?

"Galaxy Lord... Why are you so abnormal?" The three-headed alien trembled, realizing that not only did the Galaxy Lord possess absolute invincibility at the eighth grade and sweep other invincible eighth grades, but now that he had entered the ninth grade, his realm of strength had also made significant strides.

"Galaxy Lord!" The three-headed alien was full of unwillingness. If he had known that the Galaxy Lord had such power, he wouldn't have actively sought him out.

"This loss is huge." The three-headed alien sighed deeply. For him, the death of a clone wasn't too big of a loss, and he could accept the loss of the two ninth-grade treasures carried by the clone.

With the strength of the three-headed alien, it would take at most several decades to recondense a clone, and it would also take ten or twenty years to elevate the clone's strength to a level close to the true body.

Combined, it would be around a hundred years.

A hundred years in the long life of a ninth-grade expert was merely a short nap.

But now, it was the time for the opening of the Xuanhuang Secret Realm.

And from the opening to the end of the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, it was only a hundred years in total.

In other words, the loss of this clone meant that the three-headed alien had no chance of participating in this opening of the Xuanhuang Secret Realm.

Unless he was willing to directly enter the Xuanhuang Secret Realm with his true body.

But the three-headed alien, Olefin, didn't have that courage. If the clone entered the secret realm and died, it could still be recondensed.

But the true body... Once the true body died, it would be a complete death. Olefin's faction was powerful, but there was no supreme being presiding over it.

Wanting to wait for the supreme being of the insectoid race to 'resurrect' him, who knew how long it would take, and whether he could be resurrected in the end was another matter.

"Xuanhuang Secret Realm." Olefin's heart was bleeding. Originally, he had planned to make a big profit from this opening of the Xuanhuang Secret Realm. With his strength, as long as he didn't enter the core area and stayed away from the crucial positions in the inner region, he basically wouldn't die.

As long as he didn't die and managed to leave the Xuanhuang Secret Realm alive, he could at least gain treasures worth hundreds of millions of Universe Crystals.

But now, it was all gone.

Time passed.

Five years flew by in the blink of an eye.

"We're about to enter the inner region."

In the layers of space, Lin Yuan cautiously hurried along.

The Xuanhuang Secret Realm was vast and boundless. The outer region was the smallest, while the inner region was much larger.

As for the core area? So far, no strong individual had figured out the specific scope of the core area.

"My teacher once obtained the path of Xuanhuang evolution from somewhere in the inner region," Lin Yuan thought to himself.

In the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, even invincible eighth grades had the qualifications to enter, but they lived relatively difficult lives. They were on par with the weakest indigenous life forms in the secret realm, which meant that even if an invincible eighth grade entered the secret realm, they would be in a state where they couldn't defeat anyone.

If they encountered slightly stronger indigenous life forms, they might not even be able to escape.

This was just the threat from the secret realm itself. As for other alien powerhouses?

In the main universe's main space, numerous ninth-grade experts were constrained by the several peak factions and couldn't easily take action.

But in the Xuanhuang Secret Realm? There was no such restriction. If a ninth-grade expert encountered an invincible eighth grade, it would be relatively easy to handle, especially if they were from different factions.

Even with so many threats, there were still plenty of invincible eighth grades pouring into the Xuanhuang Secret Realm.

After all, the worst-case scenario was just the death of a clone, but once there were gains, the improvement in one's own strength would be exponential.

Lin Yuan glanced at the position where his teacher, the Red Kun Star Lord, had obtained the path of Xuanhuang evolution.

If it weren't for this strong 'calling sensation' from the core area, Lin Yuan would probably have looked around to see if he could find any information related to the Xuanhuang Secret Realm.

But now that the 'calling sensation' was so strong, Lin Yuan naturally followed it as his main guide.


Lin Yuan continued to hurry along quickly.

Just then.

A burst of energy erupted from the distant earth-yellow mountains.

This energy was vast, affecting an area of several billion li.

"Treasure emerging?" Lin Yuan immediately understood what was happening.

Throughout the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, there were many treasures and treasures, also known as places of opportunity.

Once these treasures emerged, they would cause celestial phenomena.

Other strong individuals would sense it and, knowing the location of the treasure, would naturally rush there at the fastest speed.

"Stay away."

Lin Yuan was clear about his position and purpose.

In terms of strength, he was close to the upper limit of a ninth-grade expert with a combat power approaching a million times gravity. But encountering a true million times gravity expert was probably impossible to defeat.

Not to mention a ninth-grade expert with tens of millions of times gravity.

Although there weren't many ninth-grade experts with tens of millions of times gravity entering the Xuanhuang Secret Realm this time, there were definitely quite a few. They all wanted to find opportunities for breakthroughs.

And the place of opportunity that appeared now, according to the celestial phenomena it caused, would at least produce treasures at the level of ten-star cosmic treasures.

It would definitely attract many ninth-grade experts with millions or tens of millions of times gravity to compete for it.

As expected.

It didn't take long.

Lin Yuan felt terrifying fluctuations coming from the direction of the earth-yellow mountains.

The residual power traversed millions of layers of space, vast and boundless, seeming endless.

"It should be a ninth-grade expert with millions of times gravity making a move."

Lin Yuan thought to himself.

A ninth-grade expert with millions of times gravity could instantly influence millions of layers of space, erupting with terrifying power. As long as you were still within these millions of layers of space, you couldn't escape the opponent's attacks and suppression.

"Anyway, it has nothing to do with me."

Lin Yuan continued on his way to the core area.

For Lin Yuan, the appearance of such a large-scale place of opportunity in the inner region was not a bad thing, but a good thing.

At least it attracted the attention of a large number of ninth-grade experts with millions or tens of millions of times gravity.

Lin Yuan's journey ahead would be smoother, and the probability of encountering alien experts he couldn't handle would be greatly reduced.

Galactic Main Star.

Lin Yuan slowly opened his eyes.

"So far, everything is going smoothly in the Xuanhuang Secret Realm."

Lin Yuan thought to himself as his sun spirit merged into the layers of space and rushed towards the core area at an extremely fast speed.

However, because the inner region was too vast, to traverse such a large area, at least ten or twenty years would be needed without being able to use instant teleportation.

"Come to think of it, since I reached the ninth grade, I've never tried to break through the third level of the Black Tower."

Lin Yuan's mind stirred, immediately sending a strand of consciousness along the demon jade mark, descending into the demon jade space.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 302: Galactic Master, Hurry and Escape! (Subscribe Please)

In the demon jade space, every level of the nine-tier Black Tower rewards treasures left by the owner of the Demon Jade Tower.

Lin Yuan's World Tree, "Interpretation of the Void," "Illusory Reality," Chaos Crystal, and so on, were all obtained from the nine-tier Black Tower. These treasures provided him with great assistance.

Even after reaching the ninth rank, Lin Yuan still occasionally contemplated.

Especially "Interpretation of the Void," which presented a different perspective on spatial rules from that of human civilization.

Every time he contemplated, Lin Yuan gained insights, deepening his understanding of the essence of spatial rules.

In the demon jade space.

Lin Yuan's consciousness avatar appeared.

"This space?"

Lin Yuan carefully observed his surroundings. After reaching the ninth rank, this was his first time appearing here.

Compared to when he was at the eighth rank, Lin Yuan, who was now in the ninth rank domain, immediately sensed the subtle essence of the demon jade space.

"It's completely independent of many layers of space. How did the owner of the Demon Jade Tower manage to do this?"

Lin Yuan's expression was somewhat astonished.

Lin Yuan knew that the demon jade space was not in the main universe.

After all, the owner of the Demon Jade Tower was not a life form from the main universe. But the space opened up here, without relying on any space layers, was somewhat unbelievable.

"Let's see how far I can advance to the third level now."

After observing for a while, Lin Yuan headed towards the direction of the nine-tier Black Tower.

According to Shenji's suggestion, the third level of the nine-tier Black Tower was specifically prepared for certain extremely powerful and special ninth-tier beings, as well as tenth-tier beings.

When Lin Yuan was at the eighth rank, not to mention advancing to the third level, he couldn't even sustain himself on the third level.

Now that he had reached the ninth rank, he didn't have any hopes of passing the third level. He just wanted to see what the test of the third level of the Black Tower was.

Lin Yuan knew what the tests were for the first and second levels, testing one's ability to resist pressure from all directions.

But the test for the third level... When Lin Yuan was at the eighth rank, his mental will, nurtured by the power of the world within a sphere of over one hundred million li, was not much weaker than that of a ninth-tier being.

But even so, he couldn't support himself on the third level. Lin Yuan faintly felt that perhaps the test of the third level of the Black Tower was different from the first and second levels.

In front of the nine-tier Black Tower.

The humanoid stone statue, Shenji, walked out.

"You've been gone for a long time," the humanoid stone statue was about to ask Lin Yuan why he hadn't come for so long.

But then he noticed that the intensity of Lin Yuan's mental will had undergone a qualitative change compared to when he first arrived, and his consciousness avatar instinctively merged into the layers of space.

Now, what he saw of Lin Yuan was just a projection.

"You've reached the ninth rank?" Shenji's tone was complex. Even though he had long known that the ninth rank would pose no difficulty for freaks like Lin Yuan, when he discovered that Lin Yuan had ascended to this level in such a short time, he still felt somewhat inexplicably emotional.

Why didn't such a freak appear when the owner of the Demon Jade Tower was still around!

"Luck is on my side." Lin Yuan smiled.

Luck again. Shenji was somewhat helpless. He looked at Lin Yuan and asked, "Are you here to try the third level?"

If Lin Yuan was still at the eighth rank, Shenji wouldn't recommend attempting the third level, as it would be meaningless and he wouldn't even be able to endure it, let alone hone himself.

But since he had already reached the ninth rank, with Lin Yuan's talent, he could naturally attempt the third level.

"Go in."

Shenji took the initiative to step aside.

Lin Yuan walked straight into the Black Tower.

The third level.

The moment Lin Yuan appeared.

Invisible and terrifying pressure swept over him from all directions.

But it seemed like a gust of wind; all the pressure passed through Lin Yuan.

Because Lin Yuan's true body wasn't in the main space.


Lin Yuan took a step forward.

The pressure from all directions surged, already penetrating dozens of layers of space.

Taking another step.

Penetrating hundreds of layers of space.

Taking ten more steps.

Penetrating nearly ten thousand layers of space.

At this moment, an intangible and intangible presence swept through nearly ten thousand layers of space.

Even though Lin Yuan's consciousness avatar was in over eighty thousand layers of space, he still vaguely felt the pressure.

Continuing for a hundred steps.

The heavy pressure seemed to materialize, oscillating back and forth in over eighty thousand layers of space.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yuan decisively stopped advancing.

"The real test of the third level of the Black Tower is not resisting pressure, because this pressure is fundamentally irresistible. Even for a tenth-tier expert, if they are only left with a trace of mental will, once they are touched or brushed by the pressure from all directions, their consciousness avatar will collapse."

Lin Yuan pondered thoughtfully.

The real test of the third level of the Black Tower is the occupation of space layers.

Occupying as many space layers as possible to avoid the coverage of pressure.

And the so-called 'occupation' of more space layers, in Lin Yuan's understanding, is to open up more layers of space within the world within the body.

Only by opening up more layers of space within the body, the mastery of many space layers in the main world will also correspondingly increase.

Now, Lin Yuan's world within the body has opened up over eighty-seven thousand layers of space, theoretically being able to 'occupy' eighty-seven thousand layers of space in the main world instantaneously.

"I'm still far from reaching the millionth realm."

After thinking for a while, Lin Yuan directly exited the demon jade space.

Outside the nine-tier Black Tower.

The humanoid stone statue, Shenji, silently observed Lin Yuan's movements.

"After completing one percent of the journey, the occupation of space layers is close to ninety thousand," Shenji thought to himself.

"It's only been a short time since he reached the ninth rank? And he's already occupying nearly ninety thousand layers of space?" Shenji didn't know what to say; he had never seen anything like this before.

He had heard of innate multispacial beings who mastered numerous space layers from birth, but someone like Lin Yuan, who progressed from weakness to strength, gradually cultivating to the point of occupying ninety thousand layers of space at such an incredible speed...

"However monstrous he may be, it's not easy to pass the third level. This was a test specially set by the master back then."

"Either he crosses into the tenth rank honestly before attempting it, or he delves deep into the ninth rank domain. The latter is much more difficult than the former."

Shenji thought silently to himself.

Galactic Main Star.

Lin Yuan opened his eyes.

"It seems there's no hope of passing the third level in the short term."

Lin Yuan sighed.

After traversing the periphery of the Xuanhuang Secret Realm for five years, Lin Yuan's number of opened space layers increased from the initial forty-three thousand to eighty-seven thousand.

Such progress was terrifying, but Lin Yuan still had no assurance of achieving the goal of opening millions of layers of space in the near future.

"For the past five years, I've felt that I could grasp the rules of time at any moment," Lin Yuan thought to himself.

Five years ago, Lin Yuan already felt that he was about to grasp the rules of time, but until now, he still hadn't. This showed how difficult and obscure the rules of time were.

Even Lin Yuan, with his extraordinary understanding, couldn't achieve it. For other ninth-rank evolvers, even if they spent hundreds of thousands or millions of years, it would be difficult for them to comprehend the rules of time.

In a way, the rules of time were the domain of tenth-rank experts, and the ninth rank was just a stepping stone.

There was practically no possibility of mastering it.


Lin Yuan raised his right hand, and faintly, the flow of time on the surface of his right hand began to distort.

This time, Lin Yuan truly felt that he was about to master the rules of time.

Fast, it could take days; slow, it could take months.

"I've accumulated seventy-one strands of Boundary Breaking Source Force," Lin Yuan felt pleased after sensing the quantity of Boundary Breaking Source Force.

Boundary Breaking Source Force was his greatest reliance, allowing him to cross dimensional dimensions and descend into any world.

Xuanhuang Secret Realm.

After five years of travel, Lin Yuan finally entered the inner region.

"The aura of heaven and earth has changed?" Lin Yuan carefully felt his surroundings.

If the outer region of the Xuanhuang Secret Realm was almost indistinguishable from the main universe, the inner region had an ancient and oppressive atmosphere.

"The calling sensation has become stronger," Lin Yuan slightly closed his eyes and began to listen.

At this point, he could vaguely hear what the calling was about.

"Xuanhuang... Great Xuanhuang, you've finally returned."

The calling voice seemed to come from an infinitely distant ancient time, crossing time and space, reaching Lin Yuan's ears.

"Xuanhuang?" Lin Yuan frowned slightly.

"Is this Xuanhuang a name?" Lin Yuan speculated inwardly.

The language of the calling was not any of the languages Lin Yuan had encountered, but miraculously, he could understand the meaning as soon as he heard it.

"Let's continue forward for now," Lin Yuan thought. Up to now, including the peak tribes of human civilization, their understanding of the Xuanhuang Secret Realm was only at the surface level.

Even the connection between the Xuanhuang Secret Realm and other cosmic eras was just speculation and couldn't be confirmed.

After entering the inner region.

Lin Yuan intentionally slowed down his pace.



Lin Yuan seemed to sense something and looked in a certain direction.

There, the atmosphere was boiling. A native lifeform several hundred thousand meters tall was locked in combat with a member of an alien race with a long tail.

During their clash, the terrifying aura shook hundreds of thousands, even millions of layers of space.

"That alien has opened at least a million layers of space or more," Lin Yuan observed from afar. "And that native lifeform is also incredibly strong, not much weaker than the alien."

"I should leave."

After only a brief observation, Lin Yuan distanced himself from the area and headed in another direction.

He recognized the identity of the alien as 'Moro,' a member of the Galactic Alliance, a rare and special lifeform.

The relationship between the Human Civilization Alliance and the Galactic Alliance wasn't great, as many of the evolution elixirs in human civilization were derived from various special lifeforms.

Without the cooperation of the strongest individuals among the special lifeforms, who established the Galactic Alliance and officially joined the war among the cosmic peak tribes, the special lifeforms might have been kept in captivity by human civilization.

Most special lifeforms were powerful individuals with difficulties in reproduction, but not incapable of it.

Lin Yuan wasn't afraid of Moro opening a million layers of space. His combat power five years ago wasn't much weaker than a ninth-rank powerhouse in the million-layer realm, let alone now.

He simply didn't want to invite trouble.


Lin Yuan rushed towards the core area of the Xuanhuang Secret Realm via another route.

Several days later.

Lin Yuan raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Is there a human evolver nearby?"

Lin Yuan raised his right hand, and a black disc appeared in his palm.

When any life enters the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, they are randomly assigned to the outer regions to prevent them from forming groups.

However, after entering the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, based on the black discs given to each evolver by human civilization, one could sense all human evolvers within a certain area.

In the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, the strong from all the galaxies could enter, so human evolvers naturally needed to unite and help each other to seize the greatest opportunities and treasures.

"Is it Xilan?"

Lin Yuan recognized the identity of this human evolver.

Not long ago, Lin Yuan visited the Eternal Spring in the Central Star Region, and Xilan received him.

And on the B0001 battlefield, when Lin Yuan went on a rampage against the eighth-ranked invincible of the Tianyu Tribe, it was also Xilan who presided over the battlefield.

"Xilan seems to be in pursuit," Lin Yuan said, looking in the direction indicated by the black disc's sensing ability.

In a series of layers of space.

A purple-haired Xilan was desperately fleeing.

"Human, hand over the treasure. I'll let your avatar leave," a massive figure behind him was chasing him. "Otherwise, your avatar will die, and the treasure will fall into my hands."

Xilan paid no attention to the demand and continued to flee rapidly.

"That place of opportunity was clearly discovered by me first. Are you humans all so shameless?" The massive figure was furious. "Hand over the treasure now, and I promise to let you go."

The massive figure was burning with anger.

As a peak ninth-rank powerhouse with a hundred thousand layers, he had already opened up nine hundred thousand layers of space, not much different from reaching the million-layer realm.

Originally, when the massive figure found a place of opportunity about to emerge, he was waiting nearby. He didn't expect Xilan to rush in and take the treasure as soon as the opportunity appeared.

"If you have the ability, catch up to me," Xilan transmitted.

Although he didn't know the usefulness of the treasure he had obtained, the celestial phenomena when the opportunity where the treasure was placed opened were extremely unusual.

So no matter what the massive figure said, Xilan wouldn't agree.

What a joke.

There's no reason to return the treasure already obtained.

"But this is troublesome."

"If this chase continues, there might be some unexpected variables."

Xilan felt a bit anxious.

With his speed, the chance of the massive figure catching up wasn't high. But the two of them chasing each other like this would definitely attract the attention of other nearby powerhouses.

By then, if it was a hostile powerhouse from the Human Civilization Alliance, Xilan might really be in trouble here.

Just as Xilan was pondering a solution.

The black disc in his body's world suddenly emitted a sound.

"Xilan, do you need help?"

"Is the Galactic Main Star nearby?" Xilan was slightly stunned, immediately identifying Lin Yuan's identity through the black disc.

"Galactic Main Star, you better run. The enemy is not someone you can handle," Xilan's expression changed slightly, immediately responding through the black disc.

"The enemy I can't handle?"

Lin Yuan fell silent for a moment, looking around.



Chapter 303: The Repeated Tremor of the Door to the Myriad Realms (Subscribe Please)

"Where is the enemy?"

Xilan was somewhat bewildered. Could he not see the massive figure behind him, whose large size was disrupting layer after layer of space?

As Xilan and the massive figure chased and fled, they didn't conceal their auras. Even from a distance and across different layers of space, they could still sense each other. This was why Xilan was worried about unexpected variables.

"Galactic Main Star, the 'Maduo' operative chasing me is formidable, nearing the ninth rank with a million layers of strength. Even if we join forces, we can't contend with him."

Xilan quickly explained. The reason he managed to escape from the Maduo operative for so long was entirely due to his unique evolutionary path and mastery of an escape technique. But Lin Yuan didn't have these advantages. Once targeted by the Maduo operative, the consequences would be dire.

"Galactic Main Star, please don't approach us."

Xilan reminded again. Although it had been five years since Lin Yuan was rumored to have slain three alien 'Olefins,' those were only ninth-rank million-layer beings, with just over twenty thousand layers of space. They were not comparable to the Maduo operative, who had opened over nine hundred thousand layers.

"No worries, come over here."

Lin Yuan transmitted through the black disc.

"You're letting me come over?" Xilan immediately realized. Lin Yuan wasn't oblivious to the intimidating Maduo operative; he just had his own confidence. Though Xilan didn't know what Lin Yuan had to confront the Maduo operative approaching a million layers, based on the time spent with the Galactic Main Star, Xilan understood his character—Lin Yuan was definitely not an arrogant evolver. Since the Galactic Main Star allowed him to approach, he must have a grasp on dealing with the Maduo operative.


Xilan didn't hesitate and began changing direction to approach Lin Yuan.

"Galactic Main Star, while the Maduo operative isn't paying attention, I managed to take an artifact he had been guarding for a long time."

As he approached Lin Yuan, Xilan explained the situation. The Maduo operative was a descendant of a powerful ancient god from the depths of the cosmic void. This ancient god hadn't participated in the war among the cosmic tribes, and the Maduo operative didn't hold much animosity toward human civilization. The Maduo operative had been chasing Xilan solely because he had angered him. Moreover, the artifact Xilan took wasn't simple. While it might not be as valuable as a ten-star rare treasure, it wasn't far off.


Lin Yuan and Xilan successfully converged. Shortly after, the massive figure of the Maduo operative also arrived.

"Galactic Main Star!" The Maduo operative quickly recognized Lin Yuan. There was no way he wouldn't; the Galactic Main Star was too illustrious and famous. Even the strongest had heard of him.

"Maduo operative," Lin Yuan's tone was calm. "The Xuanhuang Secret Realm offers countless opportunities. With the time you've spent chasing, you could probably find the next place of opportunity."

"Is the Galactic Main Star siding with your kind?" The Maduo operative was annoyed. "But if you don't hand over the artifact today, even with your Galactic Main Star's influence, I won't budge."

Under normal circumstances, the Maduo operative would be very willing to give face to the Galactic Main Star. With the Galactic Main Star's potential, reaching the ninth rank and beyond was almost inevitable. Offending such a terrifying future powerhouse would be foolish. While there was no room for reconciliation with the insect race, the Tianyu tribe, and human civilization, the Maduo operative didn't hold much direct enmity toward humans or the Galactic Main Star. In the vast cosmos, the more friends, the more paths available. However, the Maduo operative couldn't swallow this humiliation.

"In that case, let's begin," Lin Yuan said directly.


The two instantly engaged in a fierce battle across layers of heavier space. Not far away, Xilan cautiously sensed the terrifying fluctuations emanating from the depths of the heavy space.

"The Galactic Main Star and the Maduo operative are fighting?" Xilan murmured softly. "And the battle hasn't ended immediately?"

Xilan didn't dare approach the space where Lin Yuan and the Maduo operative were fighting, but from the ripples caused by their battle, he could roughly gauge the situation. Xilan's gaze was somewhat vacant. Lin Yuan's growth rate was too fast. He still remembered not long ago when he escorted Lin Yuan to his homeworld. At that time, Lin Yuan had just reached the ninth rank and seemed to know nothing. Now, he was already contending with the Maduo operative?

"It's terrifying."

"No wonder he's the most dazzling genius in the history of our human civilization."

Xilan swallowed his saliva. Initially, on the battlefield with the alien races, he had been thinking about how to protect Lin Yuan and prevent him from being attacked by the ninth-rank powerhouse of the Tianyu tribe. Now, it seemed that the roles had reversed in an incredibly short period. 

In the depths of the heavy space layers, Lin Yuan and the Maduo operative confronted each other across dozens of layers of space.

"Galactic Main Star, I didn't expect you to be this strong. You nearly could have severely injured me," the Maduo operative said, staring at Lin Yuan with some trepidation.

In the instant they clashed in the heavy layers of space, the Maduo operative felt an unimaginable force penetrating his body. If it weren't for his awakened 'ancient god' talent and timely withdrawal, he

 might have been severely injured by now.

Was it talent? A secret technique? An artifact? Or something else?

The Maduo operative's mind was filled with uncertainty.

Initially, he thought he could suppress the Galactic Main Star. Even if the latter could surpass him in the future, for now, the Maduo operative was still stronger. However, after their recent confrontation, the Maduo operative quickly concluded that he couldn't handle the Galactic Main Star. Not only that, if he stayed longer, there might be a risk of being caught off guard by the Galactic Main Star.

"Too bad," Lin Yuan remained calm, but there was a hint of regret in his heart.

In terms of opening space layers, Lin Yuan was inferior to the Maduo operative. However, with the vast world within him, erupting with power covering over a hundred thousand layers, Lin Yuan's strength probably surpassed that of a million-layer space being. Despite his anger, the Maduo operative, being cautious, hadn't lost his rationality and didn't underestimate Lin Yuan completely. Otherwise, based on their recent clash, Lin Yuan would have the confidence to deal a heavy blow.

"Galactic Main Star, this matter ends here," the Maduo operative surrendered immediately. He understood that with Lin Yuan's displayed strength, he had no hope of obtaining the artifact anymore.

"Let me remind you, the Tianyu tribe's 'Hunyi' is searching everywhere for you, aiming to kill this avatar of yours to avenge the battles on the battlefield."

"'Hunyi' is the most powerful ninth-rank life form of this era in the Tianyu tribe, with over thirty million layers of space opened. While you're strong, facing 'Hunyi,' you won't even be able to escape."

The Maduo operative quickly revealed this secret information to ease the tension with the Galactic Main Star.

Since he confirmed that he had no chance with the artifact, he couldn't afford to offend the Galactic Main Star. After saying this, the Maduo operative disappeared into deeper layers of space, flying in another direction.

Lin Yuan remained where he was and didn't pursue.

Mainly because he couldn't catch up. The more layers of space one opens, the more layers one can occupy in an instant, appearing between layers of heavy space. Lin Yuan surpassed million-layer space beings in frontal killing power, but in other aspects, he was inferior. Normally, with certain special techniques and artifacts, life forms with lower space layers could escape pursuit from those with higher layers. However, it was impossible for lower-layer life forms to pursue higher-layer ones, regardless of strength.

The chase between ninth-rank powerhouses in different space layers wasn't directly related to speed.

"Hunyi of the Tianyu tribe?" Lin Yuan's expression turned slightly serious upon the Maduo operative's reminder.

Typically, ninth-rank powerhouses only needed to open millions of layers of space, pretending to reach the threshold for advancing to the tenth rank. But 'Hunyi' had opened over thirty million layers, surpassing other ninth-rankers. He was probably one of the strongest among the ninth-rankers who entered the Xuanhuang Secret Realm this time.

"But the Xuanhuang Secret Realm is vast. Finding me won't be easy," Lin Yuan shook his head slightly. He indeed wasn't a match for 'Hunyi,' the strongest ninth-ranker of the Tianyu tribe, but this supreme ninth-ranker couldn't directly lock onto Lin Yuan's position either.

In the depths of heavy space layers, even though the Maduo operative had left, he still felt uneasy.

"I messed up."

"If only I had known the Galactic Main Star's strength earlier, I would have decisively given up that artifact." The Maduo operative began to reflect on himself. While his ancestor among the ancient gods wasn't the strongest, he lived a very comfortable life, maintaining good relations with various tribes. The key was not to offend anyone. But now, he had offended the Galactic Main Star.

"However, the information I provided should somewhat make up for it," the Maduo operative breathed a sigh of relief. 'Hunyi' was searching for the Galactic Main Star, a fact known to few. Leveraging his relationship with his ancestor, the Maduo operative was one of those who knew. 'Hunyi' promised a reward to anyone who could provide information about the Galactic Main Star's whereabouts.

But right now, the Maduo operative wasn't thinking about rewards; he only wanted to salvage the impression the Galactic Main Star had of him, if not goodwill, then at least not hostility.

After the Maduo operative left, Lin Yuan returned to Xilan's side.

"Alright, it's safe now," Lin Yuan smiled.

"The Maduo operative retreated?" Xilan couldn't help asking.

"Yes," Lin Yuan nodded.

"Your strength, Galactic Main Star…" Despite some anticipation, Xilan was still shocked. The Maduo operative's temperament was far from that of his ancestor among the ancient gods; he was impulsive and easily angered. The only way to make him retreat voluntarily was to hurt him enough so he didn't want to continue entangling. But to achieve all this, Lin Yuan's strength had to surpass that of the Maduo operative. The Maduo operative had opened over nine hundred thousand layers of space, nearly reaching the realm of a million layers, but if Lin Yuan was stronger than him…

Xilan felt his understanding shatter. He had been at the ninth rank for nearly a million years, and the space layers he opened were only around six hundred thousand. His strength was far inferior to that of the Maduo operative. But now, Lin Yuan, who had just reached the ninth rank, was already superior to the Maduo operative?

"Let's not dwell on that."

"We'll change locations."

Lin Yuan led Xilan into layers upon layers of space.

Several days later.

The two finally came to a stop.

"Maduo said that the Tianyu tribe's 'Hunyi' is searching for my trail," Lin Yuan said directly.

"Hunyi?" Xilan's expression changed slightly.

He began to fear and even dread this strongest ninth-rank member of the Tianyu tribe.

In the large-scale battlefield of different races, when Hunyi took action, he swept through millions of layers of space, suppressing dozens of ninth-rankers with millions of layers of strength.

Such a powerhouse was actually searching for Lin Yuan's trail?

Xilan's face turned unpleasant.

It's shameless.

Although Lin Yuan had indeed caused the Tianyu tribe to lose face on the battlefield, it wasn't necessary to specifically mobilize such a powerhouse.

"We must be more careful from now on," Xilan said earnestly.

"Naturally," Lin Yuan replied.

Even without Hunyi, he would still be cautious in the Xuanhuang Secret Realm.

"Oh, by the way."

"Tell me about that place of opportunity that angered Maduo so much?" Lin Yuan asked curiously.

Maduo had always tried to emulate his versatile ancestor among the ancient gods, never easily offending any faction.

The fact that he pursued Xilan so relentlessly showed genuine anger.


Xilan smiled at the question.

"That place of opportunity was left by a follower of 'His Majesty'," Xilan immediately said.

He wouldn't hide anything from Lin Yuan.

If it weren't for Lin Yuan, he would still be pursued by Maduo, and this avatar might have died by now.

"His Majesty?" Lin Yuan nodded in understanding.

In the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, the term 'His Majesty' appeared frequently in many places of opportunity.

Most of the owners of these opportunities were followers of that great 'His Majesty'.

"This follower has a mysterious background. He accidentally entered a dimensional rift, fell into our dimension, and was ultimately saved by 'His Majesty'."

Xilan's tone held some admiration. The concept of dimensional dimensions wasn't a secret.

Dimensional dimensions were descriptions that transcended spatial rules; even twelfth-rank beings, the strongest, and ultimate beings couldn't break through them.

But between different dimensions, there was a tiny chance of 'rifts' occurring. If one could survive entering a 'rift,' they might have the opportunity to enter other dimensions.

But the chance of this happening was extremely small, and even ultimate beings couldn't detect the existence of dimensional rifts. Moreover, once a rift appeared, it would recover in a few breaths.

"The item I obtained, according to the intentions of the owner of that place of opportunity, is his most precious treasure."

Xilan extended his right hand, and a black sphere appeared before him.

The black sphere floated in the air, slowly rotating, emitting a mysterious aura.

"But after studying it for half a day, I haven't discovered anything special about this treasure?" Xilan looked puzzled.


Lin Yuan, who was initially just slightly curious, became solemn the moment the black sphere appeared.

Because at the same time.

Deep in his mind, the majestic and grand World Gate began to tremble slightly.

(End of this chapter)