

"Breakfast is already prepared. I will assist you in getting ready."

I was unable to protest as she pulled me to the closet, quickly dressed me, and led me to the dining hall. As soon as we reached the large doors, the maid swiftly bowed and stormed off. Is it just me or are these maids kind of like a whirlwind?

The large doors were slowly pushed open as I entered. I was greeted by three large tables filled with chattering ladies and a small table containing the crowned prince and, who I could only assume to be the rest of the royal family. As I took my seat the man at the end of the smaller table make a gesture, causing the butlers lining the walls to make a move. With swift movements, silver trays began to decorate the carpeted tables. In unison the butlers removed the silver covers to reveal the mouthwatering delicacies underneath. Golden waffles, perfect sausage links, eggs of every kind, ham, bacon, toast, it was the perfect breakfast. I was about to dig in but caught myself and observed my surroundings. Every lady in the room had not even half of their plate covered, some even had a but a single leaf decorating their plate. As I continued to observe the other's breakfast selections, I felt hot air on my ear, causing me to twitch.

"If you truly don't care about becoming Queen, feel free to eat as you wish."

Sir Hewlett's words caused Me to giggle. I decided to follow his advice and load my plate as I wished. After my food was piled up and I was ready to dig in, I noticed that all eyes were on me. Some were gazes of amusement, others were those of disgust. Not to mention the unfathomable faces of the royal family. Without a second of regret, I began to thoroughly enjoy my loaded breakfast. And enjoy it I did. They aren't royal chefs for nothing. Breakfast concluded without a single word being spoken. As I began to walk out of the door, a loud call was heard from behind me.

"Lady Adonet, a word."

If I told myself that I would be sitting at the same table as the king five years ago, I would have slapped myself. Fear and confusion were the predominant emotions for the moment since I was, quite literally, face to face with the King.

"Did I offend you with my appetite, Your Majesty?" The King's seemed shocked by my words. The awkward silence was broken by his hearty laugh filling the room. "Do not worry, child. You are not in any kind of danger." To say I was relieved would be an understatement. I felt myself breathe again and sink into my chair in response to his words. The worst I expected was losing my head for taking one too many waffles!

"Then, Your Majesty, what did you need me for?"

"You are the only candidate who has not been evaluated by Lord Iscar. Also, as a guest of my guard captain, therefore a guest of the castle, I thought it rude to not introduce my family."

"Oh my! There truly was no need to go through all of the trouble to introduce everyone in the Royal family!"

The king's energetic manner seemed to calm down as I spoke. I was but a humble commoner, I did not deserve to have a personal introduction from the King himself. Our awkward conversation was interrupted by the arrival of Lord Iscar. "You called for me Your Majesty?" The bubbly personality of the King returned as soon as he saw Lord Iscar. "Ah! Just the man I wanted to see. This is the last candidate! You may judge her now."

My expression turned sour as I debated internally on what to do. I knew the time for me to face this man would come any day now. I guess the only question now is do I keep my mouth shut and avoid issues or let my heart do the talking? Reaching a conclusion, I fell to my knees and bowed, shocking everyone present.

"Your Majesty, I apologize, but I refuse to be judged by and imposter!"