

Chapter 296: Little Junior Brother is already at the Ninth Rank, and we're still at the Sixth Rank? (Seeking Subscriptions)

Combat at the Ninth Rank level is akin to a spatial contest.

In this regard, those who have evolved to the Ninth Rank and opened up more spatial layers have a significant advantage.

It's not just about the depth and power brought by multiple spatial layers.

There's also the ability to merge and occupy more spatial layers.

Just like now.

Lin Yuan appears to be standing in front of the Azure-Eyed and Red-Skinned.

But his true body could be anywhere within the multiple spatial layers.

Ninth Rank experts, strictly speaking, already belong to multi-dimensional life forms.

They won't be confined to a single spatial layer like most life forms.


Lin Yuan gives a few more instructions.

Ordering his subordinates to immediately appease other evolvers on the main star of the galaxy.

The commotion caused by his breakthrough to the Ninth Rank would induce an indescribable sense of palpitation even among some evolvers on the main star, even without relying on observation equipment.

It's as if certain creatures within the planet, when faced with disasters in other regions, would tremble with fear even if they weren't directly affected.

Galactic Master Hall.

Lin Yuan sits cross-legged.

In front of him, the Lunar Soul also sits calmly.

"Now we can try the inheritance secret technique of 'Illusory Reality.'"

Lin Yuan's thoughts flicker.

"Illusory Reality" transforms the essence of life, turning illusion into reality and reality into illusion.

The Lunar Soul is a soul entity, essentially illusory. With "Illusory Reality," it can have a physical body, thereby sharing many of Lin Yuan's divine treasures.

"Let's begin."

Lin Yuan looks at the Lunar Soul in front of him.

At this moment, the Lunar Soul has already begun to activate "Illusory Reality." Its originally illusory body is boiling, with the smallest particles slowly transforming.

"Everything is going smoothly."

Lin Yuan nods slightly.

Even if the activation of "Illusory Reality" fails, it's just a soul entity; it can easily reassemble itself in the blink of an eye.

"It will probably take about half a month to complete the transformation completely."

Lin Yuan carefully observes and concludes.

The transformation of the essence of life takes a lot of time to adapt, it's not something that can be achieved overnight, especially the transition from illusion to reality.

"Let's start with the Lunar Soul's transformation first and see the effect. If it works, we'll let the Solar Soul transform too."

Lin Yuan thinks to himself. So far, he doesn't know if the transformed Lunar Soul can function like his true body, but he speculates that it's highly probable.

"Come in."

Lin Yuan takes the Lunar Soul into his inner world, and his consciousness descends.

"The inner world looks much better now." Lin Yuan takes another look at the vast expanse before him. After opening up numerous spatial layers, his inner world has become significantly more substantial.

Now it resembles a true world.

Of course, the current inner world lacks the support of time rules and can only rely on the time rules of the main universe, so it's not a complete world.


Lin Yuan scans his inner world roughly and suddenly stops at the World Tree.

Lin Yuan is now a Ninth Rank life form, capable of seeing through multiple spatial layers at a glance. Especially in this place, which he opened up himself, he knows more than thirty thousand spatial layers like the back of his hand.

And at this moment, the World Tree, although its main body is in the primary space, its roots extend into many spatial layers, continuously absorbing the power from different spatial layers.

"I didn't expect the World Tree to have this ability?"

Lin Yuan is somewhat surprised. Exploring and occupying other spatial layers is a skill only mastered by Ninth Rank life forms. Although some Eighth Rank life forms can do this to some extent, it's extremely rudimentary.

The abilities displayed by the World Tree are far beyond what Eighth Rank evolvers can achieve.

"It truly deserves to be a treasure of the Eleven-Star Universe."

Lin Yuan nods slightly.

If it weren't for his identity as a member of the Magic Jade Tower, Lin Yuan would never have had the opportunity to encounter the World Tree. Even if he reached the Ninth or Tenth Rank, it would have been almost impossible.

In the main universe, the World Tree is incredibly rare.

The Magic Jade Tower is a force outside the world and was extremely prosperous in the distant past, which is why a seedling of the World Tree appeared on the reward list of the Ninth-Floor Black Tower.

Time passes.

In just over ten days.

The matter of Lin Yuan advancing to the Ninth Rank, after confirmation by the three goddesses and Lin Yuan himself, was officially announced to the outside world in the name of human civilization.

As soon as the announcement was made, it quickly spread throughout the five major star regions of human civilization and many neighboring alien races. The top clans and factions received the news first.

Not yet a hundred years old.

To be precise, not yet sixty years old, and he has reached the Ninth Rank. Moreover, he ascended to the Ninth Rank as the strongest Eighth Rank in history.

Numerous halos.

Numerous honors.

All gathered on Lin Yuan.

In the territory of the Insect Race.

A huge Insect Race mother nest exudes a terrifying aura, sweeping in all directions.

"Who on earth is it?"

"Who was responsible for assassinating the Galaxy Master?"

"The Galaxy Master was not even at the Sixth Rank initially. How could he be so easily assassinated and allowed to grow to this point? To grow to the Ninth Rank? There's a great possibility he'll grow to the Tenth or even Eleventh Rank in the future?"

The spiritual fluctuations emitted by this Insect Race mother nest are extremely furious.

If they hadn't paid attention to the Galaxy Master before.

But the Galaxy Master had already caught the attention of the Insect Race and other groups within the alliance. They even launched assassination activities, using the most insidious curses for assassination.

And all because they targeted the wrong person?

Selecting the wrong target means you can't continue?

Even if they can't target him, why not target all the contestants in the Seven-Star Cave test who are above the Gold Mark?

How much price would that cost?

"Your Majesty."

"The 'Pan Yong' general who was responsible for this matter has already committed suicide out of fear."

Someone reports immediately.

"Committed suicide?"

The Insect Race Mother Nest fell silent.

"My son, has he become a Ninth Rank?"

Lin Shoucheng glanced at the Canglan Star outside, which was plunged into jubilation, feeling a bit confused.

In recent years, news about Lin Yuan has been coming one after another, each one more unbelievable than the last. And now he's even reached the Ninth Rank?

Even though Lin Shoucheng doesn't understand the meaning of the Ninth Rank, he knows it's the true backbone of human civilization. Generally, beings of the Ninth Rank wouldn't appear in front of ordinary citizens.

"It's true, Mr. Lin, you've raised a fine son."

The Governor, Song Wuyang, still had a look of shock on his face. He had talked with Lin Yuan face to face before, and the former evolutionary genius he had high hopes for had suddenly become a Ninth Rank evolver?

Because Lin Yuan reached the Ninth Rank, the whole Canglan Star was once again thrown into jubilation.

It didn't have any significance; it was simply because a Ninth Rank evolver was born on this planet.

Human civilization spans vast territories, and countless higher life planets have never given birth to Ninth Rank evolvers in history.

And yet Canglan Star accomplished it?

In fact, it wasn't just Canglan Star celebrating; the entire Dawn Star System was in jubilation because Lin Yuan, this Ninth Rank evolver, also hailed from the Dawn Star System.

"Big brother is too amazing."

Lin Yi also received this news and couldn't help showing a look of incredulity.

Compared to her brother, she, as his younger sister, was really mediocre. But Lin Yi had never thought of catching up to her brother.

How could she catch up?

With what?

"Our Junior Brother has also reached the Ninth Rank?"

In a virtual world, the Peak Masters of the Red Kun lineage were gathered together chatting.

Then they received this astonishing news, leaving the Peak Masters who were originally chatting dumbfounded.

"I never thought that I, Zuo Ge, would one day have the honor of being a senior brother to a Ninth Rank evolver."

Fourth Peak Master Zuo Ge sighed with emotion. He still remembered what Lin Yuan was like when he first became the Thirteenth Peak Master.

"Freak, he's truly a freak."

"We're still at the Sixth Rank now, and our former Junior Brother is already at the Ninth Rank."

Fifth Peak Master couldn't help but say. He didn't have any jealousy. If the difference was slight, jealousy might arise, but when the gap was as wide as heaven, all they felt was astonishment and admiration.

And now, with Lin Yuan already at the Ninth Rank, the gap between him and them is more than just a chasm.

"I almost accepted Junior Brother back then."

Twelfth Peak Master sighed. Initially, he had thought of accepting Lin Yuan when he saw him researching the path of the sun, which partly overlapped with his own path. But then he saw Lin Yuan's 'ineffective' behavior in the Seventh Star Cave.

So he didn't speak up.

But in fact, Lin Yuan at that time was comprehending the evolutionary path of the ultimate test of the Seventh Star Cave.

He was just shortsighted and didn't understand what Lin Yuan was doing.

"My disciple has reached the Ninth Rank?"

The Red Kun Master also received this news, but he wasn't surprised at all.

In recent years, the Red Kun Master had become accustomed to Lin Yuan's series of shocking performances.

Even if Lin Yuan suddenly broke through to the Tenth Rank now, the Red Kun Master wouldn't feel too surprised.

His disciple's greatest strength lies in breaking existing norms and creating various miracles.

"I thought I might reach the Ninth Rank before my disciple."

The Red Kun Master sighed. He was already very close to the Ninth Rank, and the fusion of rules had already reached the final step.

If luck was on his side, he could take the final step in a few days and then undergo the transformation to the Ninth Rank.

If luck was not good, it would take at most several decades.

Originally, the Red Kun Master thought he might be able to reach the Ninth Rank before Lin Yuan.

After all, he was only one step away from the Ninth Rank, and he could break through at any time.

"Not acceptable."

"This time in seclusion, I must reach the Ninth Rank."

"Otherwise, I won't be able to face my disciple."

Although human civilization has many cases of disciples surpassing their masters.

But the Red Kun Master still had some face. Originally, even though Lin Yuan killed dozens of invincible Eighth Ranks in a few breaths, his essence of life was still at the Eighth Rank.

So the Red Kun Master thought there was nothing wrong with meeting Lin Yuan.

They were still within the same realm, after all.

But now.

Lin Yuan has clearly reached the Ninth Rank.

If he remains at the Eighth Rank, it would be too shameful.

"This seclusion will last for twenty years."

"After twenty years, I must reach the Ninth Rank."

"By then, it won't be too embarrassing to face my disciple."

The Red Kun Master has drawn up a detailed plan for his seclusion.

He immediately notified everyone that he would not be disturbed for nearly twenty years unless something major happened.

"Ninth Rank."

"I'm coming too."

The Red Kun Master closed his eyes.

In the Wan Yang Star Region.

The Wan Yang Saint was lying there leisurely, resting.

Ever since completely removing the Thirteenth Peak Master from his list of goals to surpass, the Wan Yang Saint felt incredibly relaxed.

That's the way it should be.

Why bother comparing oneself with that freak Thirteenth Peak Master?

Isn't that asking for trouble?

The Wan Yang Saint thought of the news about the Thirteenth Peak Master's massacre on the alien battlefield, and his mind trembled slightly.

Even now, he still felt his scalp tingling from the shock of this news. How could an invincible Eighth Rank existence be killed so recklessly by a peer of the same rank?


"The Central Star Region has issued an announcement?"

The Wan Yang Saint glanced at the announcement, "The Thirteenth Peak Master has reached the Ninth Rank?"

The Wan Yang Saint blinked, surprisingly feeling it was only natural.

"It's fortunate that I didn't continue to compete with this freak."

"Otherwise, how desperate would I be now?"

"To compare with a Ninth Rank using the Sixth Rank?"

The Wan Yang Saint felt somewhat fortunate.

Sometimes it's wise to give up appropriately.

The news of Lin Yuan reaching the Ninth Rank had an extremely profound impact on human civilization and other alien races. Everyone knew that Lin Yuan had truly matured.

The next time Lin Yuan takes action, it won't just affect localized battlefields like medium-sized alien battlefields; it will affect major battlefields where various major groups are involved.

Galactic Main Star.

Lin Yuan's mind stirred.

The Lunar Avatar instantly moved out of the inner world.

Sitting in front of Lin Yuan.

"Is the transformation complete?"

Lin Yuan carefully examined the Lunar Avatar.

The Lunar Avatar also kept examining itself.

"It's indeed a physical body."

"No longer just a soul."

Lin Yuan finally concluded.

"The blood rebirth divine imprint."

The Lunar Avatar quickly condensed this divine imprint within itself.

This was also the key to absorbing the liquid inside the mysterious gourd.


The complex divine imprint quickly condensed.

In the blink of an eye, the blood rebirth divine imprint synchronized with the Lunar Avatar.

The divine imprints currently condensed by Lin Yuan are only applicable to his true self; even if other evolvers comprehend them, they are of no use.

But the Lunar Avatar's body is completely transformed according to Lin Yuan's true self, almost identical, so all divine imprints can be used.


Lin Yuan handed the mysterious gourd to the Lunar Avatar, letting it start absorbing the liquid of the first color.

Just then.

Lin Yuan suddenly received a message from the official human civilization.

"Respected Ninth Rank Evolver and Galactic Main Star Master Lin Yuan, as you've just entered the Ninth Rank, you need to come to the Central Star Region as soon as possible."

"Go to the Central Star Region?" Lin Yuan had known about this.

Every newly promoted Ninth Rank evolver must visit the Central Star Region and soak in the 'Eternal Spring,' a universe treasure.

The 'Eternal Spring' is one of the twelve universe treasures, a level higher than the World Tree, belonging to the category of treasures for the strongest.

The spring water of the 'Eternal Spring' is greatly beneficial to newly promoted Ninth Rank evolvers, especially in terms of the physical body. Although the most important thing for Ninth Rank evolvers is their inner world, the physical body is equally important.

Especially for those Ninth Rank evolvers who excel in physical body evolution.

The 'Eternal Spring' is an extremely rare great opportunity.

"Well, let's go to the Central Star Region."

Lin Yuan's true self got up, walked out of the Galactic Main Star, and with just one step, traversed thousands of light-years beneath his feet.

(End of this chapter)

### Chapter 297: The Eternal Spring (Subscribe)

The cosmos.

Lin Yuan stood amidst layers of space, each step leaving galaxies behind.

"The main universe is truly vast," Lin Yuan marveled, feeling its expanse as he traveled. His sense of 'vast' wasn't superficial, but one of countless layers of space, an incredible spatial depth.

Even a Ninth Rank evolver, at their peak, could only develop a million layers within their inner world. 

But the main universe?

A million layers couldn't compare to a fraction of the main universe.

"No wonder, after all these years of fierce battles among powerful groups, the main world remains barely affected. Such deep foundations make any damage from ants insignificant," Lin Yuan mused.

Wars between humans and other groups were confined to specific battlefields not because they could harm the main universe but to protect secret realms on various planets from collateral damage.

The essence of war is resource competition. Without resources, there's no point in fighting. 

As for the permanent spatial rifts caused by supreme attacks? Measured in meters, they wouldn't even compare to gaps between cells in the main universe.


Simultaneously occupying thousands of spatial layers, Lin Yuan noticed weapon fragments floating in some layers.

"These are worthless," he observed, losing interest.

Over countless millennia, battles among the strong left behind items scattered across various layers. Victory, mutual destruction, and defeat all led to such remnants.

Lin Yuan saw these fragments as mostly scrap. Though some treasures might exist, they were exceedingly rare.

Many Ninth Rank experts explore these spatial layers hoping to find such rare treasures. The deep layers of the main universe also give birth to cosmic secret realms. These realms sometimes briefly connect to the outside, like the 'Xuanhuang' secret realm visited by the Red Kun Master, located in incredibly deep spatial layers.


Lin Yuan took dozens of steps, covering tens of thousands of light-years in just a few breaths.

"My mind feels some strain," Lin Yuan noticed. Mastering the complete spatial rules allowed him to use the great teleportation technique, which consumes mental energy.

Lin Yuan estimated that at his current rate, a few more thousand steps would tire him. 

Normal Ninth or Tenth Rank evolvers avoid exhausting themselves as it weakens their abilities.

Previously, Vice-Tower Master Nalan used the great teleportation technique to cross star sectors and deliver the 'Spirit-Suppressing Pearl' to Lin Yuan. This was by a supreme command and also related to Nalan's strength—stronger individuals feel less fatigue.

"Better to use a spaceship, though it's slower," Lin Yuan decided, summoning his purchased A-class spaceship.

Just then, his expression changed.

"My mental energy is recovering quickly?"

Mental energy naturally recovers, but Lin Yuan felt it was regenerating faster than usual.


"From the inner world... the World Tree?"

Lin Yuan's consciousness entered his inner world, observing the 100-meter-high World Tree swaying. A light green energy, infused with the World Tree's essence, entered his inner world.

The inner world, channeling world power, nourished Lin Yuan's body, soul, and mind, restoring his mental energy.

"So the World Tree has this function too?"

Lin Yuan smiled. Physical and soul energy are easily replenished, though at a cost. 

But mental energy? Known restorative treasures are extremely valuable.

Even if he could afford them, Lin Yuan wouldn't waste them on travel.

"With this, I can continue using the great teleportation technique, just shortening the distance each step covers."

If each step still spanned thousands of light-years, the World Tree's support wouldn't keep up with the mental consumption.

But Lin Yuan could reduce his travel distance: from a thousand light-years to eight hundred? Five hundred?

Smaller steps meant less consumption.

Even so, his travel speed would still surpass spaceships. Wormhole jumps require cooldowns, even the best spaceships can't avoid this.

In contrast, the great teleportation technique has no cooldown.

"Nine hundred light-years per step... no."

"Eight hundred? Still no."

"Seven hundred... not enough."

Lin Yuan tested, seeking a balance between consumption and recovery.


Lin Yuan confirmed that traveling 530 light-years per step balanced his mental energy consumption with his natural recovery and the World Tree's recovery.

This meant that as long as Lin Yuan maintained this pace, he would not experience any fatigue, regardless of how long he traveled.

"Let's go," Lin Yuan thought as he stepped into the star fields, heading toward the central star region.

On the Galactic Main Star, the Lunar Primordial Spirit was quickly absorbing the mysterious liquid from the gourd.

Due to syncing with the 'Blood Rebirth' ability, the Lunar Primordial Spirit's mastery was at the same level as Lin Yuan's true self, making the absorption of the liquid swift. In less than half a month, it had absorbed the fifth type of blue liquid, matching the progress of Lin Yuan's true self.

"My strength..." Lin Yuan smiled as he realized that the internal world of his Primordial Spirit clone had reached a size of one or two hundred million miles, almost identical to his true self.

Before mastering the complete spatial rules, his two Primordial Spirit clones had smaller internal worlds compared to his true self. They needed to merge into the Taiji Primordial Spirit to match the true self's internal world size without the mysterious gourd's enhancement.

However, after mastering the complete spatial rules, there was no difference. Their internal worlds could all expand to the maximum limit of ten million miles in diameter.

"Now, my true self, Lunar Primordial Spirit, and Solar Primordial Spirit are equal in strength, with no distinction between true self and clones," Lin Yuan murmured.

He now had three bodies, each essentially his true self.

Human civilization's 'clone' techniques generally produced clones weaker than the true self, with the death of the clone not affecting the true self, but the death of the true self meant the clone would also perish.

Lin Yuan's true self and two Primordial Spirits could recreate each other if any two fell.

This alone made his technique vastly superior to traditional clone techniques.

At the edge of the central star region, Lin Yuan appeared silently above a planet.

"Finally arrived," he thought.

The human civilization's territory was vast, and traveling from the Galactic Star Region to the central star region took almost a year, even though Lin Yuan traveled non-stop at 530 light-years per step.

Upon reaching the central star region, Lin Yuan knew he couldn't use the great teleportation technique.

To be precise, the use of any spatial traversal methods was forbidden.

The central star region, the heart of human civilization, couldn't allow unrestricted teleportation. It would be chaos.

Just as Lin Yuan arrived, a figure flew up from the planet below.

"Hahaha, Galactic Star Lord, I've been waiting for you," greeted the Ninth Rank evolver, responsible for receiving and guiding Lin Yuan.

"I recently met you," said the purple-haired man, smiling at Lin Yuan.

"Met me?" Lin Yuan was puzzled.

"I'm Xilan, stationed at Battlefield B0001," Xilan explained briefly.

Xilan, looking at Lin Yuan, thought, "The Galactic Star Lord arrived much faster than expected. Has he been using the great teleportation technique?"

Typically, newly advanced Ninth Rank evolvers, excited by their mastery of complete spatial rules, would travel using the great teleportation technique despite the fatigue it caused.

It's like playing with a new toy; you'd want to use it constantly.

As for the mental fatigue from using the great teleportation technique? It's not a major issue, as a short rest would restore them.

"So that's how it is," Lin Yuan realized. There were always Ninth Rank evolvers stationed at ancient medium-sized battlefields like B0001.

The goal is not to attack, but to prevent the opposing Ninth Rank aliens from making a move.

Of course, if necessary, action can be taken, such as if a peerless genius comparable to the Galactic Star Lord appears among the Tianyu race.

In such a case, 'Xilan' might take action to eliminate them.

Even if they can be resurrected later, it would at least suppress their growth speed.

Usually, Supreme Beings will resurrect their people only after a large number of them have accumulated, as it only requires reversing time once, whether for one person or a hundred.

However, the backlash for resurrecting one person versus a hundred is different.

To make a Supreme Being reverse time for a single life, it would need to be someone they highly value, which is rare.

As for bullying the weak? In the competition between races, there's no such concept as bullying. Otherwise, why would the weaker races, ordinary races, and even powerful races obey the peak races?

"Let's go, follow me down. We've prepared a special ceremony to welcome you," Xilan said with a smile.

The planet beneath them was like a transit point. To enter the central star region, one must pass through such planets.

The central star region prohibits any space teleportation methods but has fixed space channels to reduce travel time.

Beneath them, the transit planet housed a space channel leading deep into the central star region.


Lin Yuan and Xilan appeared on the transit planet.

"Congratulations to the Galactic Star Lord for reaching the Ninth Rank." The planet's surface was filled with numerous beings, including humans and many aliens, with aliens making up about half the crowd.

"Congratulations to the Galactic Star Lord for reaching the Ninth Rank."

"Congratulations to the Galactic Star Lord for reaching the Ninth Rank."

"Congratulations to the Galactic Star Lord for reaching the Ninth Rank."

The loud congratulations were all directed at Lin Yuan.

"So many aliens?" Lin Yuan glanced around, slightly surprised.

"These aliens are either subordinate to our human civilization or have joined the Human Civilization Alliance," Xilan explained.

The major peak race alliances in the universe, like the Tianyu Alliance and the Zerg Alliance, are centered around a peak race to gather strength and compete with other races.

Similarly, human civilization, as a peak race, also has its own major alliance, hence the Human Civilization Alliance.

The Human Civilization Alliance is led by humans and comprises 182 powerful races and 6,313 ordinary races.

"Let's go."

"We'll head straight to the space channel."

"The Eternal Spring is located on the mother planet and requires passing through dozens of space channels." Without stopping, Xilan led Lin Yuan to the space channel on the transit planet.


In an instant, Lin Yuan and Xilan left the planet through the space channel.

"Is it over?"

On the transit planet, the alien beings in the congratulatory crowd finally dared to speak softly.

Months ago, they were brought here to 'rehearse,' all for the moment when they could shout 'Congratulations to the Galactic Star Lord for reaching the Ninth Rank.'

"Sister Luo Qin, that Galactic Star Lord must be an extraordinary human, right?" a small alien asked cautiously, turning to a nearby human woman.

As aliens, even those fully dependent on humans face many restrictions, like not being able to access the virtual world network until after a certain period, leaving them uninformed about the Galactic Star Lord.

But even without having heard of him, the grand scale of the ceremony on this planet indicated that the Galactic Star Lord was no ordinary figure.

It should be noted that this transit planet daily received a large number of humans or aliens entering the central star region.

However, for the Galactic Star Lord, the planet had been closed to the public months in advance, awaiting his arrival.

While there are many such transit planets on the edge of the central star region, dedicating one specifically for this purpose is not something an ordinary Ninth Rank evolver could achieve.

The small alien had also seen other newly advanced Ninth Rank human evolvers arrive, but they did not receive such treatment.

"Of course!"

The human woman called 'Sister Luo Qin' showed a proud expression. "The Galactic Star Lord is the pride of our human civilization."

**Chapter 298: Who Is Calling Me? (Subscribe)**


In an instant.

Lin Yuan and Xilan arrived at the second transit planet.

"This space channel..."

Lin Yuan glanced back and, in a surprised tone, said, "Establishing such a stable space channel must require a considerable expense."

Space channels are easy to create.

Ordinary peak Eighth Rank beings can create them.

When Lin Yuan broke through to the Sixth Rank, his senior brother appeared to take him back to the Akun main star. The crystal cube he crushed instantly created a space channel leading to the Akun main star.

The real difficulty with space channels lies in their stability and maintenance.

Especially the latter. The crystal cube made by the Akun Star Lord consumed a lot of effort, and even then, the resulting space channel only lasted two minutes.

The main universe has a natural ability to heal itself; unless it is a permanent space tear caused by a Supreme Being, any space fluctuations will slowly return to normal.


To maintain a stable space channel for a long time, constant energy supply is required.

This is why space channels are prevalent only in the central star region. The cost of maintaining them throughout human civilization's territory would be too high.

Of course, in emergencies, like a battlefield where aliens have invaded human territory, human civilization can instantly establish stable space channels throughout its domain.

"Yes, since we don't charge any fees, the cost of maintaining the space channels is borne by human civilization," Xilan said.

Apart from the central star region, other star districts and star alliances might have private space channels. If someone doesn't want to travel long distances, they can pay a high civilization fee to use these space channels.




After passing through dozens of transit planets,

Lin Yuan and Xilan finally arrived at the mother planet.

"This is the mother planet?"

Lin Yuan carefully observed his surroundings.

The mother planet is very small, not even comparable to an average medium-sized life planet. However, as the origin of human civilization, it holds special significance and is now the political center.

Many unique treasures, such as the Twelve Star Universe Rare Treasure 'Eternal Spring,' are placed on the mother planet.

Due to the small size of the mother planet, entering it requires thorough scrutiny.

On the mother planet, anyone you casually pass by could be a Ninth or Tenth Rank evolver.

Of course, no matter what level of evolver one is, on the mother planet, releasing any aura is prohibited. Even an Eleventh Rank evolver must walk properly.

"The location of the Eternal Spring is on the second continent, 'Green Mountain Peak.' I don't have permission to go further, so you'll have to proceed on your own," Xilan said, stopping after escorting Lin Yuan for a while.


Lin Yuan nodded.

On the way, Xilan had already explained the detailed map and taboos of the mother planet. As a Ninth Rank evolver, understanding and absorbing this information took only a moment.

Now Lin Yuan was as familiar with the mother planet as he was with the Galactic main star.

Before they parted,

Xilan suddenly remembered something and asked, "Galactic Star Lord, the 'Xuanhuang' Secret Realm is about to open. Are you interested in exploring it?"

"The Xuanhuang Secret Realm?"

This was not the first time Lin Yuan had heard of the 'Xuanhuang' Secret Realm. His teacher, the Akun Star Lord, had mentioned it before.

Moreover, the 'Xuanhuang' evolution path that Lin Yuan was dual-cultivating was closely related to the Xuanhuang Secret Realm.

"When is it likely to open?"

Lin Yuan asked.

"In about six months," Xilan replied.

"At that time, many of our human evolvers will go in to explore, and other aliens will also enter," Xilan said.

The 'Xuanhuang' Secret Realm is not a cosmic secret realm controlled by humans; other alien powerhouses can enter as well.

As a result... the most dangerous part of entering the secret realm is not the realm itself but the other aliens.

Human civilization has fought with these aliens for countless years, and their enmity runs deep. Unless there is a greater threat, they are likely to fight each other upon meeting in the secret realm.


"I'll decide then."

Lin Yuan nodded.

He was indeed interested in the 'Xuanhuang' Secret Realm since the 'Xuanhuang' evolution path he dual-cultivated originated there.

Although the 'Xuanhuang' evolution path only goes up to the Eighth Rank, Lin Yuan determined from studying its first half that it has immense potential.

It's almost on par with the Immortal Dao cultivation system of the Spiritual Realm. The Immortal Dao system, in the terms of the main world, is a Supreme evolution path with ultimate beings.


Lin Yuan followed the fixed path and arrived at 'Green Mountain' on the mother planet.

"Green Mountain Peak..."

Lin Yuan ascended the mountain path.

"This Green Mountain, is it also a treasure?"

Lin Yuan pondered deeply.

At the peak of Green Mountain.

After passing multiple identity verifications, Lin Yuan finally stood before the "Eternal Spring."

This Twelve-Star Universal Treasure appeared as a white pool over ten meters in size.

Milky white water continuously gushed from the center of the pool.

Even just looking at it, Lin Yuan felt a pure, gentle power coming towards him.

"The Eternal Spring contains eternal energy. Any life that bathes in it can extend their lifespan by at least 500,000 years."

Information about the "Eternal Spring" flashed through Lin Yuan's mind.

Extending lifespan by 500,000 years is significant, especially since all evolvers below the supreme level have finite lifespans. Even those who master time rules and can manipulate the flow of time on their bodies eventually run out of life force.

For Ninth and Tenth Rank evolvers, 500,000 years might be enough to make further breakthroughs.

Besides extending life, the Eternal Spring also has many miraculous effects on the body, enhancing physical potential and foundational strength.

This is a unique asset of human civilization. The maximum lifespan of human evolvers above the Ninth Rank is 500,000 years more than that of other races' equivalent evolvers.

The short-term effect might not be obvious, but over a long period, the advantage becomes significant.

However, the cost of activating the Eternal Spring is high. For members of human civilization, there are two ways to access it:

One is to reach the Ninth Rank.

The other is to spend five million merit points.

There are no exceptions.

A supreme being from another race once sought to use the Eternal Spring to enhance the potential of a valued protégé.

That supreme being was willing to offer an eleven-star supreme universal treasure in exchange.

An eleven-star supreme treasure is on par with the World Tree and holds immense value, capable of being a cornerstone of a race's heritage.

But in the end, human civilization refused.

It wasn't because they undervalued the eleven-star supreme treasure, but because they didn't want to "aid the enemy."

The protégé favored by that supreme being had immense potential and could become a supreme being themselves. An additional 500,000 years of life would significantly increase their chances.

Human civilization wasn't foolish enough to potentially allow another race to gain a supreme being in exchange for an eleven-star supreme treasure.

Even if that race hadn't directly conflicted with human civilization, it was absolutely not allowed.

Human civilization remains wary of even the aliens who have submitted or joined the Human Civilization Alliance, let alone others.

Aliens are inherently different, and their intentions are suspect.

"Let's begin."

Lin Yuan removed his Eighth Rank armor and entered the pool naked.

The moment he immersed himself in the milky white water, he felt a cool power permeating his skin and quickly spreading throughout his body.

"This feeling..."

Lin Yuan carefully observed the changes in his body, noticing that each cell was voraciously absorbing the spring water. In just a moment, he felt his physical potential beginning to increase.

What is physical potential?

For both Eighth Rank and Ninth Rank evolvers, the body has a limit. It doesn't strengthen infinitely, and once it nears this limit, improvement slows and eventually halts.

This is the body's potential.

An increase in potential means the body's strength can continue to rise, breaking through its previous limits and furthering one's power.

Lin Yuan's physical strength already far exceeded that of ordinary humans, enhanced tenfold by the liquid from the mysterious gourd.

Such a high limit made further improvement even more challenging, yet under the influence of the Eternal Spring's water, it began to slowly increase again.

"And lifespan..."

Lin Yuan's eyes narrowed slightly. He could sense his lifespan extending.

Ten years.

A hundred years.

A thousand years.

Ten thousand years.

The amount of lifespan each evolver gains from the Eternal Spring varies, depending on how well they absorb and adapt to the spring water, but the minimum increase is 500,000 years.

"No wonder it's a Twelve-Star Universal Treasure."

A smile appeared on Lin Yuan's face. This kind of treasure, which enhances both the foundation and lifespan of every evolver, explains how human civilization has become so powerful in just over two million years.

The World Tree has many wondrous uses, and its fruit helps evolvers develop inner worlds early.

But in terms of value, it pales in comparison to the Eternal Spring.

The World Tree primarily benefits a single evolver, while its fruit assists Sixth and Seventh Rank evolvers in developing inner worlds.

In contrast, the Eternal Spring greatly aids Ninth and Tenth Rank evolvers.

"I wonder how the Eternal Spring compares to my gourd in value."

As Lin Yuan soaked in the Eternal Spring, a thought suddenly crossed his mind.

Since obtaining the mysterious gourd, he had never fully understood its origins, and even after searching through all available human civilization records, he found no similar information.

"It's far superior."

Lin Yuan's expression grew serious.

Here, "far superior" meant that the Eternal Spring was far inferior to the mysterious gourd.

The Eternal Spring could enhance physical potential and extend lifespan by 500,000 years.

But these benefits were insignificant compared to the miraculous effects of the mysterious gourd.

While the Eternal Spring could only enhance physical potential, the mysterious gourd could directly increase the body's upper limits. Theoretically, after absorbing all seven types of liquid, the body's enhancement could reach 23.31 times its original potential.

Furthermore, this increase was a fundamental enhancement, not just a fixed strength increase.

Although extending lifespan was significant, it paled in comparison to the 23.31-fold increase in the base size of one's internal world.

The size of the internal world is crucial for Eighth Rank evolvers. Expanding it by just a hundred miles can significantly boost strength, let alone a 23.31-fold increase.

For Ninth and Tenth Rank evolvers, although the focus shifts to expanding the depth of the internal world by creating multiple spatial layers, the original size of the internal world remains fundamental.

An internal world spanning a billion miles in radius, even with only ten spatial layers, could easily crush a Ninth Rank evolver with thousands of layers but a much smaller internal world.

"I must protect my gourd."

Lin Yuan's heart tightened.

If the Eternal Spring is a Twelve-Star Universal Treasure, then what level is the mysterious gourd that surpasses it? Thirteen stars?

Time passed slowly.

In a flash, six months had gone by.

For any newly ascended Ninth Rank evolver, the time spent soaking in the Eternal Spring is limited to six months.

Beyond that, the spring water's effects diminish rapidly, rendering further soaking meaningless.

"That's about enough."

Lin Yuan stood up and stepped out of the white pool.

"My physical potential has increased by about 80%. As for lifespan? Seventy thousand years?"

Lin Yuan felt quite pleased.

Although lifespan wasn't particularly significant for him—given his extraordinary aptitude, he wouldn't need to wait until the last moment to break through—no one would complain about having more time.

After emerging from the Eternal Spring, Lin Yuan was assigned a room.

Newly ascended Ninth Rank evolvers, in addition to soaking in the Eternal Spring, are also allowed to spend one night at the top of Green Mountain near the Eternal Spring.

In the room.

For once, Lin Yuan did not train or meditate.

Instead, he sat quietly, sensing the mysterious energy flowing on the home planet.

This mysterious energy was vast and profound. Even Lin Yuan, who could now play with stars, felt as if he were back in his mother's embrace.

"I heard that the ultimate weapon of human civilization is kept on the home planet. This is why the home planet and the entire central star region have never been invaded by aliens."

Lin Yuan thought silently.

With that ultimate weapon, even if supreme beings joined forces, they wouldn't gain any advantage within the central star region.

They would only suffer defeat.

This ultimate weapon is the cornerstone of human civilization.

Every peak race's stronghold has the capability to counter supreme beings.

Otherwise, if supreme beings could come and go as they pleased, how could it be called a peak race?

"This is so relaxing."

Lin Yuan closed his eyes, savoring every detail of the home planet.


At that moment.

From the distant depths of the cosmos, a faint but unwavering call crossed countless light-years, connecting with Lin Yuan in a mysterious way.

Only Lin Yuan could sense this call. Even the home planet, the stronghold of human civilization, did not detect it.

The ultimate weapon, constantly monitoring all changes on the home planet, also sensed nothing.

None of the powerful evolvers on the home planet—Ninth Rank, Tenth Rank, Eleventh Rank—noticed anything unusual.

Even the supreme beings, whose senses constantly enveloped the home planet, detected nothing.

Everything remained unchanged.

Except for Lin Yuan.

Only Lin Yuan felt this faint yet firm call.

"Who is it?"

Lin Yuan silently opened his eyes, gazing into the depths of space, towards the source of the call.

"Who is calling me?"

(End of this chapter)

### Chapter 299: The Strongest Strike

"Who is calling me?"

Lin Yuan was astonished. The calling felt elusive, as if it might disappear at any moment, yet it also seemed indestructible. It was an extremely contradictory sensation.

"That direction?"

Lin Yuan looked into the depths of the starry sky, sensing that the call was coming from there.

"Is it the Xuanhuang Secret Realm?"

Lin Yuan's expression grew serious. The direction he looked at encompassed many star regions and alliances, and the Xuanhuang Secret Realm was just one of them. However, Lin Yuan instinctively knew that it was the Xuanhuang Secret Realm calling him.

"Is it because I cultivated the 'Xuanhuang' evolution path?"

A flurry of thoughts surged in Lin Yuan's mind. Since the discovery of the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, countless human and alien evolvers had explored it, but he had never heard of anyone being called by it.

Lin Yuan didn't think he was particularly special; the only connection he had to the Xuanhuang Secret Realm was the 'Xuanhuang' evolution path he practiced. Although he didn't consider the 'Xuanhuang' path his primary evolution route, it was one of the many he practiced, with the unique 'Xuanhuang' power circulating within him.

"My teacher's evolution path is more deeply connected to the Xuanhuang Secret Realm than I had imagined," Lin Yuan thought. 

Just because he practiced the 'Xuanhuang' evolution path, it could call out to him from an unknown number of light-years away? Moreover, this call could bypass all the isolation measures on the home planet—an incredible feat. Of course, it might just be a faint call without any substantial power, but it was still astonishing.

"The Xuanhuang Secret Realm?"

Lin Yuan squinted slightly. He had always been interested in this cosmic secret realm, and now, feeling its call, he wanted to understand its source. Was it the secret realm itself or something within it?

"It seems I need to enter the Xuanhuang Secret Realm and take a look."

Lin Yuan made up his mind. In fact, evolvers as low as the Sixth Rank, who had the ability to travel through space, often ventured into various secret realms to explore. Many semi-public secret realms existed within human civilization's territory. These realms were in relatively shallow space layers, and with reinforcement from powerful evolvers, they could maintain long-term passages to and from the main universe. Evolvers could enter these realms for a price, a common practice among them.

Lin Yuan, having reached the Ninth Rank, had never explored a secret realm before, making him an anomaly. But now, the faint call from the Xuanhuang Secret Realm sparked his desire to explore it. Regardless of the outcome, Lin Yuan had nothing to lose. There was no real risk of death—at worst, his soul might perish inside, but with his foundation, regenerating a new soul wasn't difficult.

"The Xuanhuang Secret Realm opens for a hundred years each time. Once it closes, all external life forms still inside die instantly. The cause of death is unknown, even for those whose main bodies remain outside but send avatars into the realm. They have no idea how their avatars die."

"So, the first rule for entering the Xuanhuang Secret Realm is to leave before it closes," Lin Yuan thought. If he overstayed, losing his avatar would be the least of his worries. Others didn't have his ability to easily regenerate a soul. Furthermore, any gains made within the secret realm would be left behind if one failed to exit in time. 

As these thoughts raced through his mind, Lin Yuan realized the immense advantage of belonging to a peak race. Lesser races, even if they entered the Xuanhuang Secret Realm by chance, rarely made it out with their gains. Unaware of the many secrets and taboos within, they often perished in hidden corners.

The next day, Lin Yuan left the top of Green Mountain, ending his Eternal Spring journey.

"If it weren't so costly, I'd like to bring my two other souls here for a soak," Lin Yuan thought with a slight shake of his head.

The Eternal Spring, though not as miraculous as the mysterious gourd, significantly boosted physical potential. However, the cost was exorbitant—five million merit points, even at the internal rate for human civilization.

"Within the Human Civilization Alliance, merit points can accomplish almost anything."

Lin Yuan recognized the importance of merit points. Enhancing citizenship level was just the most cost-effective use. Many internal resources of human civilization were inaccessible with conventional or universal currency; only merit points served as the key.

With enough merit points, even purchasing the Eternal Spring, a Twelve-Star Universal Treasure, was possible—albeit at a staggering cost.

"It's time to go."

Lin Yuan entered the space portal to leave his home planet and soon arrived at a transit planet.

"Come to think of it, I have an estate in the Central Star Region, don't I?" 

Lin Yuan recalled something and glanced at a certain location. It wasn't entirely accurate to call it an estate—it was actually a planet. 

A research planet.

After becoming a great evolution scholar, Lin Yuan automatically received a research planet in the Central Star Region, a place where "every inch of land is worth its weight in gold." The value of a research planet far exceeded that of a high-level planet, especially in such a prime location. 

Moreover, the research planet was equipped with numerous computational devices and a large team of professors and experts dedicated to various tasks. Lin Yuan's directive for the research planet was to tackle various difficult problems officially released by human civilization, using the computational power of the planet to slowly solve them and earn corresponding merit points.

If Lin Yuan himself oversaw the research, tackling human civilization's various challenges, he would undoubtedly earn more merit points. However, he felt it unnecessary. Solving human civilization's many issues would be a waste of his extraordinary talent.

Ten months later.

Lin Yuan traversed a significant portion of human civilization's territory and returned to the Milky Way Star Region.

"Finally back."

Lin Yuan crossed five to six hundred light-years in one step, soon arriving at the main planet of the Milky Way.

"This trip to the Central Star Region took almost two years." Lin Yuan silently appeared in the Star Lord Hall, exchanged a glance with his Taiyin soul, and sat cross-legged. This was even with Lin Yuan constantly using the Great Teleportation technique. If he had used a spaceship, it would have taken five or six years to return.

"Space layers."

Lin Yuan closed his eyes slightly, feeling the layers of space within his internal world. Although he spent most of the past one or two years traveling, he hadn't neglected his cultivation and enlightenment. In nearly two years, he had expanded the layers of space to forty-three thousand. When he first reached the Ninth Rank, he had only developed thirty-nine thousand layers.

In less than two years, he had created four thousand more layers. This would drive other newly ascended Ninth Rank evolvers to madness with envy.

"Using dozens of ordinary cosmic forces, more than ten advanced cosmic forces, and one source-level cosmic force to reach the Ninth Rank, developing space layers is as easy as playing a game."

Lin Yuan shook his head slightly. He estimated that within ten years, he could reach the stage of having one hundred thousand space layers at the Ninth Rank, possibly even sooner. Ordinary Ninth Rank evolvers started with only a few space layers, and each additional layer thereafter was a painstaking process that could take tens or hundreds of thousands of years to reach ten thousand layers.

"While my cultivation is this easy, other martial evolutionists will still need to slowly develop their space layers if they reach the Ninth Rank."

Lin Yuan suddenly thought of this. Even though he hadn't yet reached the pinnacle of the Ninth Rank, he needed to consider the Ninth Rank martial path for future martial evolutionists. It would be nearly impossible for them to follow Lin Yuan's path of comprehending dozens of cosmic forces. Most Eighth Rank martial evolvers couldn't even grasp cosmic forces.

Without the boost from cosmic forces, Ninth Rank martial evolvers wouldn't have a significant advantage in developing space layers compared to other Ninth Rank evolvers. Those who reached the Ninth Rank had thoroughly refined evolution paths, and the gap between them and martial evolution paths at the same level wasn't insurmountable.

However, the potential was different. The final valuation of the Eighth Rank martial path, given by the three goddesses, was much higher than other evolution paths because it produced more Eighth Rank individuals who could grasp cosmic forces.

"I've also been comprehending the time rules these past two years, and I think I'm close to an entry-level understanding," Lin Yuan thought to himself. Understanding the time rules at the Eighth Rank versus the Ninth Rank was vastly different. Lin Yuan could now sense the fluctuations of the time rules, and with each passing moment, his understanding deepened.

"Mastering the time rules would allow some control over time acceleration, significantly enhancing combat capabilities," Lin Yuan mused. Reversing time and moving upstream was an ability that came with a complete understanding of the time rules. Early techniques like time acceleration could be used with a basic understanding.

"Over these years, I've accumulated sixty strands of Boundary-breaking Source Power."

Lin Yuan focused his mind on the Gate of All Realms and sensed it briefly. The permanent space rift, thirty thousand meters long, in Battlefield B0001 had increased his accumulation speed to one strand every one hundred and fifty days.

Over the years, Lin Yuan had spent around twenty years breaking through to the Ninth Rank and resting afterwards, and had previously accumulated thirty strands of Boundary-breaking Source Power. Combined, he now had just over sixty strands.

"Sixty strands of Boundary-breaking Source Power are more than enough to support a physical traversal," Lin Yuan thought with a smile.

Physical traversal, unlike consciousness descent, was an almost foolproof escape method. Even against the most powerful beings, who could dominate many layers of space in the primary universe, they couldn't chase across dimensions. So far, the only method Lin Yuan knew that could transcend dimensions was through the Gate of All Realms.

"You go to Battlefield B0001 and switch places with the Solar Yuan Spirit," Lin Yuan instructed the Taiyin Yuan Spirit. The Taiyin Yuan Spirit had caught up with Lin Yuan's main body in absorbing the mysterious gourd's liquid, so now it was the Solar Yuan Spirit's turn.

At Battlefield B0001, Lin Yuan's Solar Yuan Spirit silently disappeared, replaced by the Taiyin Yuan Spirit, who then looked at the thirty-thousand-meter-long permanent space rift.

"This is unbelievable," Lin Yuan marveled. "Is this the level of an attack from the strongest?"

Before reaching the Ninth Rank, Lin Yuan could only perceive the surface of this permanent space rift. But now, as a Ninth Rank evolver, he could see through many layers of space, realizing that the rift not only tore through the primary universe's space but also through numerous layers of space within. He observed that at least forty-three thousand layers of space were affected.

Lin Yuan envisioned a powerful evolver in the distant past, wielding an ultimate weapon and unleashing a simple, yet overwhelmingly destructive strike that tore through all layers of space, making any attempt to hide futile. This was the might of a supreme strike.

Back on the main planet of the Milky Way, the Solar Yuan Spirit had returned smoothly. After reaching the Ninth Rank, Lin Yuan's travel speed had greatly increased. Although the two Yuan Spirits didn't have the World Tree to replenish their mental energy, they were still far superior to their previous states. The distance from Battlefield B0001 to the Milky Way Star Region was much shorter than from the Milky Way to the Central Star Region.

"Start absorbing," Lin Yuan said, handing the mysterious gourd to the Solar Yuan Spirit, then closed his eyes to meditate.

Half a month later, the Solar Yuan Spirit had absorbed the gourd's liquid up to the fifth type, the green liquid, matching Lin Yuan's progress.

A massive world of flames expanded within the Solar Yuan Spirit, with layer upon layer of space unfolding, reaching over a billion li in size.

"Not bad," Lin Yuan assessed. Although once the complete spatial rules were comprehended, the size of the internal world would no longer be limited by the rules, the type of rule still influenced the 'nature' of the internal world. The Solar Yuan Spirit's internal world was one of flames, while the Taiyin Yuan Spirit's was one of cold darkness. Lin Yuan's main body's internal world, however, was akin to a normal world.

"I wonder if turning the Solar Yuan Spirit back into an ethereal form and returning to a spirit form will retain the size of its internal world?" Lin Yuan pondered, then decided to leave that experiment for later.

"It's time to visit the Xuanhuang Secret Realm," he resolved. The Solar Yuan Spirit's body was entirely formed according to Lin Yuan's main body, sharing the same evolution paths, including the 'Xuanhuang' path. Now, the call from the Xuanhuang Secret Realm was sensed by both the main body and the two Yuan Spirit avatars.

With a swift movement, the Solar Yuan Spirit stood up and vanished.

(This chapter ends here.)